Atoms, molecules, and chemical change (Johnson, Russel H

in Chapter 10 and a study of cell reactions and the electrolytic processes are given in Chapter 11. The relationship of the free energy change and max...
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potheses in science. It is typical of the author's efforts to blend in pertinent ideas from scienee-related fields. Chapters 8 and 9 include a study of heat and its nature and a quantitative treatment of the kinetic molecular theory. The early developments in electrochemistry are given in Chapter 10 and a study of cell reactions and the electrolytic processes are given in Chapter 11. The relationship of the free energy change and maximum work for an electrical cell is introduced. Chapter 12 considers eoncentnttion and some of the ways in which concentrations are expressed. The alkaline-earth metal family is discussed in Chapter 13. Included are important appropriate theoretical topics such as the Born-Haber cycle, the lattice energies, and hydration energies. Chapter 14 is a well-written treatment of equilibrium with consideration of certain thermodynamic ~rinciples on a noncalculus level: the free-energy equilibrium constant relationship, the heat content, and entropy relationship. The chapter concludes with a, treatment, of some representative equilibria. involv~ng both physical and chemical processes. Rates of reactions is covered in Chapter 15. In Chapters 16 and 17 the author treats acid-base theory, and heavy emphasis is placed on illustrating the applications and principles of equilibrium and mte behavior. A brief discussion of the periodio table and its utilization follows in Chapter 18. Chapter 19 is concerned with the halogen family, and additional important theoretical concepts are included with emphasis on geometry and structure. I n this chapter are found excellent treatments of the halogen acids and other binary halides. Beginning with Chapter 20, which is concerned with the early developments in the study of spectra, the author discusses the development of man's understanding of the structure of atoms and molecules, drawing upon both physics and chemistry. Chapters 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, and 29 inolude: the structure of atoms, electrons, and protons, atomic structure, X-rays, radioactivity and neutrons, nuclear reactions, electronic distribution, nature of molecules, the fine structure of molecules, and and waves. This material, which is one-13th of the text, provides the student with considerably more hackground coverage of atomic and molecular theory than found in most textbooks. The inclusion of chapters on bonding so late in the textbook might be considered a serious objection by some, but most of the descriptive chemistry still follows in later chapters. The remnining chapters (21, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36) include the rare gases, hydrogen, the oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and boron families as well as three chapters covering the bransition elements. These chapters of so-called "descriptive chemistry" include modern concepts and theories and use illustrations of the latest research findings. The last three chapters on the transition metals are exceptionally illustrative of the author's ability to correlate the chemical principles and modern theories with the properties and reactions of the elements and their compounds. Topics included are: coordination compounds, isomerism in complex ions, valence bond theory,



lournal o f Chemical Education

magnetic susceptibility and (briefly) mcdern a ~ ~ r o s c h eto a the coordinate bond (eryst'ai field, ligsnd field, and molecular orbital theory). The book is organized and written not only to teach the beginner hut also to challenge the advanced student. The second half of the hook, heainnina with the development of aton& and moiecular theory and ending with well-written c h a p tern dealing with selected families of elements, is the most impregsive part of the hook. Equally impressive in the reviewer's opinion is the fact that the text would he suitable for the non-chemistry major as well as the chemistry major. "Chemistry: An Introduction to Matter and Energy," departs from the usual pattern found in most chemistry texts. It is exceptionally will written and should be examined carefully by d l teachers of beginning chemistry.

Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction

Douglas A . Skoog, Stanford University, Stanford, California, and Dnald M. West, San Jose State College, San Jose, California. Holt, Rinehart, ttnd Wins527 pp. ton, New York, 1965. x Figs. and tables. 16 x 23 cm. $7.95.


Rather than being a new text on analytical chemistry, this book is simply an ahbreviated version of the earlier "Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry," by the same authors. Absolutely no novel material is presented in the newer book; instead, 21 of the 31 chapters of the earlier text have been gathered together to create a volume having 527 rather than 786 pages. The cost per page has, incidentally, increased. Since the material contained in this volume is also covered in the earlier book, my comments (Anal. Chen., 35(8), 50.4 P. CALVINMAYBURY [1963]) regarding that version are still applicable. Presumably, the justification University of South Flmida for this condensed version of the older text Tampa is that the present book will serve the need for an introductory text, perhaps in a onesemester course. Unfortunately, the ten Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical chapters which were omitted contained Change most of the modern topios in the earlier book. I t is difficult to see what adRussell H . Johnson, Florida State vsntages the new book has to offer over University, Tallahassee, and Ernest other introductory texts or, for that ma+ h n w a l d , Brandeis University, Waltter, the larger version. ham, Massachusetts. 2nd ed. PrenIn the preface, the authors state one of tice-Hall, Ine., Englewood Cliffs, New .providing the student their aims as Jersey, 1965. xiii 354 pp. Figs. and with an understanding of potentiometric tables. 17 X 24 cm. $7.50. titration techniques in general, and the operation of the glass electrode in parThe second edition of this excellent text ticular!' On p. 434 the operation of the for s general education course in college glass electrode is then explained in terms chemistry is even better than the first. of transfer of hydrogen ions through the Adding a hundred pages has permitted glass membrane and experimental support the authors to explain more fully some of (no reference) for this explanation is the basic ohemical principles which were claimed. Actually, the operation of the treated with insufficient detail in the first glass electrode does not involve penetraedition. The sequence of ideas presented tion of the membrane by hydrogen ions, is unchanged but a chapter on chemical and the experimental evidence is exactly equilibrium has been added. The text in contradiction to that quoted. presents a carefully developed argument for the existence of atoms and molecules GARRY A. RECHNITZ and outlines modern theories concerning University of Pennsylvania their structure. Chemical properties are Philadelphia then discussed in terms of structure. The interdependence of experiment and theory are repeatedly stnssed to help the student realize that chemistry is an experimental science and that theories are only mental constructs based on observations of matter and its transformations. The ~rincinles Problems in Inorganic Chemistry B. J . Aylett and B. C. Smith, both of the University of London. English Universities Press, Ltd., London, 1965. xii principles. 154 pp. Figs. and tables. 14.5 X 22.5 The additional mmaterials on work and cm. $3. energy, the Bohr atom, and the wave meThis small volume consists of 85 pages of ohanicd concepts which have supplanted Problem and 64 pages of Anawers. The Bohr theom maintain the same hieh standlength of the latter section results from ard of cl&ity which character&d the the authors' broad interpretation of the writing in the first edition. The illustraword problem. Many of the i t e m intions, art work, and general physical makecluded are simply questions that call for up of the second edition are more attracdescriptive answers, interpretations of tive than in the first. This text should data, or equations for methods of synthesis be examined carefully by anyone planning or reactions of specific compounds. Even to teach a course for the general educaso, some of these are rather formidable even tion of students not majoring in the scifor the more advanced student (or his ences. teacher), e.g., "Sketch thestructures of the E n w m C. F ~ L L E Rknown boron hydridea." Belmt College (Continued a page A910) Beloit, Wisconsin


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