AUGUST 1969 - ACS Publications - American

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Contents J U L Y / A U G U S T


Symposium on the Importance of Nonvolatile Compounds in Flavor

677 677 681 686 689 696 701 704

709 712 717

723 728 733 740

Introduction Some Functions of the Sense of Taste Money R. Rare Role of Lipids in Flavors David A. Forss The Taste of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins Juerg Solms The Contribution of Peptides and Amino Acids to the Taste of Foodstuffs Jiro Kirimura, Akira Shimizu, Akimitsu Kimizuka, Tsunehiko Ninomiya, andNoboru Katsuya Taste and Structure in Phenolic Glycosides R. M. Horowitz and Bruno Gentili Molecular Structure and Sweet Taste R. S. Shallenberger and T. E. Acree Chemistry and Physiological Properties of Gymnemic Acid, the Antisaccharine Principle of the Leaves of Gymnema sylvestre Walter Stocklin Chemoreceptor Proteins from Taste Buds Steven Price Meat and Fish Flavors, Significance of Ribomononucleotides and Their Metabolites N. R. Jones Nonvolatile Components of Black Tea and Their Contribution to the Character of the Beverage David J. Millin, David J. Crispin, and Derwent Swaine Amadori Compounds as Nonvolatile Flavor Precursors in Processed Foods Frank D. Mills, B. Gene Baker, and John E. Hodge Nonvolatile Flavor Components of Peanuts M. E. Mason, J. A. Newell, B. R. Johnson, P. E. Koehler, and G. R. Waller Importance of Nonvolatile Compounds to the Flavor of Coffee J. R. Feldman, W. S. Ryder, and J. T. Kung Role of Nonvolatile Compounds in Bread Flavor J. A. Johnson and A. A. El-Dash End of Symposium

747 751 760 764 767




Thermal Degradation of Carbohydrates—A Review Irving S. Fagerson Volatile Constituents of Banana (M. cavendishii, Variety Valéry) Emily L. Wick, Tei Yamanishi, Akio Kobayashi, Sonia Valenzuela, and Phillip Issenberg Flavor Components of Onion Oil M. H. Brodnitz, C. L. Pollock, and P. P. Vallon Nutritive Composition of Irradiated Gulf Oysters Stored in Ice Joseph A. Liuzzo, Stephen C. Lagarde, and Arthur F. Novak Physico-Chemical Studies on the Gelation of Hen's Egg Yolk, Separation of Gelling Protein Components from Yolk Plasma S. Mahadevan, T. Satyanarayana, and S. A. Kumar 4



EDITOR: PHILIP K. BATES Manager, Manuscript Reviewing: Katherine I. Biggs Manager, Manuscript Editing: Ruth Reynard Assistant Editor: Norma Yess Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Manager: Bacil Guiley Layout: Herbert Kuttner Production—Easton, Pa. 18042 Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant: Jane M. Andrews 674 J. AGR. FOOD CHEM.





EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone 202-737-3337 Teletype WA 23 ADVISORY BOARD Ron G. Buttery, Richard Hall, Irwin Hornstein, J. B. Knaak, Gordon Mackinney, Robert L. Metcalf, John H. Nair, III, Alvin B. Phillips, W. F. Phillips, Cecil H. Van Etten, J. Wade Van Valkenburg, Jr., Emily L. Wick




Director of Publications: Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations: Joseph H. Kuney Publication Manager, Journals: David E. Gushee Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications: Rodney N. Hader Circulation Director, ACS Publications: Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the Director of Publications: William Q. Hull

Contents Continued 860

Metabolism of ο,ρ'- and ρ,ρ'-ΌΌΎ by Rumen Microorganisms G. R. Fries, G. S. Marrow, and C. H. Gordon


Synthesis and Biological Properties of Insecticidal /V-(Mercaptomethyl)Phthalimide-S(O-alkyl)-alkylphosphonodithioates and Thiolates Karoly Szabo and Julius J. Menn


Residues of Fumigant Mixture in Cereals Fumigated and Aired at Two Different Temperatures Eugenia Alumot and Rachel Bielorai


Analysis of Pentachlorophenol Residues in Soil, Water, and Fish Ake Stark


Validity of Using Soil Fortification with Dieldrin t o Measure Solvent Extraction Efficiency J. G. Saha, Bharati Bhacaraju, and Y. W. Lee


Factors Affecting Extraction of D i e l d r i n - u C from Soil J. G. Saha, Bharati Bhavaraju, Y. W. Lee, and R. L. Randell Confirmatory Isolation and Identification of a Metabolite of Carbaryl in Urine and Milk R. L. Baron, J. Sphon, J. T. Chen, E. Lustig, J. D. Doherty, E. A. Hansen, and S. Kolbye Determination of Residues of Banol and Other Carbamate Pesticides after Hydrolysis and Chloroacetylation Robert J. Argauer

883 888




Meat Flavor. Method for Rapid Preparation of the Water-Soluble Low Molecular Weight Fraction of Meat Tissue Extracts Laura L. Zaika Metabolism of Lindane t o Tetrachlorobenzene Walter T. Reed and Andrew J. Forgo s h


Quantitative Estimation of the Fungicide Benomyl Using a Bioautograph Technique Cam! A. Peterson and L. V. Edgington


Purification Procedure for Low Polarity Solvents Roger C. Tindle


Free Amino Acids in Porcine Muscle Jane A. Bowers G a s Chromatographic Determination through Maltoheptaose J. B. Beadle Base-Catalyzed Sucrose Degradation Philip E. Shaw, James H. Tatum, Notices Guide for Authors G a s Chromatographic Methods


907 909 911 912

Aged One or Eight Days of Starch Hydrolyzate Saccharide Distribution

Studies and Robert E. Berry

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J O U R N A L OF A G R I C U L T U R A L AND F O O D CHEMISTRY a n d o t h e r A C S per­

iodicals are available on microfilm. For information write t o : M I C R O F I L M , Special Issues Sales, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Easton, Pa. The American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors to its publications. Guide for Authors appears on page 671 of this issue. Manuscript (3 copies) should be submitted t o Manager, Manuscript Reviewing, J. Agr. F o o d Chem., 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , Washington, D . C . 20036. 676

J. A G R . F O O D C H E M .