August Sauter of America, Inc

F. N. Abercrombie, D. J,. Koop,M. D. Silvester, Barringer Re- search Ltd. ... M. W. Wassell, Pye Uni- cam/Philips. Effect of Physical Parameters. Such...
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News Collection and Analysis of Air­ borne Particulates in Air Quality Surveys. F. N. Abercrombie, D. J. Koop, M. D. Silvester, Barringer Re­ search Ltd. Trace Metals Analysis in Silicon and Aluminum Metals by Induc­ tively Coupled Plasma. W. Zamechek, Union Carbide Corp. Sampling Approaches for Induc­ tively Coupled Plasma in Practical Analyses. R. F. Browner, Georgia In­ stitute of Technology Thursday Morning, Dec. 1 Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Chairman: T. Y. Kometani, Bell Labs

Time Resolution Studies in Graph­ ite Furnace. L. Morgenthaler, Jarrell-Ash Polarized Zeemann Atomic Absorp­ tion. J. Miller, Nissei Sanyo Hitachi Effect of Graphite Cuvette Param­ eters on Analytical Performance in Flameless Atomic Absorption Spec­ trometry. M. W. Wassell, Pye Unicam/Philips Effect of Physical Parameters Such as Heating Rate, Final Tem­ perature, and Graphite Surface on Precision and Sensitivity in Graph­ ite Furnace AA. S. Smith, Instru­ mentation Lab Improvement in Precision and De­ tection Limits of Nonflame Fur­

nace Atomizers Utilizing Auto­ mated Sample Delivery System. J. Steensrud, Varian Instruments Design Considerations for Graph­ ite Furnace Atomizer. R. Beaty, Perkin-Elmer Corp. Panel Discussion. Speakers

SAS Award Symposium Thursday Afternoon, Dec. 1 Chairman: J. P. Luongo, Bell Labs Presentation of 1977 New York So­ ciety for Applied Spectroscopy Medal to D. L. Wood. Award Ad­ dress: TV Direct Reading Spec­ trometer. D. L. Wood, Bell Labs

Compare B a l a n c e s . . . Sauter has a broader range of electronic and ο mechanical balances; far heavier, sturdier construction; and better prices. Electronic Precision Balance Typ RS 25

Electronics 12 Capacities Dual ranges. Automatic Tare. Analog and Digital outputs. Readings to 10 mg. Capa­ cities from 80 g to 1200 kg.

Analyticals 18 Models 00 13BB k" tOG9?S *

Readability to 1 microgram, capacities from 2 mg to 200 grams. Tare, pre-weigh, hydraulic release, high weighing chambers, etc.

Top Loaders 20 Models Digital and „hands-off ' Ana­ log models with capacities from 160 g to 20 kg. Read­ ability to 1 mg. Interchan­ geable pans. Tare. AutoLevelling, etc.

Compounding? Batching? Be sure with Sauter! Three digital readouts give an overview of the whole operation. Read the weight of each ingredient as you add it. And also read the total weight of all the ingredients previously added. All electronic, 1 gram precision, 25 kg capacity. For a catalog describing the extensive Sauter Lab Balance line, write or call: CIRCLE 188 ON READER SERVICE CARD 1116 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 49, NO. 13, NOVEMBER


SAUTER August Sauter of America, Inc. 80 Fifth A v e n u e N e w York, N.Y. 10011 Phone (212) 685-6659 Telex 421790