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Manufacturing Experience

Ultra Modern Balances for tomorrow's problems

NEW PRODUCTS t h a n 10 p.p.m. per hour thereafter. When switched by coarse control, volt­ age m a y be reset to better t h a n 10 p.p.m. a t a n y time. T h e power supply provides con­ tinuously variable voltage from 500 to 1800 volts positive, a t load currents u p to 5 m a . Additional features include high current capacity, low o u t p u t im­ pedance, a n d rapid surge recovery time. 1< Projection Balance A semiautomatic projection balance which reads directly t o 200 grams in steps of 0.1 milligram is being m a n u ­ factured b y A^oland & Sens, I n c . T h e instrument offers accuracy a n d fast operation a n d requires no external weights.

An optical projection system a u t o ­ matically displays weights in t h e range of 0.0000 g r a m ; weights from 0.1 to 100 grams are controlled b y knobs and read directly from, dials. T h e system is mounted on a rigid aluminum chassis for reduction of vibration effects. Ί1 Vapor Equivalent Apparatus


Eleven capacities from 1. mg. to 2.5g . . . Take this balance to the weighing job . . . no preloading . . . no weights required . . . single knob control . . . full circle, freely rotating dial . . . guaranteed magnetic and shockproof. $175.00 and up— f.o.b. Kew York

A U G U S T SAUTER OF NEW YORK, INC. 230 PARK AVE., NEW YORK 17, Ν. Υ. Ask your Laboratory Supply Dealer, or write direct, for Bulletin Α - Ί 0 4 5 . Circle No. 68 A-1 an Readers' Service Card, page 61 A

68 A

the complete line in R e s e a r c h Laboratory Equipment Precision Scientific Company manufac­ tures a COMPLETE SELECTION or more than 1500 items for use in research laboratories. Q u a l i t y control and high manufacturing standards at our factory assure you o f top performance on any item stamped w i t h the " P r e c i s i o n " name. Always specify Precision when you order items like these:

G r a v i t y or m e c h a n i c a l convection, f l o o r , t a b l e or w a l l mounting types. Haz­ ard-safe, e x p l o s i o n - p r o o f and vacuum models. Also 'incubators, sterilizers, con­ ditioning and annealing ovens and humidity c a b i ­ nets.


NO. 180


Freas Ovens

NO. 722

Six capacities from 200g. to 10kg. . . . Accurate . . . reliable . . . instantane­ ous weighings . . . self indicating fractional readings . . . 100 divisions on 8% inch scale . . . optional calibra­ tions, including double calibrations, in ounces . . . dwt. . . grams... grains. $265.00 and up — f.o.b. New York


An i n s t r u m e n t designed for rapid determinations of vapor equivalent in residues from n a t u r a l gas samples, or of a n y liquid with a vapor pressure of more t h a n 4 m m . a t t h e t e m p e r a t u r e of the vaporization bulb, is announced b y Central Scientific Co. T h e apparatus, which also determines molecular weights, is said to measure t h e volume of vapor produced b y a unit volume of liquid in approximately 10 minutes. M o u n t e d within a glass constant tem­ perature b a t h , t h e a p p a r a t u s includes a vaporization bulb with a n integral multiplying m a n o m e t e r ; a removable sample e n t r y system consisting of a n orifice a n d matching pyenometer; a n d an electric heater. I n making equiva­ lent determinations, t h e pyenometer is filled with a sample, t h e sample is For further information, see coupon on page 61 A

Petroleum Testing Apparatus AM types of equipment for the petroleum laboratory. Unique Front-View D i s t i l ­ lation Units shown pro­ mote accuracy and easier use by centralizing a l l con­ trols and reading instru­ ments in front. More com­ pact, space-saving design.

Metallurgical H a n d Polisher


Ideal for small labora­ tories or for standardized hand polishing procedures in larger labs. Enclosed drive mechanism and life­ time sealed motor assure long, dependable opera­ t i o n . Exceptionally q u i e t .

" T i m e - I t " Electrical Stop Watch Large, legible indicating counter easier to read than conventional watches. Readings to 1 / 1 0 second I Can be re-sel to zero from any reading or successive readings can be t o t a l e d . W r i t e for

free Bulletins on any of the above equipment.

Precision Scientific Company 3735 West Cortland Street Chicago 4 7 Circle Nos. 68 A-2, 68 A-3, 68 A-4, 68 A-5 on Readers' Service Card, page 61 A