August's Headlines - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Publication Date: September 1946. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 38, 9, 977-978. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's fi...
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Events during the Month, of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Executives

‘-AC-GL-STti. American Viscose Corp. stockholders nppruvc. buying Sylvania Industrial Corp.w~Peririsy1vaniaSalt 51unufacturing Co. buys Iientucky Babb fluorspar mine near Snlcm. liy.5-4Xate Department relrases accord agreement, of 12 nations providing reciprocal use of “~vellover 100,000’’ Gf>rni:mon-iied patents, registered with various participating natiotis3. Department of Agriculture grants distillers permission to resume production of Thisky and other distilled spirits.--British Government issues statement stressing importance of Iranian oil arid endorsing “gre3t achievenirnt” of .Ingle-Iranian Oil eo..Japan obscrves first anniversary of bomb dropping on Hiroshimn with prayer and celebration.--,PP.i says phenolic resins will t J f ~ allocated after Sept. 1. ----1. L. Vilcs, prrlsident ltubher ~ I R I I U facturers - h o c i a t i o n , predicts coilsumption of rubber in U. S.i n 1946 will approach million-ton mark for first time.

a , A k r ~ 1.; ~President ~ ~ Truman sigrls bill creatirig civilimdominated commission for control and development of atomic Atomic Energy Commission begins inenergy in C . S,--CX Gen. L. R. Grove> formal deliberations in hopeful mood.--blaj. aiinounces Camp Kpton on Long Island has been selected for proposed new Northeast SatioIial Laboratory, one of three centerr where research in nuclear physics will be conducted.- -Civilian Production Administration says Germany and JapaIi will g