author - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Scoble, . A., 1652. Sepaniak, M. J., 1733. Sidbury, J. B., 1674. Simon, W., 1600. Small, H„ 1716. Sorensen, J. A., 1594. Spiegelman, C. H., 1639. Sp...
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Analytical CHEMISTRY

EDITOR: GEORGE H. MORRISON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Klaus Blemann, Georges Guiochon, Fred E. Lytle, Robert A. Osteryoung, John A. Smith Editorial Headquarters 1155 SixteenthSt.,N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Teletype: 710-8220 151

AUTHOR INDEX Andreolini, F., 1720

Leach, J. M., 1701

Appelhans, A. D., 1685

Liberato, D. J., 1674

Arnold, Μ. Α., 1604

Lipkowitz, Κ. Β., 1731

Asada, T., 1652

Louris, J. N., 1677

Bartos, B., 1737

Maciel, G. E., 1659

Batley, G. E., 1608

Marcomini, Α., 1709

Bellocq, J., 1695

Marniesse, M.-P., 1695

Biemann, K., 1652

Martin, S. Α., 1652

Bilewicz, Α., 1737

Matsumoto, K., 1647

Bornhop, D. J., 1632

McCreery, R. L , 1615

Borra, C , 1720 Managing Editor: Sharon G. Boots

McLuckey, S. Α., 1670 Metzger, E., 1600

Associate Editors: Stuart A. Borman,

Caccamo, F., 1720

Michael, J. L ,

Rani A. George, Louise Voress

Carroll, R. J., 1639

Miller, D. J., 1705

Assistant Editors: Mary D. Warner, GraceΚ.Lee


Castellano, S. M., 1726 Chisholm, W. P., 1726

Narbutt, J., 1737

Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran

Chritz, Κ. Μ., 1716

Novâk, J., 1692

Art Director: Alan Kahan

Chung, L. T. K., 1701

Designer: Sharon Harris Wolfgang

Cooks, R. G., 1677

ProductionEditor:Elizabeth Ε. Wood

Costello, C. E., 1652

Circulation:CynthiaG.Smith Editorial Assistant, LabGuide: Joanne Mullican

Parish, C. Α., 1731 Dahl, D. Α., 1685

Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio

Darden, T., 1731

Associate Head: Marianne Brogan

Delmore, J. E., 1685

Associate Editor: Rodney L. Temos

Demeter, D. Α., 1731

Advisory Board: Shier S. Berman, Brian S. Bidlingmeyer, Henry Ν. Blount, Gary D. Chris­ tian, Harry V. Drushel, Larry R. Faulkner, Peter R. Griffiths, Gary M. Hieftje, Nobuhiko Ishiba­ shi, Mary A. Kaiser, David L. Nelson, Erno Pun­ gor, Dennis Schuetzle, Nicholas Winograd, Ed­ ward S. Yeung, Andrew Τ. Zander Instrumentation Advisory Panel: Howard G. Barth, Richard F. Browner, James B. Callis, Richard S. Danchik, Thomas C. Farrar, Joel M. Harris, John F. Holland, Ronald E. Majors, Linda Β. McGown The Analytical Approach Advisory Panel: Ed­ ward C. Dunlop, Robert A. Hofstader, Wilbur D. Shults

Roth, M., 1692

Dovichi, N. J., 1632 Samperi, R., 1720 Egolf, D. S., 1586 Esteban, N. V., 1674 Ewald, M., 1695

Sardashti, M., 1659 Sato, K., 1652 Scoble, Η. Α., 1652 Sepaniak, M. J., 1733 Sidbury, J. B., 1674

Florence, T. M., 1608 Forsyth, D. S., 1742

Simon, W., 1600 Small, H., 1716 Sorensen, J. Α., 1594

Garrigues, P., 1695

Spiegelman, C. H., 1639

Gautschi, K., 1600

Sprecher, R. F., 1726

Giger, W., 1709

Stafford, G. C , Jr., 1677

Glass, G. E., 1594

Stevens, T. S., 1716 Suter, G. W., 1644 Syka, J. E. P., 1677

Harris, J. M., 1620 Hatfield, G. R., 1659 Hieftje, G. M., 1664

Director: D. Η. Michael Bowen

Hoyer, B., 1608

Journals: Charles R. Bertsch

The American Chemical Society and its eniinrH assume no responsibility tor the statements and opinions advanced by contributors. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society

Poston, P. E., 1620 Retcofsky, H. L , 1726

Hawthorne, S. B., 1705

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