Author Index - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Instrumentation Advisory Panel: James B. Call is, Bruce Chase, R. Graham Cooks, L. J.. Cline Love, Sanford P. Markey, Ronald E. Ma- jors, Linda B. McG...
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Aasoclate M/tm:Rani A. George, Louise Vwess, Mary Wamer Assistant M)tws: Gram K. Lee, Alan R. Newmen

Editaaf Assistaw Fellcla Wach

Dkectw, opwatloml

C. Mlchaei

WlHPpe production Manegw: Leroy L.


Art Dkectoc Alan K a h n

Des&nef: Amy Meyer Phifer ProducUon E&: C/r&t&m:

Adley, D. P., 843 Anton, K., 876 Azumi, T., 883 Baldwin, R. P., 852 Barber, T. E., 861 Beary, E. S.,823, 827 Becker, C. H., 805 Bobbitt, D. R., 910 Braman, R. S.,838 Bright, F. V., 905 Bruno, A. E., 876 Bushee, D. S.,827

Elizabeth E. Wood

CIaud R & m

Mnwlal Assistent, LsMui&: Joanne Mullican

Journcllr o.ot.,Coiumbw ohto Associaa,Hsad:MariarmeBrogan

Jocmals Ediihg Maimgw:Joseph E. Yuvati

Carnahan, J. W., 895 Catena, G. C., 905 Chmeik, J., 912 Ciszewski, A., 856 Cobb, G. P., 838 Cotton, T. M., 888

Assochrte wltw:Rodney L. Terns Staff EditwStmron K. HstfW

Ikrrtd:Bernard J. Bulkin, Michael S. Epste~in,Reneat Qijtels, Peter R. GrifMhs, Thomas L. Isenhour, Nobuhtko Ishibashl, Jamss W. jorgenson, Peter C. Jurs, Mary A. Kalzw, David L. Melson, Lawrence A. P a w , Ralph E. Sur-, George S. Wilson, Wry J. wM1I, Andrew T. Zander, Rlchard N. Zare Ex offtdo: Sam P. Perone Advkory Pan& J%mes 8. Callis, Bruce chese,R. Graham Cooks, L. J. Cline Love, Sanfud P.Merkey. RonaM E. MaLinda B.Mcaown, Gary w. Small. R. Mark



Pubfiished6ythe AMEREAH CHEMICAL 8OClETY 1155 18th Street, N.W. Washlngton. DC 20036 pu#ice#onrMvtsloR Mrectoc Robert H. Marks Joumeh:Charles R. Bertsch

Deml, M., 912 Douglas, J. G., 922 Erskine, S.R., 910 Fish, J. R., 856 Fletcher, R. A,, 914 Gassmann, E.,876 Gee, S. J., 819 Giddings, J. C., 811 Gilbert, R. A., 838 Grayson, M. A., 802 Hammock, B. D., 819 Hansen, M. E., 811 Hercules, D. M., 898 Hoffmann, D. P., 898 Horiguchi, M., 883 Huestis, D. L., 805

Spec&/ publications: Randall E. Wedin ManuMxlpt requirements are published In the Jenuery 1, 1989 issue, pagp 91. Manuscripts for p&lication (4 copies)should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYat the ACS Washing ton ad&-.

JanEa, J., 912 Johnson, P. A., 861 Jurs, P. C., 863

Li, Q.X., 819 Malinski, T., 856 Maple, J. R., 872 Marko-Varga, G. A., 831 McChesney, M. M., 819 Moharir, Y., 925 Moody, J. R., 823, 827 Morelli, J. J., 802 Neill, P. H., 895 Ni, F., 888 Pace, C. F., 872 Pallix, J. B., 805 Park, J., 848 Paulsen, P. J., 827 Periclgs, N., 876 Prabhu, S. V., 852 Proctor, A., 898 Rosenfeld, J. M., 925 Sandler, S. D., 925 Schuhle, U.,805 Seiber, J. N., 819 Shaw, B. R., 848 Sioda, R. E., 856 Smith, B. W., 861 Sutton, G. P., 863 Terazima, M., 883 Thomas, L., 888 Tidwell, C. J., 917 Tran, C. D., 928 Underhill, D. W., 843, 917 Van Fleet, T. A., 928 Winans, R. E.,895 Winefordner, J. D., 861 Wissink, C. E., 823 Wolf, C. J., 802 Zhang, L., 895

The American Chemical Society and Its edltors assume no responsibility for the statements and oplnions advanced by contributors. Views expressed In the editorials are those of the editors and do not necesserlly represent the official position of the American Chemical SOCiety.