Author Index - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Apr 30, 1991 - Chapter DOI: 10.1021/bk-1991-0460.ix001. ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 460 .... Can stripping the air of its moisture quench the world's ...
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Downloaded by on April 24, 2018 | Publication Date: April 30, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0460.ix001

Author Index Abuja, P. M., 301 Adney, William S., 22 Baker, J. O., 137,313 Bastawde, Kulbhushan B., 417 Bielecki, S.,467 Biely, Peter, 408 Bjamason, J. B., 62 Bonnarme, Pascal, 200 Brown, B. J., 450 Brown, J. Α., 188 Cai, Danying, 180 Chahal, D. S., I l l Chow, M. C, 450 Claeyssens, M., 301 Coutinho, John B„ 349 Crabb, W. Douglas, 82 Duhart, D. J., 384 Elliston, K. O., 290 Esterbauer, H., 301 Evans, K. W., 123 Eveleigh, D. E., 290 Fletcher, Kathleen, 152 Hint, V. M., 384 Forrester, Ian T., 95,152 Fox, J. W., 62 Galas, E., 467 Gilkes, Neil R., 349 Godfrey, B. J., 188 Gold, M. H., 188 Gooday, Graham W., 478 Grabski, Anthony C, 152 Greenwood, Jeffrey M., 349 Grohmann, K.,2,137,313 Hayn, M., 301 Higuchi, Takayoshi, 236 Himmel, Michael E., 2,22,137,313 Hoffinan, C. L., 384 Horikoshi, Koki, 52 Jeffries, Thomas W., 200 Johnson, K. G., 270 Kantelinen, Α., 12 Katkocin, D. M., 384 Kilburn, Douglas G., 349 Korte, H.,426 Lastick, Stanley M., 486

Lawson, R. G, 123 Leatham, Gary F., 95 Lee, Chanyong, 36 Lee, Yong-Eok, 36 Lehtonen, P., 225 Leisola, M., 225 Linden, James C, 331 Mathupala, Saroj P., 362 Mayfield, M. B., 188 McCleary, Barry V., 437 Meagher, Michael M., 417 Meinke, Andreas, 349 Miller, Robert C, Jr., 349 Mishra, Chittra, 95 Mitchell, D. J., 137,313 Morohoshi, Noriyuki, 207 Oh, Κ. K., 137 Ong, Edgar, 349 Overend, R. P., 270 Perez, Juana, 200 Polvinen, K., 225 Poutanen, K., 426 Preston, J. F., Ill, 450 Puis, J., 426 Ràttô, M., 12 Reilly, Peter J., 417 Rele, Meenakshi V., 417 Rice, J. D., 450 Rivard, Christopher J., 22 Robyt, John F., 394 Saha, Badal C, 36,362 Sarkanen, Simo, 247 Shahan, Mark N., 152 Shannon, J. D., 62 Shiang, Ming, 331 Spears, Ronald M., 169 Spencer, C. Thomas, 486 Srinivasan, Mandayam C, 417 Stames, R. L., 384 Sundquist, J., 12 Tabatabai, Louisa B., 417 Tao, Bernard Y., 372 Tenkanen, M., 426 Tien, Ming, 180 Trackman, P. C, 384

503 Leatham and Himmel; Enzymes in Biomass Conversion ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.


504 Umezawa, Toshiaki, 236 Valli, Κ., 188 Vartak, Hari G., 417 Viikari, L., 12 Visuri, K., 225

Wariishi, H., 188 Warren, Antony J., 349 Yablonsky, M. D., 290 Zeikus, J. Gregory, 36,362

Downloaded by on April 24, 2018 | Publication Date: April 30, 1991 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1991-0460.ix001

Affiliation Index BFH Institute of Wood Chemistry, 426 Cell Technology, Inc., 123 Colorado State University, 331 Cultor Ltd. (Finland), 225 Entotech, Inc., 384 FPPRI (Finland), 12 Genencor International, Inc., 82 Iowa State University, 394,417 Kyoto University, 236 MegaZyme (Australia) Pty. Ltd., 437 Michigan Biotechnology Institute, 36,362 Michigan State University, 36, 362 Michigan Technological University, 450 National Chemical Laboratory (India), 417 National Research Council of Canada, 270 Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, 188 The Pennsylvania State University, 180 Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology, Inc., 169 Purdue University, 372 Repligen-Sandoz Research Corporation, 95 The Riken Institute, 52 Rutgers University, 290

Slovak Academy of Sciences (Czechoslovakia), 408 Solar Energy Research Institute, 2,22,137,313,486 State University Ghent (Belgium), 301 Technical University of Lodz (Poland), 467 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 207 TosoHaas, 152 USDA Forest Products Laboratory, 200 USDA National Animal Disease Center, 417 University of Aberdeen (Scotland), 478 The University of British Columbia, 349 University of Florida—Gainesville, 450 University of Graz (Austria), 301 University of Iceland, 62 University of Minnesota—St. Paul, 247 University of Quebec, 111 University of Virginia Medical School, 62 University of Wisconsin—Madison, 95,152 VTT Biotechnical Laboratory, 12,426 VTT Food Research Laboratory, 426

Subject Index A Acceptor reactions occurrence, 399 efficiencies, relative, 399,401i,403 mechanisms, 399,40Qf Accessory enzymes involved in xylan hydrolysis α-arabinosidases, 428r,429 esterases, 430-43 l,432r α-glucuronidases, 429,430i substituent-cleaving enzymes, 431,433 β-xylosidases, 427-428

Acetivibrio cellulofyticus, cellulase activity, 332 Acetyl esterases, function, 430 N-Acetylglucosaminidases, function, 480 Acetyl xylan esterases, function, 430-43 1,432* Acidothermus cellulofyticus cellulase activity, 334,335/341,342/ cellulase production parameters, 341,343i cellulase synthesis regulation, model development, 341-346 concentration vs. rate of cellulase synthesis, 344,345/

Leatham and Himmel; Enzymes in Biomass Conversion ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.