Author Index - American Chemical Society

Chemical Abstracts Service, 128. Fachinformationszentrum Energie ... Hampden Data Services, 9. Institute for Scientific. Information, 29. Integrated ...
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Author Index

Downloaded by on December 26, 2017 | Publication Date: June 15, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0341.ix001

Dayton, David L . , 128 Ditschke, Christa, 88 Fein, Alvin Ε . , 62 Figueras, John, 37 Hanson, Robert Μ., 120 Jochum, Clemens, 88 Johns, Trisha Μ., 18 Lawson, Alexander J . , 80 Lentz, Jean-Pierre, 88

McDaniel, Joseph R., 62 Meyer, Daniel Ε . , 29 Milne, G. W. Α . , 102 Niedermeyr, Walter, 143 Sanderson, Jack Μ., 128 Town, William G . , 9 Wipke, Todd W., 9 del Rey, Donna, 48

Affiliation Index B e i l s t e i n - I n s t i t u t , 80,88 Chemical Abstracts Service, 128 Fachinformationszentrum Energie Physik Mathematik GmbH, 143 Fein-Marquart Associates, I n c . , 62 G. D. Searle & C o . , 18 Hampden Data Services, 9

Institute for S c i e n t i f i c Information, 29 Integrated Graphics, 120 Molecular Design Limited, 48 National Cancer Institute, 102 University of C a l i f o r n i a , 1

Subject Index

Algorithmic structure display, description, 130 American Chemical Society primary journals, production, 131 Apple Macintosh advantages, 22 short learning curve, 22 software, 23 switcher u t i l i t y , 23-24 Application interface d e f i n i t i o n , 132 example, 132,133f Attachment point, description, 71 Automated patent system, software development, 141

Β B e i l s t e i n data base decentralized input, 89,91 description, 80 generation, 91,92f sources of information, 89,92f

B e i l s t e i n g r i d , example of entries, 81-82,84f B e i l s t e i n Handbook entry, 81 main s e r i e s , 81 supplementary s e r i e s , 81 B e i l s t e i n information pool future concept, 89,90f state of progress, 88-89,90f B e i l s t e i n system location of pointers, 82,84f pointers, 82 SANDRA screen, 83,84f structure example, 82,84f B e i l s t e i n system algorithm c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of features of the fragments, 83,85 fragmentation, 83 hash description of sample, 86,87f pointer l i s t s , 86t running number, 86t twelve-digit code, 85 Binary raster images, reproduction, 145


Warr; Graphics for Chemical Structures ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.