Author Index

Carleton University, 226. Case Western Reserve University, 2. Central Michigan University, 250. 454 ... University of Florida, 113. University of Mass...
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Downloaded by on April 2, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0624.ix001

Author Index Babb, David Α., 431 Baum, Kurt, 362 Beecroft, Laura L., 392 Bhatnagar, Atul, 250 Brittain, William J., 322 Carter, Kenneth R., 276 Claussen, Wilhelm, 145 Cummings, S., 113 Devonport, Wayne, 186 Douglas, J. E., 226 Fréchet, Jean M . J., 132 Gandon, S., 306 Ginsburg, E., 113 Guo, Hongjie, 99 Hadziiouannou, E., 350 Haidar, B., 350 Hawker, Craig J., 132,186 Hay, Allan S., 239 Hedrick, James L., 210,266,294 Heitz, W., 57 Hill, Dale H., 2 Ho, Tai, 362 Honeychuck, Robert V., 362 Imai, Yoshio, 88,421 Ishida, Yuichi, 88 Jensen, Jennifer J., 197 Jikei, Mitsutoshi, 88 Johnen, Norbert Α., 392 Johnson, Randy Α., 403 Jong, Lei, 332 Kakimoto, Masa-aki, 88 Karakaya, Birol, 145 Kricheldorf, Hans R., 156 Kulig, Joseph J., 322 Labadie, Jeff W., 210,294,350 Lamer, W., 145 Lewis, Charles M . , 197

Lôhden, Gerd, 156 Lubbers, Dierk, 156 Malik, Aslam Α., 362 Mathias, Lon J., 197,403 Matray, T. J., 266 McCarthy, Thomas J., 362 Miller, R., 113 Mison, P., 306 Miyauchi, Masanori, 88 Mohanty, Dillip K., 250 Moore, Collin G., 322 Mudrich, Scott F., 431 Ober, Christopher K., 392 Okada, Takashi, 442 Percec, Virgil, 2 Perry, Robert J.,71 Portmess, J., 113 Reichert, Veronica T., 197 Saam, John C , 332 Schluter, A.-Dieter, 145 Sillion, B., 306 Smith, Dennis W., Jr., 113,431 Snelgrove, R. Vernon, 431 Stôber, Olaf, 156 Stuckenbrock, Thomas, 156 Tapsak, Mark Α., 99 Tsuchida, Eishun, 377 Tullos, Gordon L., 197 Twieg, R. J., 266 Ueda, Mitsuru, 210,294,442 Wagener, K., 113 Wang, Guohong, 99 Wang, Ζ. Y., 226 Weber, William P., 99 Wynne, Kenneth J., 362 Yamamoto, Kimihisa, 377 Zhuang, Kent H.-Z., 362

Affiliation Index Argonaut Technologies, Inc., 210,294 Carleton University, 226

Case Western Reserve University, 2 Central Michigan University, 250

454 Hedrick and Labadie; Step-Growth Polymers for High-Performance Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Downloaded by on April 2, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0624.ix001

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 350 Cornell University, 132,392 Dow Chemical Company, 113,431 Eastman Kodak Company, 71,113 Fluorochem, Inc., 362 Freie Universitàt Berlin, 145 GenCorp Aerojet, 362 George Mason University, 362 I B M Almaden Research Center, 113,132,186,210,266,276,294,350 McGill University, 239 Michigan Molecular Institute, 332 Naval Research Laboratory, 362

Office of Naval Research, 362 Philipps-Universitât Marburg, 57 State University of New York— Buffalo, 362 Tokyo Institute of Technology, 88,421 Unité Mixte de Recherche, 306 Universitàt Hamburg, 156 University of Akron, 322 University of Florida, 113 University of Massachusetts, 362 University of Southern California, 99 University of Southern Mississippi, 197,403 Waseda University, 377 Yamegata University, 210,294,442

Subject Index

A - A / B - B monomers, polycondensations, 157 A - B monomers, polycondensations, 157 A B monomers, self-polymerization via benzimidazole-activated ether synthesis,' 266-274 Acetophenones Ru-catalyzed addition, 67-69 Ru-catalyzed step-growth copolymerization with α,ω-dienes for high-molecular-weight polymer synthesis, 99-112 4-(Acryloxy)benzoic acid, ordered polymer synthesis, 442-450 Acyclic diene metathesis polymerization cycle, 116,118/ negative neighboring group effects, 116,118/ polycarbosilane synthesis, 116,119-121/ polycarbosiloxane synthesis, 119,122-125/ polymerization with Schrock's alkylidene synthesis, 116,117/ reaction, 113,114/ removal of acidsfromcatalyst system, 113 σ,π conductive hybrid silicon polymer synthesis, 123,125-127

Acyclic diene metathesis polymerization— Continued silicon polymers with reactive silicon chlorine bond synthesis, 127-129 step condensation chemistry, 113,114/ Adamantane, use in star polymers, 197 Adamantane-containing polymers polymers with adamantyl pendent groups, 202-206 star-shaped polymers, 197-202 three-dimensional hydrocarbon networks, 201-203 4-(l-Adamantyl)phenol, synthesis, 204 Aliphatic polyamides, synthesis, 407 Aliphatic polycarbonates, synthesis approaches, 350-351 Alkenes, cross-coupling, 8-15 Alkynes, cross-coupling, 8-15 Alternating copolymerization, ethylene with carbon monoxide, 59-60 Aluminum-porphyrin catalysts, synthesis of polycarbonates, 351 4-Aminobenzenethiol, ordered polymer synthesis, 442-450 Apparent equilibrium constant, 333 Aramids description, 197 palladium-catalyzed carbonylation polymerizations, 72-75,78

Hedrick and Labadie; Step-Growth Polymers for High-Performance Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.