-J. S. A.. -ijaeeay · xiccuxaze. CHEMICAL. ANALYSIS ... with the Evelyn. PHOTOELECTRIC COLORIMETER. Prominent among the characteristics con- tributin...
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Speedy · Accurate, CHEMICAL A N A L Y S I S

AUTOCLAVE Engineers Inc.


Its New...

Prominent among the characteristics contributing to the outstanding performance of the Evelyn Photoelectric Colorimeter is the extremely small amount of power required for operation of the colorimeter lamp. Measured in fractions of a watt for most applications, the power at no time exceeds one and one-half watts even when operating at 375 or 760 millimicrons. To the c o l o r i m e t e r user this means: 1. e x c e p t i o n a l stability; 2 . n e g l i g i b l e temperature rise irrespective of length of operating periods; 3 . absence of heating effects on solutions, 4. low-level illumination with concomitant linearity in response and freedom from thermal and fatigue effects in the photocell; 5. as corollary to the above, exceptional accuracy, speed and convenience of operation.

And 'CHUCK-FULL' of information . . on high pressure autoclaves, valves and fittings. Contains complete specifications on many sizes of high pressure autoclaves, reactors, valves and fittings, shaking units, pumps, compressors, etc.

AUTOCLAVES Autoclaves with capacities from 1 liter to 20 gallons operating at pressures ranging from 5,000 to 15,000 p.s.i. . . valves and fittings for pressures of 6,000 to 100,000 p.s.i. . . combination valves . . speed valves . . ball bearing valves . . complete hydrogénation units . . shaking units . . coning tools . . reactors and many other items are explained and thoroughly described in this valuable catalog. Write for your free copy of catalog 100B.

Described in Bulletin 460

SPOTLIGHT GALVANOMETERS 5 K U I U , o r t h e notable peronsible in no smoU m ~ 1 ° ! / s the Spotlight Resp UZones of the Evelyn C ^ „ , Q , t n e instruGaWanometer ill.» ι atedι « a ° Ρ o ( h e r physlCa ab ° , , e o f galvanometer m e nt above. Equally ° P P ^ o n d chemical measurements tms YP s e n s i t i v i t i e s from ° available in a complete senes w ^ ,

Engineering Service


Our engineers are specialists in High Pressure work and have gained a lifetime of experience which is available to assist you with your problem. W e welcome your inquiries and assure you prompt, intelligent service, whether your request is for one valve or a complete Hydrogénation unit.


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