PITTCQN 11:25 (1213) Automatic Drug Dissolution Testing with Multicomponent Analysis of UV Spectra—S.C. LO. University ot Rhode Island, S.M. Donahue, C.W. Brown
10:45 (1201) Dual Beam FTIR: Increased Sensitivity for Surface Studies— S. WEIBEL. Mattson Instruments. Inc., D.R. Mattson. P. Faguy 11:05 (1202) Characterization Studies in Fast Scan Fourier Transform Ion Mobility Spectrometry (FT-IMS)-R.H. ST. LOUIS, Washington State University, W.F. Siems. H.H.Hill, Jr.
Powder Characterization
11:25 (1203) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectropolarirrteter Design—D Β CHENAULT, University ol Alabama-Huntsville. R.A. Chipman Thursday Morning, Room 1E20 J. Ft. Thompson, Presiding Aluminum Company ot America
11:45 (1204) A Novel Approach to Spectropolarimeter Instrumentation and Applications—Y Y0SHIDA, Japan Spectroscopic Co.. Ltd.. T. Takakuwa, N. Sakayanagi, A, Wada, H. Okahana, WW. Kottkamp
8:30 (1215) The Adaptation of FIA for the Determination of Phosphate in Phosphate Ore—F E. PATRICK, IMC Fertilizer Inc., JE. Gibson, M.G. Cipollone
Optical Methods—Biomedical Applications
8:50 (1216) A New Method for the Automatic and Selective Determination of Total Organic Carbon in Soils, Sediments, and Rocks—Β LAVETTRE, Carlo Erba Instruments/Fisons, M. Baccanti, B. Colombo
Thursday Morning, Room 1E08 V.S. Venlurella, Presiding Anaquest
9:10 (1217) Characterization of Actinide Oxide Powders and Pellets—J.C. CLAYTON, Westinghouse Electric Corp. 9:30 (1218) A New Approach to Particle Sizing by Dynamic Light Scat tering—P.J. FREUD, Leeds & Northrup Co., M.N. Trainer
8:30 (1205) Laser-Induced Ionization Spectroscopy of Small Biological Molecules in Supersonic Beams—DM. LUBMAN, University of Michigan, L. Li
9:50 (1219) CONNER. PG&E
8:50 (1206) Fluorescence-Detected Circular Dichroism for Homogeneous Immunoassay—C.K. WILLIAMSON. Duke University, LB. McGown
9 10 (1207) Elucidating Protein Conformation with the Aid of Circular Dichroism—Κ KORKIDIS. SPEX Industries, Inc.
Particle Size Analysis
9:30 (1208) Ultrasensitive Detection of Nucleic Acids with Chemiluminescence—I BRONSTEIN, Tropix. Inc.. J.C. Voyta, K. Lazzari, O.J. Murphy
Thursday Morning, Room 1E20 J.R. Thompson, Presiding Aluminum Company of America
9:50 (1209) Activation of Cells in Suspension or Attached to Surfaces, Moni tored by Continuous Fluorescence Ratio Measurements of Their Cytoplasmic C a + + and pH Changes—E.R. SIMONS, Boston University, L. Brennan, J. Schonhorn, J. Ber nardo, H. Koshi, B. Variano 10:10
Recycling of Spent Sand into a Construction Material—A.P.
10:25 (1220) Particle Size Analysis of Uniform Latex Particles by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy—S. M0HANRAJ, Seradyn, Inc.
10:25 (1210) A Photon Counting, Near-Infrared Fluorimeter for the Analysis of Ultratrace Levels of Toxicants, Microbiological Disease Agents and Disease Markers—G. MOLLER, University ot California, M L . Tracy
10:45 (1221) Particle Size Measurement by Linear System Modelling and Inversion of Scattered Light—M.N, TRAINER, Leeds & Northrup Co., P.J. Freud. EL. Weiss
10:45 (1211) Analysis of Intracellular Metabolites: Novel Approaches Using A New Fluorescence Spectrometer—S.R. HUCKINS, Perkin-Elmer Ltd A T Rhys-Williams
11:05 (1222) Submicron Grading of Diamond Particles by Dynamic Light Scattering—W.J. DONEY, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.. Inc.. N.F. Bailey 11:25 (1223) Improved Pore Diameter and Pore Volume Resolution in Mercury Porosimetry Analysis—A. THORNTON, Micromeritics Instrument Corp., M. Kane
11:05 (1212) The Kinetic Characterization of Alkaline Phosphatase Iso zymes—W.H. LEWIS, JR., Virginia Commonwealth University, S.C. Rutan
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