AUTOCLAVE ENGINEERS, INC - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - AUTOCLAVE ENGINEERS, INC. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1959, 51 (12), pp 49A–49A ... View: PDF | PDF w/ Links. Article Options. PDF (101 KB)...
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A Complete Flow System In Only 9 Square Feet

For Feasibility or Exploratory Studies In YOUR L a b . . . Complete BENCH-SCALE Research Equipment From To save you time, money and trouble, Autoclave Engineers now makes available to you, for the first time, a complete integrated line of professionally designed bench-scale research equipment for pressures up to 5000 p.s.i. Included are valves, fittings, autoclaves, reactors and auxiliary vessels. • This AE BENCH-SCALE equipment enables you to carry out in your own laboratory a wide variety of preliminary investigations such as feasibility studies before proceeding with scaledup operations . . . research studies where only minute or limited quantities of expensive materials are available . . . batch, semi-batch or continuous reactions . . . and many other exploratory studies. Best of all are the savings in space, time and

money you'll realize with this equipment. You save space because every unit is specifically designed for bench-scale work. You save time in setting up or altering the system because of simplicity of design and resultant ease of assembly. And you save money because the equipment is easily and quickly assembled by your own laboratory personnel—neither skilled craftsmen nor special tools are required. Detailed information on AE BENCH-SCALE Research Equipment is given in Bulletin 658. Send for your copy today.


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VOL. 5 1 , NO. 12


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