Autoclave, inc

cryogenic trapping capability, the new CDS 330 GC. Sample Concentrator automatically extracts trace organics from air, liquid or solid samples and foc...
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New Cryo-Focusmff ( J C Sample Concentrator Increases Sensitivity & Resolution An economical third-generation instrument with cryogenic trapping capability, the new C D S 330 G C Sample Concentrator automatically extracts trace organics from air, liquid or solid samples and focuses them directly onto narrow-bore (0.25 mm) capillary c o l u m n s . , . without flow splitting. The result is a much improved GC separation: • S e n s i t i v i t y is increased by as much as 100 t i m e s . . . as demonstrated by the oil shale chromatogram, obtained with the 330 by direct capillary pyrolysis G C of a one-milligram sample containing 1.17% total hydrocarbon. • R e s o l u t i o n is significantly i m p r o v e d . . . as demonstrated by the petroleum distillate chromatogram with totally resolved peaks to C 3 0 paraffin waxes.

For complete information on how the new microprocessor-controlled CDS 330 GC Sample Concentrator can expand the capability of your GC at very low cost, write today or call (215) 932-3836.

CDS Autoclave, inc.


Chemical Data Systems Division 7000 Limestone RcL Oxford, PA 19363

Direct capillary GC of petroleum distillates—Trap: -10Q°C; GC Program: 40°C/2 min. 6°C/min. to 280°C: Column: SE 54 50m

Direct capillary GC of 1.17% TOC oil shale—Trap: -95'C; Pyrolysis: 800DC/20 s e c ; GC Program: 40X/2 min. 6°C/min. to 280°C.

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