Automatic Deeludging Valve; Fire Pump - C&EN Global Enterprise

Automatic operation of such a valve is highly desirable because periodic desludging by hand is apt to be overlooked or postponed for such an interval ...
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NOVEMBER 10, 1938





Automatic Deeludging Valve s A PART of its hot-process lime-soda L water softener in which sludge must periodically be removed from a settling tank, The Permutit Co., New York, Ν. Υ., has placed upon the market an automatically operating valve for permit­ ting the flow of sludge from a container by gravity or under pressure.


Sludge îniet



Automatic operation of such a valve is highly desirable because periodic desludging by hand is apt to be overlooked or postponed for such an interval as to impair the efficiency of operation. With automatic desludging this is accomplished under precise control, assuring uniform conditions. The valve is motor-operated and of simple construction.

Fire Pump AUXILIARY fire protection for factories, JA. warehouses, docks, and industrial plants is afforded by a new special-duty fire pump installed as part of the "Clarktor-o" industrial tractor, made by Clark Tructractor, Battle Creek, Mich. The centrifugal type pump, meeting all test requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, can handle any kind of water, regardless of dirt. In practice, the very high-pressure email nozzle supplied creates a fine mist at the end of the stream of water, thus quenching the blaze. A floating, flexible drive between motor and pump is provided by a patented power take-off. Automatic primer primes the pump and keeps it primed by means of a vacuum from the motor intake manifold. When taking supply through a 4-inch suction opening from a 30-pound hydrant, the pump will deliver 400 gallons per minute at 120 pounds pressure, with the motor running 1800 r. p. m.t which is its normal controlled speed when operating the tractor. Pump ca. pacity and speed may be increased by adjusting motor governor. The tractor power plant consists of a 46-horsepower, 6-cyUnder engine, equipped with air cleaner and renewable cartridge-type oil filter. The pump is installed on the front end of any "Clarktor-6" Tructractor behind the bumper plate, and is easily accessible for servicing. (Conl-inued on page 600)

FLBXO WAX C ia a new low-priced adhesive wax.' Being non-crystalline it is much more waterproof than paraffin waxes. Its melting point (Ball and Ring) is 14δ°-1βδ° F, and a cold flow is 14δ°-1δ0° F. It is free from chlorine, phenol and corrosive materials. Blends easily with resin, oils and other waxes. Flexo Wax C has high adhesive properties for coatings, laminat­ ing work, agricultural protective coatings and many other uses.

DIGLYCOL STEARATE S vos ean use this easbtfylna stent as · thickener, a binder· a lubricant, sad 1er «May ether purposes DIGLYCOL STBARATE S is a white, wax-like solid, completely dispersible in hot water. Such dispersions, on cooling, form fluid, milky or paste emulsions characterised by permanent whiteness and stability. Its melting point is 63 e -64° C. It is completely soluble (hot) in alcohol, oils and solvents, and acts as an emulsifying agent for oils, waxes, and solvents. Some of Its Many Uses V Textile Sises and V Paper and cardFinishes board lubrication V Ioeu,atlon ifS?r° VSuspension of pigVLubrtcation of met• " • * • * * d *brss»vea ale for wire drawV Polishes—Shoe, Auing, collapsible tubes tomobile. Furniture, etc. Silver V Cosmetic oreams and lotions

If you want «

FLEXIBLE FILM u s e ELASTOLAC ELASTOLAC (formerly called Flexilac) is a flexible, dewazed shellac An orange-brown, viscous liquid '*reein," with a faint, pleasing odor. It dissolves readily in water producing a dear, neutral shellac solution. This sol ution, on drying, forms a film whioh is characterised by its flexibility. Elastolac is also soluble in alcohol, esters, and ketones. It is insoluble in oils, hydrocarbons, and resins. Its total solid content (nonvolatile at 105° Ο is 44%. Weight SH lbs. per gallon.

New ideas for


Glyco has Just published a new COSMETIC MANUAL. It is packed with practical informa­ tion and latest data on the manufacture of cos­ metics and similar products. There are 94 pages of valuable information, including up-to-theminute formulae for making all types of cosmetic preparations. It contains practical data on various manufacturing processes, and gives bints and precautions to take in order to produce the desired results. Also included is a chapter on vestpoeket-sise book handsomely bound in blue Fabrikoid. It can be yours if you will send 25o to cover postage and handling. Samples and full information about Glyco materials described in this.column will be furnished on request.


148 Lafayette St. ^ v

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MICRO-ELEMENTARY ANALYSES: C H. N. S. P. Halogen». Methoxyl. Methylimid etc.. and typical microchemical research work. Dr Carl Tiedcke 366 Fifth Avenue. New York. Ν. Υ. CHEMIST-LINGUIST accepts technical and non-technical translation work into English from the German. Dutch. French. Italian and Spanish languages. Considerable experience. Accuracy, promptness and neatness guaranteed. Reason· able charges. Mr. J. T. Flohil. 3825 Park Avenue. Minneapolis. Minn.

x V WELL known petroleum engineering firm w i l l c o n s i d e r financing the develop­ ment of any promising process or product relating to petroleum or natural gas.

MALONIC ACID is now available in commer­ cial quantities, either as highly purified material or of commercial grade. Prices are reasonable. Investigate this versatile chemical. Write for details. Box 81-N-9. Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. TRANSLATIONS of articles, patents and hooks from and into German. French and Russian executed intelligently, accurately and promptly by chemist and chemical engineer with excellent scientific and linguistic background. Reasonable rates. Inquire: Alexander Bogrow. 5936 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. PennsylIT WILL Pay You to contact w* if you use the following chemicals: Krgcwterol. Ethyl-paranitro-benzoate. '2-0-Dii'hlor-l>enzaldehyde. Amino -methoxy-diphenylamine. Mandelic Acid. 4-Chlor-2-amiiu>phenol-«i-8ulphonic and. o-Chlorbenzal chloride. Xitro-oxalyl-diamino-anthraquinone. Meta-nit ropheny l-5-py razolon-3-carboni»· acid. 2-Methoxy-«Ml-diohloracridin, Carvacrol. Glycol ic Acid. Styphnic Acid. m-Sulfaminomethyl-phenyl-pyra2olon. Box 1 1 - N - l l . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.

the Hydro-Clone for final cleaning. The Hydro-Clone is entirely devoid of moving parts or spray nozzles. Sulfur Dioxide Recording E q u i p m e n t BLL corrosion and acid mist, former obstacles to successful sulfur dioxide measurement, are eliminated in the new Micromax recording equipment made by the Leeds & Xorthrup Co., 4934 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Tested and proved in the field, it marks a significant advance in the problem of efficient sulfur dioxide production.


Address Box 47-N-ll Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

INDUSTRIAL NEWS (Continued from page 595) Dust a n d Fteme Suppression Γ

EASTERN CHEMICAL Concern desires contact with chemists or manufacturers able to furnish rare organic and inorganic chemicals for resale. Box 2 5 - N - U . Ind. St Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. WANTED: I'sed journals of Biological Chemistry; bound or unbound. Interested in whole set. and any 20 or more consecutive volumes. Will pay carriage and about one fifth of initial cost. Box 2 6 - N - l l . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.


Γ Η Ε Sturtevant Hydro-Clone system of

I dust and fume suppression, manufac­ tured by the Sfurtevant Mill Co., Park arid Clayton Sts., Dorchester, Boston, Mass., is designed to suppress dust and fumes arising from manufacturing processes and opera­ tions in industry. The Hydro-Clone, as illustrated, separates the dust from the air by a combination of centrifugal force and wet impingement and washing. The dust Η precipitated in the form of sludge in t h e dewatering tank which is a part of t h e system and the water is recirculated through the Hydro-Clone, thus wasting no water. Hydro-Clone will not freeze during winter operation.

WANTED: Waste or bv-produt-ts. samples and amount available. D. Davidson. 4309 Ellis Ave.. Chicago. HI.

Using a standard glass measuring-cell assembly, in which corrosion and catalytic action are definitely avoided, it holds its calibration continuously. * Sulfuric acid mist is removed by an efficient filter. The cell assembly operates for weeks without attention. Changes in humidity no longer affect calibration, and lag is minimized, as it is possible to draw the continuous gas sample from the flue immediately after it leaves the burning chamber. New Low Price for Caproic Acid Γ

CHEMIST. B.S. 1937. desires position in industrial chemistry with opportunity for advancement. Training in general inorganic, organic, qualitative, quantitative, and physical chem. Also experience in teaching chemistry abroad. Location immaterial. Box 30 Ν 11. Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.

j ι I i

RESEARCH LABORATORY wants several pounds of thiophene. State purity, quantity and

{•rice, lox 3 1 - N - l l .

Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.

FOR SALE: Annual Reports progr. chemistry 1904 38. $31). "Benchte" 1889-1901. $28. Elect rorhemische Zeitschrift Vol. 1-13 (1894 1907) $30. Photo Miniature. Ν. Υ. Vol. 1-1». (1899-1915) $24. Also. Journal Soc. Chemical Industry Vols. 1 1929. Journal Chemical Soc. London 1871 -1938 all books complete, well bound. Box 4 3 - N - l 1. Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. FOR SALE: Friedlaender: Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation. vols. 1-20 (1877-1933); Biochemischee Zentralblatt (Zentralblatt fuer Biochemie). vols. 1-12 (1903-1911); Kolloid Zeitechrift: set. Kolloid Beihefte; set. Item­ ized inquiries promptly answered. W. Weeterfield. 149-09 Northern Blvd.. Flushing. WANTED: sets or parte of Beilstein: Handbuch der organisrhen Chemie. fourth éd.; Friedlander: Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation; Helvetica Chimica Acta; American Electrochemical Society. Trans.: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Trans. Box 5 4 - N - l l , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. FOR SALE: 18 pounds Barium metal.


Zirconium metal. Kilo each Vanadium, ÇDunds itanium. Thorium. Thallium. Tantalum. Stron-

tium. Indium, Columbium. Boron metals. 25 Grams each Caesium, Didvmium. Gallium. Germanium, Lanthanum. Neodymium, Osmium. Rhenium, Rubidium. Samarium, Uranium. 25 kilos each Carbides of Boron. Tantalum. Titanium, Tungsten. Box 6 0 - N - l l . Ind. 6 Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.

VOL. 16, NO. 21

Should it be desirable to collect usable dust in a dry form, this dust is separated in a Sturtevant Dry-Clone which connects with the Hydro-Clone where the fine nui­ sance dust is suppressed as a sludge. Thus, two products are obtained, a large per­ centage of coarse usable material and a sludge containing all the nuisance dust. Should it bo desirable to convert all of the dust to sludge, then the Dry-Clone is not used. In handling fumes, smoke, fly ash, and dust at high temperatures, a combination of the Dry-Clone and HydroClone is used. In this case the Dry-Clone serves as a pre-cooler and a trap for the heavy dust and the air passes to

Γ Ή Ε commercial availability of normal

A caproic acid at a new low price is an­ nounced by the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp., 30 East 42nd St., New York, Ν. Υ. Now selling at 35 cents a pound in drum quantities, caproic acid becomes a valuable source of the hexyl group for many industrial syntheses. Caproic acid is the normal, straightchain, six-carbon atom compound of the fatty acid series. It is a colorless liquid of character 1st ic odor. It boils at 202° C , freezes at 4.7° C , and has a specific gravity of 0.9280 at 20/20° C. It is only slightly soluble in water, but is soluble in alcohol and many other organic com­ pounds. The commercial material con­ tains well over 98 per cent caproic acid by weight. 'New esters, anhydrides, salts, ketones, amides, and other derivatives useful to industry can be prepared from caproic acid. Its esters are important in the manufacture of flavors, perfumes, and es­ sential oils. The ethyl, amyl, and allyl esters, in particular, are used as synthetic flavors. Caproic acid also offers possi­ bilities for the production of cellulose esters which have greater solubility in organic solvents than those of lowerboiling acids. Other derivatives, such as the anhy­ dride, salts, or amides, have higher boiling points, greater oil solubility, and lower water solubility than those obtained from acetic, propionic, or butyric acids. Fur­ thermore, the normal hexyl group can be introduced into certain pharmaceuticals, resins, rubber chemicals, and related prod­ ucts by means of caproic acid.