Automatic Open Cleveland Flash and Fire Equipment Testing Laboratory, Port Arthur Works, T h e Texas Company
UNIQUE and efficient improvement of the Cleveland gases and excess heat. The cups are placed on an arc through open-cup flash tester has recently been installed in this which the revolving test-flame burner, RB, moves, with the laboratory. The apparatus is termed automatic be- test-flame tip, CZ, passing directly over the center of the cups. Four risers are placed on the guide rail, GR, so that the cause the application of the test flame is made in a mechanical manner which eliminates one of the personal equations test burner will rise and stop between each successive cup. heretofore regarded as a cause for discrepancy between tests The test burner is hinged on a pedestal and moves forward by as conducted by more than one operator. All requirements arm D engaging in gear G. As RB moves up on the elevations, of the American Society for Testing Materials are met in that arm D disengages with gear G, and the burner stops. The the standard cups, thermometers, brass plates, and asbestos operator is then free to continue the movement of the test flame to that particular flash cup, or to move the flame to any boards specified in the standard procedure are used. The unique features of this tester, aside from the mechani- desired cup for testing. The test flame is revolved by a motor cal application of the test flame, include the use of sensitive through a reduction gear, G I , and a set of bevel gears. The valves by which the heating rate can be more accurately speed of the burner tip is 2.5 inches (6.35 cm.) per second, as maintained, the solid circular shield around the cups which specified in the standard method. Another feature of this machine is the means used for prevents air circulation in the area between the cups and thus eliminates constant relighting of the test flame, the special placing the test flame on the cup. To make the test flame thermometer supports, the small pilot lights for lighting both start across the cup each time and not hang onto the edge, a the gas flame and the test flame, and the exhaust system by slope is provided on the riser and so placed that the test flame which most of the hot gases are removed from the testing will start about midway on the flange of the cup. The heatroom, always a source of discomfort to the operator under ing burners are arranged on an arc directly under each cup, and each burner is controlled by a sensitive valve, V . This the best operating conditions. Another feature considered for making this test more feature alone is a big improvement, and gives the operator mechanical has been the application of the testing medium by complete control of the heat, as it requires several turns of the means of a spark gap rather than by gas, but this has not yet valve stem to change the heat a great deal. The test flame is been d.eveloped satisfactorily. Some time has been spent on controlled by valve V I through rubber tubing, TU, which the development of a constant-level cup to take care of the goes up through the pedestal to TU and onto copper tubing. expansion within the cup when high-flash oils are being The pilot lights, PL, are controlled by valve Vg, there being tested, but this also has not been successfully accomplished as one light over each burner and one just at the edge of each yet. Reference to the figure will make the description flash cup. The thermometers, T, are held in a sliding frame, TS. A rod, clearer. Aside from complying with all the A. S. T. M. requirements, this machine eliminates a t least four variables which R, which is welded to an arm, B, slides up and down in TS. A are present when the test is carried out manually: (1) The bolt, N , passes through a guide arm welded onto TS, screwsinto test flame is moved exactly in a plane parallel with the top of arm B, and is held tight by a lock nut. Two lock nuts, LN, on the cup; ( 2 ) a uniform rate of exactly 2.5 inches (6.35 em.) this bolt form an adjustable stop for the thermometers, allowing per second is maintained; (3) the thermometer is immersed an initial adjustment which will remain permanent. The head of the bolt, 8,forms exactly the same a n upward s t o p to depth for each test beprotect the thermomecause of a p o s i t i v e ter from breakage. stop; and (4) the test The thermometer flame a p p r o a c h e s itself is supported by more n e a r l y to t h e an arrangement consize of that specified sisting of a pin, CO, than those in common which runs through use. the eye on top of the The machine has a thermometer, and is capacity of five cups, lowered into a round C, each resting on a recess. The pin is standard brass plate, slightly longer than BP, and surrounded the diameter of the w i t h a standard asthermometer. T h e bestos plate, AP. A recess is covered with hood, A , c o v e r s all a slide which retains flames and is lined in the thermometer in the top with asbestos place, and also allows board. the free rotation of Between the burthe thermometer for ners, I , are flues, F, easy reading. which are connected with an exhaust sysRBCEIVDDD e o e m b e r 9, 1931. tem to carry off the FLASH AND FIRETESTMACHINE