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HARRIET FRIEDSTEIN Monrce High School Rochester. NY 14607
This feature will serve as a clearinghouse for the latest audiovisual materials available to chemistry teachers. It includes reviews by users resulting from actual experiences in the classrwm. If you are interested in assisting in this process, send your name and address to the feature editor.
Understanding the Periodic Table-An Puzzle FORMAT: CAT NO: PRICE: SUPPLIER:
4 sets of 24 cardboard puzzle pieces 477 $24.95 Huhbard 1946 Raymond Northhrook, 1L 60062
A very interesting kit has been produced by Hubhard and a t $24.95 it is a good investment. A few years ago, I tried preparing something similar to this, but it was produced on the Ditto machine and was not durable, and I must admit not as colorful as this kit. The kit includes four puzzles which are exactly alike. Each puzzle has rectangular cardboard pieces consisting of a decimal number, an integer number, a spectral
color, a set of side notches, a set of holes (from one to three), and a set of stars (see Fieure). - these . The obiect is to arrange twenty-four rectangles into a "periodic table." I t is really a chdeneine .. ..exercise for students to develoo an understanding uf the llendeleyev periodic rahle otelements. (lsinr thcse six variables. the students are able to devplop severa~confi~urations. his activity requires hetween 30 m