Award-Winning Organometallic Chemistry: The 2012 Strem Chemicals

Award-Winning Organometallic Chemistry: The 2012 Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry of the Canadian Society for Chemistry1...
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Editor's Page

Award-Winning Organometallic Chemistry: The 2012 Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry of the Canadian Society for Chemistry1 his issue is the first to feature an award article derived from a Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC)2 prize, something that is long overdue considering the vibrant state of organometallic chemistry in Canada. The Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry3 represents one in a significant portfolio of CSC honors4 that deserve wider international publicity, and is presented annually to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has made an outstanding contribution to inorganic chemistry while working in Canada. Candidates must have held their first professional appointment as an independent researcher for less than 10 years at the time of nomination. The year 2012 recipient is Professor Mark Stradiotto of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He has published 25 papers in Organometallics and served on the Advisory Board (2010−2012). His research is directed toward developing new classes of ancillary ligands/transition metal complexes that exhibit interesting and unusual reactivity patterns, with the goal of incorporating such reactivity into synthetically useful catalytic substrate transformations. These efforts encompass challenging cross-coupling reactions and hydroamination processes, as reflected by the title of his award article that begins on the following page: “New Phosphine-Functionalized NHC Ligands: Discovery of an Effective Catalyst for the RoomTemperature Amination of Aryl Chlorides with Primary and Secondary Amines”. Professor Stradiotto was presented with the Award on May 27, 2012, at the 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Calgary, Canada (Figure 1). He received a framed scroll and funds to support the Strem Award Lecture Tour. Other recipients of this prize or its predecessor who have authored articles in this journal include Derek P. Gates (2011), Daniel B. Leznoff (2010), current Associate Editor Deryn Fogg (2007), Michael Wolf (2004), Tom Ziegler (2000), Robert H.


Morris (1998), and Ian Manners (1997). Mark, we know that you are on the threshold of a career that will take organometallic chemistry in many new directions and look forward to possibly purchasing some of your ligands that you are commercializing with Strem for use in our own research in the years to come.



Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS.


(1) Previous Editor’s Page in this series: Gladysz, J. A. Organometallics 2013, 32, 5243. (2) (3) (4) AwardsHandbooks/CSC%20Awards%20Handbook.pdf.

Figure 1. Prof. Mark Stradiotto (center) being presented the year 2012 Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry of the Canadian Society for Chemistry. Left: Dr. Karen Burke of the Canadian Society of Chemistry; Right: Dr. Peter Byrne of Strem Chemicals, Inc. Photograph courtesy of the Canadian Society for Chemistry. © 2013 American Chemical Society

John A. Gladysz, Editor in Chief

Published: November 11, 2013 6147 | Organometallics 2013, 32, 6147−6147