awards - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Nov 12, 2010 - Eng. News , 1999, 77 (34), pp 53–54. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v077n034. ... ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives ... 23 August 1999. C&EN Online News...
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ollowing are recipients for the year 2000 of awards administered by the American Chemical Society. Vi­ gnettes of the award winners will appear in successive issues of C&EN early next year. An article on Darleane C. Hoffman, the 2000 Priestley Medalist, will appear in the March 27, 2000, issue of C&EN, along with her award address. Most of the awards listed below are scheduled for pre­ sentation on March 28, 2000, at the 219th ACS national meeting in San Francisco. The Arthur C. Cope Award and Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards are scheduled for presentation at the 220th ACS national meeting in Washington, B.C., in August 2000. ACS Award for Computers in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research, Donald G. Truhlar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

ACS Award for Creative Advances in En­ vironmental Science & Technology spon­ sored by Air Products & Chemicals Inc., Radhakrishna M. Jayanty, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, N.C. ACS Award for Creative Invention spon­ sored by ACS Corporation Associates, Tamotsu Imai, UOP LLC (retired), Des Plaines, 111. ACS Award for Creative Research in Ho­ mogeneous or Heterogeneous Catalysis sponsored by Shell Oil Foundation, Gabor A. Somorjai, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluor­ ine Chemistry sponsored by Lancaster Synthesis Inc., William R. Dolbier Jr., University of Florida, Gainesville

Foundation, Stephen L. Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry spon­ sored by Mobil Chemical Co., Jean M. J. Fréchet, University of California, Berkeley

ACS Award in Pure Chemistry sponsored by Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity, taged Students into Careers in the Chem­ Chaitan Khosla, Stanford University ical Sciences sponsored by the Camille ACS Award in Separations Science & & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Inc., Slay- Technology sponsored by IBC Advanced ton A. Evans Jr., University of North Technologies Inc. and Millipore Corp., Carolina, Chapel Hill Earl P. Horwitz, Eichron Industries ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Inc., Darien, 111. Careers in the Chemical Sciences spon­ ACS Award in the Chemistry ofMaterials sored by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus sponsored by DuPont Co., Joel S. MilFoundation Inc., Valerie J. Kuck, Lu­ ler, University of Utah, Salt Lake City cent Technologies, Murray Hill, Ν J. ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry sponACS Award for Nuclear Chemistry spon­ sored by IBM Corp., Ernest R. Davidsored by Gordon & Breach Publishing son, Indiana University, Bloomington Group, Richard L. Hahn, Brookhaven Arthur W. Adamson Award for DistinNational Laboratories, Upton, N.Y. guished Service in the Advancement of ACS Awardfor Research at an Undergrad­ Surface Chemistry sponsored by Occiuate Institution sponsored by Research dental Petroleum Corp., Alvin W. Corp., George B. Kauffinan, California Czanderna, National Renewable EnerState University, Fresno gy Laboratory, Golden, Colo. ACS Award for Team Innovation spon­ Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or sored by ACS Corporation Associates, Bioorganic Chemistry, Stuart L. SchreiJuan P. Arhancet, Hoe H. Chuah, ber, Harvard University Donald R. Kelsey, Joseph B. Pow­ ell, and Paul R. Weider, Shell Chemi­ EarleB. Barnes Award for Leadership in Chemical Research Management sponcal Co., Houston sored by Dow Chemical Co., George A. ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry Samara, Sandia National Laboratories, sponsored by Fisher Scientific Co., Wal­ Albuquerque, N.M. ter C. McCrone, McCrone Research Herbert C. Brown Award for Creative ReInstitute, Chicago search in Synthetic Methods sponsored by ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science Aldrich Chemical Co. Inc. and the Pursponsored by Phillips Petroleum Co., due Borane Research Fund, Samuel J. Lewis J. Fetters, Exxon Research & Danishefsky, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Engineering Co., Annandale, NJ. Cancer Institute and Columbia University ACS Award in Chromatography spon­ Alfred Burger Award in Medicinal sored by Supelco Inc., Charles W. Gehr- Chemistry sponsored by SmithKline ke, University of Missouri, Columbia Beecham, Philip S. Portoghese, UniACS Award in Colloid or Surface Chem­ istry sponsored by Procter & Gamble Co., Darsh T. Wasan, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthet­ sponsored by Akzo Nobel Chemicals ic Organic Chemistry sponsored by Al- Inc., Guido Sartori, Exxon Research & drich Chemical Co. Inc., Dennis P. Engineering Co., Annandale, NJ. Curran, University of Pittsburgh ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry spon­ ACS Awardfor Distinguished Service in the sored by Aldrich Chemical Co. Inc., Ed­ Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry spon­ ward I. Stiefel, Exxon Research & Engi­ sored by Strem Chemicals Inc., John D. neering Co., Annandale, Ν J. Corbett, Iowa State University, Ames ACS Award in Organometallic Chemis­ ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvan­ try sponsored by Dow Chemical Co.

versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching sponsored by Albemarle Corp., Frank G. Cardulla, Niles North High School, Skokie, ΠΙ. Arthur C Cope Award, David A. Evans, Harvard University Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards: John E. Bercaw, California Institute of Technology David E. Cane, Brown University Jonathan A. Ellman, University of California, Berkeley Daniel Herschlag, Stanford University AUGUST 23,1999 C&EN



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Natural Products sponsored by GivaudanEric T. Kool, Stanford University Albert Padwa, Emory University, Atlanta Roure, Pierre Potier, Institut de Chimie Ned A. Porter, Vanderbilt University, des Substances Naturelles, France Nashville Joel Henry Hildebrand Award in the TheTimothy M. Swager, Massachusetts In- oretical & Experimental Chemistry of stitute of Technology Liquids sponsored by Exxon Research David L. Van Vranken, University of Cal- & Engineering Co. and Exxon Chemical ifornia, Irvine Co., Harry L. Frisch, State University Jeffrey D. Winkler, University of of New York, Albany Pennsylvania Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in Peptide Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry Chemistry sponsored by Merck Responsored by DuPont Co., Peter G. search Laboratories, Daniel S. Kemp, Wolynes, University of Illinois, Urbana- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Champaign Frederic Stanley Kipping Award in SiliFrank H Field &Joe L. Franklin Award con Chemistry sponsored by Dow Corfor Outstanding Achievement in Mass ning Corp., Peter Jutzi, University of Spectrometry, Donald F. Hunt, Univer- Bielefeld, Germany sity of Virginia, Charlottesville Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Francis P. Garvanjohn M. Olin Medal Physics sponsored by General Electric sponsored by Olin Corp. Charitable Foundation, Richard J. Saykally, UniTrust, F. Ann Walker, University of Ar- versity of California, Berkeley izona, Tucson E. V. Murphree Award in Industrial & James T. Gradyjames H Stack Award Engineering Chemistry sponsored by for Interpreting Chemistry for the Public, Exxon Research & Engineering Co. and Jeff Wheelwright, Morro Bay, Calif. Exxon Chemical Co., J. Larry Duda, Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Pennsylvania State University

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James Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic Chemistry sponsored by the ACS Northeastern Section, Martin E. Newcomb, Wayne State University George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum Chemistry, James F. Haw, University of Southern California George C Pimentel Award in Chemical Education sponsored by Union Carbide Corp., Jerry A. Bell, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. Priestley Medal, Darleane C. Hoffrnan, University of California, Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and Seaborg Institute for Transactinum Science E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy sponsored by Rohm and Haas Co., Ad Bax, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.

CPhl world

.MUMP F r a n k f u r t


Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry sponsored by Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., S. Alex Kandel (student), Pennsylvania State University; Richard N. Zare (preceptor) , Stanford University


CPhI Worldwide, the international ex­ hibition on pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates, will once again prove its world leading position with an expected 950 exhibiting companies and approximately 15.000 visitors at the Messe Frankfurt in Germany.

For m o r e information

The following product groups will


be represented: active pharmaceutical ingredients, (chemical) intermediates, custom manufacturing, excipients, na­ tural extracts, contract research and marketing services. Your participation in CPhI will never be more worthwhile!




AUGUST 23,1999 C&EN

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