ACS 1997 National Award Winners
an ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (1996), the Japan Academy Prize (1995), and the Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Chemistry (1993). Noyori holds more than 100 patents.
Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards
ollowing are vignettes of the Arthur C. Cope Award winner and 10 recipients of Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards. The winners will receive their awards at the 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, Sept. 7-11, during the Arthur C Cope Symposium organized by the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. These awards recognize and encourage excellence in organic chemistry. The Cope Award consists of a medal, a personal cash prize, and an unrestricted research grant to be assigned by the recipient to any university or nonprofit institution. The scholar awards consist of a certificate and an unrestricted research grant. Each recipient is required to deliver a lecture at the Arthur C Cope Symposium. Remaining vignettes of ACS national award winners will appear in the Feb. 10 issue of C&EN.
Arthur C. Cope Award Organic chemistry professor RYOJINOYORI of Nagoya University, Japan, is recognized especially for his development of practical asymmetric catalysts. With the furious pace of developments in asymmetric chemistry today, it is remarkable that one person was the first to do so many things. Noyori was still a research associate at Kyoto University in 1966 when he invented the first asymmetric transitionmetal catalyst. His cyclopropanation of styrene with ethyl diazoacetate produced less than 10% enantiomeric excess, but the discovery fueled a 30-year worldwide push to the virtual 100% enantiomeric excesses chemists obtain today. In 1980, Noyori invented 2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino>l,l,-binaphthyl (BINAP) and used its enantiomers as ligands for asymmetric catalysts. To give just one application, Takasago International Corp. routinely produces 1,500 metric tons of synthetic menthol annually with a rhodium BINAP catalyst. In a later development, Noyori invented asymmetric catalytic hydrogen transfer reduction of ketones and imines using 2-propanol as the hydrogen donor. In 1986, Noyori discovered asymmetric amplification. He was using an enantio-
meric dimethylaminoisonorborneol to catalyze the reaction of benzaldehyde with dimethyl- and diethylzinc. A 15% enantiomeric excess of the amino alcohol gave alkyl phenyl carbinol products in 95% enantiomeric excesses. Research showed that two molecules of amino alcohol chelate two zinc ions. If the two amino alcohols have the same configuration, then the complex is catalytically active. If opposite configurations bind the zinc ions, the complex is not active. Thus, a slight excess of one enantiomer is amplified in its ability to induce an asymmetric product. In 1994, Noyori turned his attention to efficient processes based on reduction of supercritical carbon dioxide. The ruthenium catalyst he developed generates vastly superior yields of formic acid from reduction of supercritical carbon dioxide by hydrogen alone, of methyl formate by hydrogen and methanol, and of Af Aklimethylformamide by hydrogen and dimethylamine. Noyori received bachelor's (1961), master's (1963), and Ph.D. (1967) degrees from Kyoto University, Japan. After conducting postdoctoral research at Kyoto University and at Harvard University, he joined the faculty of the chemistry department of Nagoya University in 1963. Among other major awards, he has received the Bonn Chemistry Award (1996),
Physical organic chemist BARRY K. CARPENTER, chemistry professor at Cornell University, "is one of the most scholarly chemists around," says one colleague. "He thinks deeply about a wide range of problems, and he works at them until he understands them in detail." Among the systems Carpenter has worked to understand in detail is product partitioning that arises from reactive intermediates such as diradicals. He has provided theoretical and experimental evidence that the products can be determined by intramolecular dynamical effects and that commonly used kinetic models such as transition-state theory may not predict their ratio correctly. In other work, Carpenter has suggested that heavy-atom quantum mechanical tunneling may be important to the chemistry of cyclobutadiene. He was the first to demonstrate experimentally that cyclobutadiene must be nonsquare in solution. In collaboration with Fred McLafferty, also at Cornell, Carpenter's group investigated the radical cation of cyclobutadiene. Carpenter's third important area of work has been in developing a qualitative model for classifying and predicting substituent effects on thermal pericyclic reactions. His contributions "have moved the field forward in very important ways," says another colleague. In addition to his research work, Carpenter has made numerous educational contributions. He is the author of a textbook, "Determination of Organic Reaction Mechanisms," and has contributed chapters to two other books. He also has published more than 60 papers. Carpenter was born in Hastings, England, and received a B.Sc. degree in molecular sciences with first-class honors from Warwick University, Coventry, England, in 1970. He received a Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry from University College, London, in 1973, and performed postdoctoral research with J. A. Berson at Yale University from 1973 to 1975. After completing that postdoc, he joined Cornell as an assistant professor. He became an associate professor in 1981 and a full professor in 1985. Carpenter has been awarded fellowJANUARY 27, 1997 C&EN 53
awards I 5 I £ ^ ^
gle-crystal X-ray diffraction to the determination of natural product structures. In doing so, he carried the field into such sources as marine organisms, fungal toxins, and enediyne anticancer antibiotics. Furthermore, he and his students collaborated with dozens of separate research teams to bring his structural insights to their labors. More recently, Clardy has determined crystallographic structures of natural products Carpenter Carreira Clardy bound to their biological target molecules. In this way, biships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, dioxabicyclooctane skeleton common to ologists and chemists can see the explicthe John S. Guggenheim Memorial Founda- the zaragozic acids and related squale- it interactions without having to guess tion, and the American Association for the statins, which are being investigated as how a compound fits into an active site. Sometimes, the structure determination Advancement of Science (AAAS). He has potential cholesterol-lowering agents. served on the advisory boards of Accounts Carreira also has been pursuing enan- of the complex is also the first structure of Chemical Research and the Journal of tioselective photocycloadditions of opti- determination of the natural product. Organic Chemistry, for which he is now cally active disubstituted allenes with Perhaps the most important such an associate editor. In 1992, he was secre- a,(3-unsaturated ketones and esters. The project is a collaboration to discover how tary-treasurer for the 11th International reactions proceed with high levels of FK506 and rapamycin, which are immuUnion of Pure & Applied Chemistry Con- asymmetric induction, yielding optically nosuppressant drugs for organ transplants, ference on Physical Organic Chemistry. active fused-ring systems that are other- transmit their signals from the outside of human cells to the nucleus. Once inside Carpenter is a member of the Ameri- wise hard to make. can Chemical Society, AAAS, and the Carreira received a B.S. in chemistry a cell, both molecules bind to FK506-bindRoyal Society of Chemistry in London. from the University of Illinois in 1984. He ing proteins, notably FKBP12. The resultobtained a Ph.D. degree from Harvard Uni- ing protein-natural product complexes inERICK M. CARREIRA, associate profes versity in 1990, studying with chemistry hibit the activity of either calcineurin in sor of chemistry at California Institute of professor David A. Evans. After a postdoc- the case of FK506 or FRAP in the case of Technology, has demonstrated unusual toral stint at CalTech with chemistry pro- rapamycin, and the inhibition blocks an creativity in several distinct areas of or- fessor Peter B. Dervan's group, he joined immunological signal from a cell receptor. ganic synthesis. Carreira's "accomplish- the faculty there as an assistant professor Clardy determined the structures of the ment clearly distinguishes him in my in 1992. He was promoted to associate FKBP12-FK506 and FKBP12-rapamycin complexes, and just last summer reported mind as the most outstanding young or- professor in 1996. the tripartite binding interaction FKBP12ganic chemist in this country, if not the In addition to this award, Carreira also is world," according to one colleague. the winner of the 1997 ACS Award in Pure rapamycin with FRAP. This triple complex In the area of asymmetric catalysis, Car- Chemistry (C&EN, Jan. 6, page 36). structure has been important not only in reira devised a way to add methyl acetate Among other honors, he has been named understanding how rapamycin works but to aldehydes—the long-standing acetate al- an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research also in a variety of projects where rapamydol problem—through an experimentally Fellow and has received a Camille & Hen- cin-induced protein dimerization is used to simple method that uses a chiral catalyst. ry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award. His control cellular processes such as gene His titanium(TV) complex can be readily teaching abilities have been recognized by transcription. prepared from inexpensive, commercially two teaching awards at CalTech. Other notable structures that Clardy has available starting materials. Aldol addition determined include 3-hexene-l,5-diyne reactions can be carried out with a very Chemistry professor JON C. CLARDY of antitumor antibiotics such as esperamismall catalyst-to-substrate ratio, yielding Cornell University is recognized principal- cin and dynamicin; the "red tide" toxins products with unprecedented levels of se- ly for his role in advancing the chemistry called saxitoxin, DSP toxin, and brevetoxlectivity from a wide range of starting ma- of natural products. When Clardy began ins A and B; and the enzyme chorismate terials. Carreira's group also has developed his independent career in the mid-1960s, mutase produced by Escherichia coll a process that employs 2-methoxypropene natural products chemiststypicallyspecialClardy received a B.S. in chemistry as a practical, commercially available eno- ized in types of molecules—for example, from Yale University in 1964 and a Ph.D. late equivalent in acetone aldol additions. steroids—or types of organisms, for exam- in chemistry from Harvard University in 1969. Among other major awards and Beating several more established re- ple, plants and their processes. search groups to the finish line, in 1994 Clardy was among thefirstto take a uni- recognitions, he was named a fellow of Carreira published the first total synthe- fied structural view of the field in which the American Academy of Arts & Sciencsis of zaragozic acid C, a complicated nat- the source or type of molecule was sec- es in 1995 and received the ACS Ernest ural product. Carreira's enantioselective ondary to its biological role. He was also a Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natsynthesis provides a rapid route to the pioneer in bringing the technique of sin- ural Products in the same year. 54 JANUARY 27, 1997 C&EN
As a graduate student at Columbia University and in his first years on the chemistry faculty at Cornell University, DAVID B. COLLUM quickly established a place for himself in the competitive arena of natural products synthesis. Recognizing the low level of understanding about important organometallic reagents used in organic synthesis, however, he soon made what a colleague characterizes as a "dramatic and courageous change in the direction of his research effort." For the past decade or so, Collum's major focus has been the determination of the structural and mechanistic basis of reactivity in organolithium chemistry. Organolithium reagents play key roles in virtually every organic synthetic scheme, yet the detailed knowledge that would allow them to be used fully rationally has been lacking. Using a combination of spectroscopic, computational, and rate studies, Collum's group has been probing the structure and behavior of lithium amides and of mixtures of lithium amides with lithium enolates, unraveling the complexities caused by aggregation of such species. The researchers' findings are not just of theoretical interest, but already are being applied in industry to optimize syntheses of important drug candidates. Collum's "perspective is unique," an associate writes, "not only because of the synthetic expertise that he brings to bear on such mechanistic problems, but also because of the remarkably proficient skills in inorganic and physical organic chemistry that he has subsequentiy developed." In addition to his organometallic research, Collum recently has begun a program to develop new methods and tactics for environmentally benign organic synthesis. Collum carried out undergraduate research in chemistry while obtaining a B.S. degree in biology from Cornell in 1977. He achieved the synthesis of monensin while in graduate school at Columbia, where he earned M.S. (1978), M. Phil. (1980), and Ph.D. (1980) degrees in chemistry. In 1980, he joined Cornell's chemistry department, where he is now a full professor. At Columbia, Collum was honored with both research and teaching awards. He has been named an E. I. DuPont de Nemours Young Faculty Fellow (1980) and an Eli Lilly & Co. Young Faculty Fellow (1986). He also was awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship (1985). As one of JACK D. DUNITZ s colleagues puts it, "For close to 40 years, he has been 'the' crystallographer of organic chemistry."
According to another colleague, Dunitz, retired professor of chemical crystallography at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, has been a "pioneer in probing below the surface of X-ray results." He has used crystallography "to search out fundamental information" about chemical reactions and behavior. Dunitz has concentrated on crystal structural analysis not only as a means of establishing atomic arrangement, but also as a tool for studying a diversity of chemical problems. These have included the structure and reactivity of medium-ring compounds, the ion specificity of natural and synthetic ionophores, and molecular structure-energy relationships. From this work, Dunitz and his colleagues developed the method of deriving—from the structural information in crystal structures—model pathways for prototypic chemical reactions, thus making a connection between the statics of crystals and the dynamics of reacting chemical systems. In fact, says a colleague, Dunitz has "pioneered in developing new ways to use the vast, but tangled, database of organic X-ray data in order to provide original insight on the properties and reactivity of organic molecules," in part reflected in the Burgi-Dunitz rules for reaction geometries. His more recent work has focused on problems of polymorphism, phase transformations in solids, and solid-state chemical reactions. Dunitz earned B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry at Glasgow University, Scotland, in 1944 and 1947, respectively. He held research fellowships at Oxford University (1946-48 and 1951-53) in England; at California Institute of Technology (1948-51 and 1953-54); at the National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, Md. (1954-55); and with the Royal Institution, London (195657), before being offered a professorial post in chemical crystallography at ETH. He was named a full professor there in 1964, and in 1990 he retired. Additionally, he has held visiting professorships in the U.S., Israel, Japan, Spain, and the U.K. The author of more than 300 papers on various aspects of crystal and molecular structure and X-ray diffraction, he is a member of many international scientific societies. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the Royal Society of Chemistry in London, and he is a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Dunitz has received numerous awards and prizes, including the 1977 Centenary Lecture & Medal of the Chemical Society,
London (now the Royal Society of Chemistry); the Paracelsus Prize of the Swiss Chemical Society (1986); the Gregori Aminoff Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (1990); and the Buerger Award of the American Crystallographic Association (1991). University of Chicago professor PHTTIP E. EATON is a world leader in the synthesis and study of nonnatural products; his "synthetic work has always been marked by sophistication combined with simplicity and elegance," according to one colleague. His skilled syntheses—including his work on Lewis acid catalysis in the DielsAlder reaction; intermolecular photocycloaddition reactions of oc,P-unsaturated ketones to alkenes, alkynes, and allenes; "Eaton's Reagent" (phosphorus pentoxide in methanesulfonic acid); and o-magnesiation—have played a key role in the development of organic methodology. Eaton is the "father of cubane chemistry," having been the first to synthesize that high-energy system long sought by many other chemists. His scheme for its preparation is still used in its essential form, now on a multikilogram scale. He opened up the field of strained-ring hydrocarbon functionalization with the discovery of how to substitute the cubane system in a systematic way. The current renaissance in cubane chemistry, driven by Eaton's contributions, is providing ever new "aggravations" to classical chemistry, such as cubyl cation being formed a million billion times faster than predicted. Among the other highly unusual systems Eaton has synthesized are peristylane, cuneane, [2.2.2]propellane, [w.2.2.2]paddlanes, [n]cubyls, and hexanitrocubane. His 1981 synthesis of pentaprismane is still the only one known. Eaton's signature molecules do not wind up on the shelf as exhibits but instead raise intriguing questions in physical organic and theoretical chemistry, offering new opportunities in materials science and medicinal chemistry. Eaton received an A.B. degree from Princeton University in 1957 and a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from Harvard University in 1961, working with Peter Yates. After graduation, he was an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, for two years before joining the faculty at Chicago. He became a full professor there in 1972. In addition to visiting professorships at the University of Colorado, Boulder; Stanford University; and several universities in Germany, Eaton has worked—through his JANUARY 27, 1997 C&EN 55
consulting firm Eaton Associates—with DuPont, Dow, SRI International, the Army, Steroids Ltd., and Huorochem, among others. Eaton has won many awards, including the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the Rohm and Haas Research Award, and the Alan Berman Research Publication Award. He was a national symposium officer for the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry from 1981 to 1983 and is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In October 1996, a special symposium was held at Chicago in honor of Eaton's 60th birthday. "Noncovalent interactions" is a term that, in his role as a chemist, will stick with SAMUEL H. GELLMAN for the rest of his life. As a professor of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Gellman's research efforts have focused on molecular "stickiness"—technically, noncovalent interactions. According to Gellman, "Many important processes, including life, depend upon the ability of one type of molecule to bind tightly and specifically to another, or in the case of large molecules, upon the ability of one part to stick specifically to another part. Understanding sticky interactions is crucial for the elucidation of biological phenomena at the molecular level, and for development of new ways to detect and fight disease. Sticky interactions have been difficult to probe in biological systems because of the inherent complexity of these systems." Gellman's approach to this problem has included the construction of relatively simple molecules that isolate small sets of sticky interactions and, therefore, allow detailed analysis. He has also developed new technologies based upon careful orchestration of sticky interactions in complex systems. 56 JANUARY 27, 1997 C&EN
In work reported by C&EN, Gellman and graduate student Gregory Dado designed a peptide made to switch back and forth between a-helix and (3-sheet forms under redox control. Conformational switching should ultimately allow a protein's function to be turned on and off. Gellman demonstrated that methionine can provide the basis for switching, with redox cycling between the hydrophobic thioether form and the hydrophilic sulfoxide form. Another C&EN article on Gellman's work with David Rozema reports on their recent technique for protein refolding that mimics the mechanism of action of chaperones. According to a colleague, "Nature has developed 'chaperone' proteins to guide the folding of other proteins in vivo, and Gellman took these natural chaperones as inspiration in developing 'artificial chaperones.' This approach promises to be of great utility to protein chemists and biotechnologists." Another colleague of Gellman's says his "combination of flair for important problems, original design, excellent synthetic skills, rigorous conformational analysis, and profound understanding of molecular recognition principles not only has led Sam Gellman to a large series of outstanding results in important areas of contemporary chemistry, but also represents a warranty for a continuing outstanding future career." Gellman received an A.B. degree, magna cum laude, in chemistry in 1981 from Harvard University and a Ph.D. degree in chemistry in 1986 from Columbia University under Ronald Breslow. After a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellowship with Peter B. Dervan at California Institute of Technology, Gellman has worked his way up from assistant professor of chemistry (1987-93), to associate professor (1993-95), to his current position as professor at UW Madison.
So far in his career, Gellman has received other honors, including a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1991; and, in 1993, he was an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow. The award winner has published papers in major journals and holds a patent on protein refolding technology. In more than 30 years of research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology chemistry professor DANIEL S. KEMP has made significant contributions to challenging areas that span a wide range of organic chemistry. A "scholar's scholar," according to a colleague, his impressive research achievements are "paralleled by a brilliant teaching career." Kemp may be best known for the compound that bears his name: Kemp's triacid. In 1981, Kemp's group published a convenient synthesis of the compound, which holds three carboxylic acid groups in close proximity on a cyclohexane ring. Research groups from all over the world continue to capitalize on the triacid's unique properties to probe phenomena of molecular recognition and to create models of important proteins. Proteins are a recurring theme in Kemp's research career. His work has led to better ways to synthesize proteins and polypeptides, tools for probing and stabilizing their conformations, and to clearer understanding of how they fold. Among Kemp's many contributions to the synthesis of polypeptides is his "thiol capture" principle for linking two mediumsized peptide fragments. This strategy, which uses a template to position two components for intramolecular acyl transfer, was built on painstaking studies of optimum size, shape, and orientation of the template. Kemp's physical organic chemistry studies of the decarboxylation of benzisoxazoles revealed dramatic solvent effects on
the reaction. The compounds are now widely used as probes to study the solvation environment within active sites of macromolecules. In the area of protein folding, Kemp has devised simple organic templates that induce the small peptides to which they are linked to form helices or (3-sheets. These systems supply data for models that attempt to reproduce the folding of native proteins. Kemp received a B.A. degree in chemistry from Reed Col- Kemp lege, Portland, Ore., in 1958. He obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University in 1964. That same year, he joined the chemistry faculty of MTT. "He has won every teaching award that MTT has to offer," according to a colleague, and he is the author of an organic chemistry textbook. He has been awarded several prestigious fellowships and currently holds a 10-year Merit research awardfromthe National Institutes of Health.
... but with a 'Twist'" [12, 1476 (1994)]. Moreover, their work in new organometallic-based couplings toward polyenes has resulted in a novel entry to the ubiquinone and vitamin K series. Lipshutz received a B.A. degree in chemistry (1973) from the State University of New York, Binghamton, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in organic chemistry from Yale University in 1974 and 1977, respectively. Following a two-year postdoctoral BRUCE H. LIPSHUTZ, professor of chem- stay at Harvard University, he began his istry at the University of California, Santa academic career at UC Santa Barbara as an Barbara, is best known for his contribu- assistant professor in 1979. He became a tions to synthetic methodology, particular- full professor in 1987. Among numerous ly in the area of organometallic chemistry. awards and honors, Lipshutz has received His "higher order cuprates"—commonly the American Cancer Society Junior Faculwritten as R2Cu(CN)Ii2 and referred to as ty Research Award (1981-83) and the Lipshutz reagents—are used routinely in Harold J. Pious Memorial Teaching Award synthesis of natural products and other at UCSB (1984). compounds. He was named an Alfred P. Sloan Transmetalation processes mediated by Foundation Fellow (1984-88) and a Camthese reagents have led to very efficient ille & Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar means of preparing cuprates—which un- (1984-89), and he was named to the Esdergo conjugate addition reactions—from quire magazine National Register in other metal organic species such as stan- 1984. In 1995, he served as chairman of nanes and zirconocenes. These develop- the prestigious 8th International Union ments have resulted in new procedures of Pure & Applied Chemistry meeting on for effecting similar outcomes but with OrganoMetallic Chemistry Directed toonly catalytic amounts of copper required, wards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS 8). most notably in the case of functionalized organozinc reagents. His review of the "Even at this early stage of his career, he field of organocopper chemistry in Organ- has established an international reputaic Reactions (1992)—more than 500 pag- tion as a leader in the field of bioorganic es long—is one of the longest ever written chemistry," says a colleague of STEVEN for that series. C. ZIMMERMAN, professor of chemistry The Lipshutz group, according to one at the University of Illinois, Urbanacolleague, "continues to maintain a strong Champaign. "I follow his work literally record of accomplishment, not only in the word-by-word," writes another. organocopper arena, but in a variety of unAmong Zimmerman's early accomplishrelated areas." The group's work in nucle- ments in the area of molecular recognition oside chemistry, for instance, led to an in- was development of a unique, versatile, vited feature article in Synthesis: "A Novel and synthetically accessible set of synthetRoute to Pryimidine Nucleosides via In- ic nonmacrocyclic hosts, called "molecutramolecular Couplings of Bases with 2'- lar tweezers," that exhibit oriented comDeoxyribosides: Quick and Stereospecific plexation of neutral substances. Zimmer-
man's first-generation molecular tweezer proved to be an extremely efficient and selective binder of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAHs), which are potent mutagens and pervasive pollutants. Chemically bonded stationary phases have been produced from this class of host molecules, leading to an efficient chromatographic method of analysis for nitro-PAHs. Zimmerman extended the tweezer concept to the binding of nucleobases in organic solvents. A second generation of the host bound adenine derivatives tightly, further demonstrating the usefulness of the cleft approach in host-guest chemistry. In an entirely distinct research program, Zimmerman tested the Gandour proposal that syn-oriented carboxylates have greatly enhanced basicities, as well as its relevance to the serene proteases. He did this through the synthesis and study of a HisAsp model that featured the first synoriented imidazole-carboxylate. This enzyme model showed that the carboxylate orientation was of secondary importance to the role of the imidazole. His recent work on dendrimers showed that these unique macromolecules can form discrete, nanoscale aggregates in solution. A high-profile publication on these self-assembly dendrimers has attracted broad attention from both organic and materials chemists. Zimmerman received a B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1979, and a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from Columbia University in 1983. Among his other awards are the BuckWhitney Award of the ACS Eastern New York Section (1995), an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship (199293), a Camille & Henry Dreyfus TeacherScholar Award (1989-92), a Presidential Young Investigator Award (1988-93), and an American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Award (1986-89). < JANUARY 27, 1997 C&EN 57