Awards and Educational Activities of ACS Local Sections - C&EN

Nov 4, 2010 - Curie, J. C. Irvine, and Richard Willstätter. Recipients of certain other awards, however, such as the Schoellkopf Medal and the Pittsbu...
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Awards a n d Educational Activities of ACS Local Sections Seventh in a Series on Local Section Activities of the ACS ROBERT F . GOULD, Associate Editor


LEDALS o r awards recognizing merit torious contributions to chemistry, chemical industry, or chemical education are sponsored by eight local sections of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.

M o s t of

these were established in the name of some outstanding chemist whom they thereby honor, such as t h e J . Willard Gibbs, T . W. Richards, Jacob F . Schoellkopf, and L e o H . Baekeland Medals. T h e Nichols Medal w a s n a m e d after its first recipient, William H. Nichols. Some of t h e medals, such as t h e Gibbs, Richards, and Nichols, are awarded without geographic limitations. T h e Gibbs Medal h a s four times been awarded internationally. I t s first recipient was Svante Arrhenius; other foreign chemists so honored were M m e . Curie, J. C . Irvine, a n d Richard Willstàtter. Recipients of certain other awards, however, such as t h e Schoellkopf Medal and t h e P i t t s b u r g h a n d Midwest Awards, are chosen from within specified areas. One of t h e most recent medals to be established, t h e Baekeland Medal, given by t h e N o r t h Jersey Section, includes a prize of S 1,000. Although t h e Perkin Medal is awarded by t h e Society of Chemical I n d u s t r y a n d t h e Herty M e d a l is awarded b y t h e Georgia S t a t e College for Women, the N e w York a n d Georgia Sections, respectively, participate in t h e meetings at which they are presented. T h e Washington Section annually awards the Hillebrand Prize, consisting of books a n d a certificate, t o one of its own m e m b e r s for a n o u t s t a n d i n g contribution t o t h e science of chemistry during t h e preceding three years. W. F . Hillebrand, for whom it i s named, was for m a n y years chief chemist of t h e N a t i o n a l B u r e a u of S t a n d a r d s . T w o o t h e r sections, on t h e other hand, h a v e chosen still another way to honor former m e m b e r s who were eminent chemists. Rochester h a s r e cently held i t s inaugural Harrison H o w e Lecture, founded as a memorial t o t h e late Harrison E. H o w e , a c h a r t e r m e m b e r of t h e Rochester Section a n d a former editor of t h i s magazine. Philadelphia has recently announced t h e sponsorship, jointly with the University of Pennsylvania, of t h e annual E d g a r F a h s S m i t h Memorial L e c t u r e s in honor of t h e eminent historian of chemistry who served three times a s president of t h e

is an ACS emblem, while t h a t given by Memphis is in t h e form of a gavel. Both are suitably inscribed. Education "The educational activities of the local sections can be divided into three groups according t o the level toward which they are directed: (1) high schools, (2) college, and (3) p o s t g r a d u a t e or teaching. Activities of the first group are generally directed toxvard influencing s t u d e n t s to t a k e up or continue t h e s t u d y of chemistry and are usually vocational guidance programs or prize contests. At t h e college level, local section interest is frequently centered on rewarding meritorious students although a few sections conduct student meetings or m a i n t a i n s t u d e n t loan funds. The most a d v a n c e d phase of local section activity in t h e field of education may include t h e encouragement of its members to piLrsue p o s t g r a d u a t e s t u d y a n d / o r t h e sponsorship of programs on chemical education a t its meetings. f Oca t iona I G uidttn ce Vocational guidance is frequently offered in . t h e form of local members fuxnished b y the section t o speak at high school assemblies or chemistry clubs. This i s usually a loosely organized function with t h e section s t a n d i n g ready to provide speakers on request as in Toledo artd I n d i a n a . A circular letter offering this service is sometimes employed. In Colorado, m e m b e r s of t h e local section help high school seniors t o plan their college courses, while in Southern California the section takes p a r t in t h e annual vocational d a y in the high schools a n d junior colleges b y providing speakers or advisers on a variety of subjects. This Baekeland Atvard, to ο chemist under 40, by tk^e North Jersey Seclion, first given in 1944

past spring the Cleveland Section took p a r t in a series of evening vocational guidance conferences sponsored by t h e Cleveland Technical Societies Council in cooperation with t h e Board of Education. Six panels o n various branches of science and engineering were provided; the chemistry panel consisted of 14 ACS members under t h e direction of F . B. D u t t o n , secretary of t h e Cleveland Section. Interested s t u d e n t s were invited to t h e adviser's p l a n t or office for further interviews if it appeared that would be helpful. T h e D a y t o n Section, in cooperation with t h e D a y t o n Society of Professional Engineers, h a s recently p u t into operation a plan of vocational guidance whereby members t a k e over high school chemistry classes for a day to tell s t u d e n t s about t h e chemist a n d his work, w h a t training is required, a n d the jobs he can be expecte,d to fill. A follow-up is m a d e a t a later date, and if s t u d e n t s have specific questions (usually a b o u t training) interviews are arranged. T h e program has t h e dual purpose of advising those students who know they w a n t to be chemists a n d informing others of what a chemist is. Fourteen m e m b e r s took p a r t in t h e first program last December, a n d good cooperation from t h e teachers was reported. T h e Lehigh Valley Section uses films to promote interest in chemistry a n d to assist in t h e teaching of chemistry in the high scftools. This activity is carried on by the education extension committee which has a n annual budget of $100 for the purchase a n d circulation of educational films, of which t h e section now owns a considerable number. T h e N o r t h Jersey Section is considering t h e establishment of a film lending library for both high

Chicago^ s Willard Gibbs Medal, founded in 1911, awarded by a jury of 12 chosen from ACS-at-large

Midtcest Atvard, es tablishedin 1944 by St. Louis Section, awarded in 8 states bordering Missouri


I n concluding t h e discussion of awards, t h e keys p r e s e n t e d by t w o sections to their retiring chairmen should be m e n tioned. Southeastern Pennsylvania's key V O L U M E

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school and college use, an-J it is; intended that each film shall have an appropriate "plug" for t h e ACS. Several sections use· literature in their vocational guidance work. T h u s the Binghamton and the Northeastern Sec­ tions, and prohahly m a n y others, distrihute the excellent pamphlet oh voca­ tional guidance in chemistry und chemical engineering prepared by the AMKKICAN CHKMICAI. SOCIETY ( in packages of


Education to the high ranking student of chemistry in each of that city's two high schools. A somewhat broader program of voca­ tional guidance, bordering more upon public relations, was conducted two years ago by Northern West Virginia. A faculty research forum, organized by t h e section and held a t West Virginia Uni­ versity, was broadcast over the local radio station, b u t it had to be discontinued due to difficulties in obtaining radio time. A twofold educational program, di­ rected both toward the public and toward vocational guidance in the high schools, has recently been announced by Dela­ ware's educational committee. I t s o b ­ jectives will b e : (1) to inform t h e lay­ m a n about the services and activities of

25, ΛΟ, or 100 postpaid from the Mack Printing Co., Kaston, P a . , 10 cents each or 9 cents if cash iiceompiinies order), while in addition, tiie C ."hicngo Section distrihutes its own pamphlet, " T h e Chemist a n d t h e Chemical Engineer in Industry", prepared in 1*941 for t h e oc­ casion of its third National Chemical t h e AMEKICAN C H E M I C A L SOCIETY t h r o u g h Exposition to give the public a better speakers, movies, and newspapers and (2) understanding of t h e functions per­ formed hy members of the profession t o describe the purpose )f the ACS secondary (copies available on request, 410 South to prospective chemists Michigan Ave., Chicago 5 , 111.). schools. In order to encourage promising high school students to continue in chemistry, -**«> the Memphis Section t w o years a g o inEssay contests are sponsored by several augurated a broad educational program sections, some in the high schools and some in which t h e students themselves were in colleges. South Jersey discontinued its encourage* 1 to take part,. Eiich school high school essay contest during t h e war, in its territory is asked Lo designate five- a n d Dayton recently established a dual students of chemistry as s t u d e n t associate essay contest. Some sections give cash members in the local section. They then prizes and others give cups while two secreccive the local section publication a n d tions in California give scholarships, are invited to attend local section meetT h e South Jersey Section conducted its ings. To provide a. medium of interest contest in t h e county high schools in its for these student associate members, a territory. Subjects and rules were s u b high school page was established in mitted to the county superintendents, which articles on vocational guidance, hut judging was b y local section members, written hy t h e section's education comFirst and second prizes consisted of either mittee, and information o f interest t o high medals or chemical books, $10 value for school students were carriud. Finally, t o first, $5 for second, with certificates for each school participating in t h e program other winners. A prize was also given to and which will undertake to circulate t h e the school winning the most points. Presmagazine among chemistry students, a entation was m a d e by the chairman of subscription to CHEMICAL ®AND E N G I the section a t t h e high school commenceNEEiiiNG N E W S is furnished. Last year, ment exercises.

student writing the best essay on the s u b ­ ject discussed by a speaker a t a local sec­ tion meeting, and the Carroll A. Hochwalt Award is given to the student writing t h e best essay on an announced chemical subject. Second and third prizes, usually books, are donated by the section. E s ­ says a r e 1,000 to 1,500 words in length. For t h e 1945 contest, a 5-page mimeo­ graphed manual was issued t o e n t r a n t s . I t included rules governing the a w a r d s and bibliographies on the subjects selected for the essays, Fiberglas for t h e Hochwalt Award, liquid ammonia for t h e T h o m a s Award. T h e Pittsburgh Section has recently a n ­ nounced the establishment of four a n n u a l awards to secondary students of chem­ istry. Three are cash awards of $100, S25, a n d $10 each for the best essays and examination submitted to t h e sec­ tion, a n d t h e fourth is a prize of §50 for the best chemistry exhibit i n t h e Senior Division of t h e Junior Science Fair con­ ducted annually by the Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science. F o u r hundred a n d fifty schools were notified of t h e first contest which will be hejd in J u n e 1946, a n d by early December favor­ able responses had been received from 84 schools which will enter nearly 900 con­ testants. Plans for t h e medallion design and certificates of award to be presented to schools from which winners were en­ tered are in preparation. Several other sections base their high school chemistry contests on examina­ tions. Sacramento conducted a contest for about t e n years until t h e war forced its postponement. Examinations pre­ pared by the members and objective tests recently made available by various p u b ­ lishing services have both been used. Pittsburgh Award* first given in 1933, for ilisting uished service

five schools in Memphis, Tenu., a n d OxT h e Dayton contest, suggested and deford, Miss., took part in this program. veloped by t h e section high school cornAlso seeking to r e w a r d scholarship in mittee chairman, P . E. Marling, is twochemistry with a prize that will tend t o fold with awards named after the sponsors maintain interest in it, t t i e l ' t i c a group of a n d donors of first prizes which a r e sums the Syracuse Section annually gives a of S25 each and certificates. The Charles subscription to the Journal oj Ctiemical Allen T h o m a s Award is given t o the Nichais Medal, awarded Richards Medal,founded SchoellkopJ Medal, since 1902 for