Azobenzene Guest Molecules as Light-Switchable CO2 Valves in an

Mar 9, 2017 - As UiO-67 is a MOF with large pores (cavities of ∼12 and ∼18 Å with pore windows of 8 Å),(29) and the MOF layer, 200 nm, is rather...
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Azobenzene Guest Molecules as Light-Switchable CO2 Valves in an Ultrathin UiO-67 Membrane Alexander Knebel,*,† Lion Sundermann,† Alexander Mohmeyer,‡ Ina Strauß,†,§ Sebastian Friebe,† Peter Behrens,‡,§ and Jürgen Caro*,† †

Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Leibniz University Hannover, Callinstraße 3A, 30167 Hannover, Germany Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Leibniz University Hannover, Callinstraße 9, 30167 Hannover, Germany § Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE), Leibniz University Hannover, Schneiderberg 39, 30167 Hannover, Germany ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Metal−organic frameworks (MOFs) with an exceptionally large pore volume and inner surface area are perfect materials for loading with intelligent guest molecules. First, an ultrathin 200 nm high-flux UiO-67 layer deposited on a porous α-Al2O3 support by solvothermal growth has been developed. This neat UiO-67 membrane is then used as a host material for light-responsive guest molecules. Azobenzene (AZB) is loaded in the pores of the UiO-67 membrane. From adsorption measurements, we determined that the pores of UiO-67 are completely filled with AZB and, thereby, steric hindrance inhibits any optical switching. After in situ thermally controlled desorption of AZB from the membrane, AZB can be switched and gas permeation changes are observed, yielding an uncomplicated and effective smart material with remote controllable gas permeation. The switching of AZB in solution and inside the host could be demonstrated by ultraviolet−visible spectroscopy. Tracking the completely reversible control over the permeance of CO2 and the H2/CO2 separation through the AZB-loaded UiO-67 layer is possible by in situ irradiation and permeation. Mechanistic investigations show that a light-induced gate opening and closing takes place. A remote controllable host−guest, ultrathin smart MOF membrane is developed, characterized, and applied to switch the gas composition by external stimuli. reported in the literature,10−12 is the combination of solvothermally grown MOFs as host materials for smart guest molecules in the preparation of intelligent host−guest materials. Smart membrane systems in general have been investigated rarely, but there are examples like that of Liu et al.,13 in which K+ ion-cognitive gates were introduced into polymeric nylon composite membranes. However, again with respect to the MOF topic, it has been shown several times, with photoswitchable tailor-made linkers, that photophysical pore control in MOFs is possible.5,11,14,15 Just recently, we published a cooperation project in which a SURMOF membrane layer with azobenzene (AZB) side-chain functionality was prepared and successfully used for gas separation.16 We herein report, for the first time, a submicrometer sized, 200 nm thin UiO-67 membrane that has been synthesized solvothermally. Other thin layer UiO membranes for different purposes have been published recently. For instance, thin layer UiO-66 membranes are used for organoselective pervapora-

1. INTRODUCTION Metal−organic frameworks (MOFs), consisting of metal or metal oxide nodes interconnected by organic linker molecules, exhibit extraordinary properties as porous materials for gas separation and purification and can also be utilized as smart and intelligent materials. With molecularly designed linker molecules or linkers with side-chain functionalities that react as a result of external stimuli, several highly special properties could be introduced into the frameworks.1−3 Complicated synthesis and noncommercial organic ligands are often used, mostly tailor-made on the lab scale at very low yields, to show certain smart (photoresponsive) functions, for example, photochromism4,5 or photoinduced drug release.6 Accompanied by the synthetically difficult approach to molecularly engineered linkers, deposition of the MOF as a thin layer on functional surfaces is rather complicated, but necessary to achieve the custom-made function. The first developed porous and lightswitchable MOF was reported in 2011 by Modrow et al.7 For functional membranes, usually a layer-by-layer deposition, including several washing steps, is employed to form a surface-anchored metal−organic framework (SURMOF) with tailored functionality and a state-of-the-art thickness and flux.8,9 A synthetically much easier and cheaper approach,4 but rarely © 2017 American Chemical Society

Received: January 12, 2017 Revised: March 7, 2017 Published: March 9, 2017 3111

DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b00147 Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 3111−3117


Chemistry of Materials tion,17 UiO-66 hollowfiber membranes for use in organic dehydration18 and desalination,19 and metal-supported UiO-66 membranes for gas separation of moist gases.20 Until now, most state-of-the-art membranes, for example, ZIF-8 membranes, were produced by in situ or counter diffusion methods and reached a minimal thickness of 1 μm.21 However, the thin layer UiO-67 membrane allows light switching of AZB as a guest molecule, and the neat membrane also itself shows good gas separation properties. In addition, the AZB molecules alter the separation properties through gating effects in the UiO-67 framework. This was shown using in situ gas permeation measurements in a specifically designed Wicke−Kallenbach permeation cell. In the end, a mechanistic explanation is given, from spectroscopic measurements, showing that AZB guest molecules form π-stacking complexes with the MOF linkers. Thus, it was shown that AZB influences the gates of UiO-67 by light irradiation.

for N2 single-gas permeation, where CH4 was used on the sweep side. The sweep-gas flux was 50 mL/min; thus, the system operated without pressure differences. The single-gas permeation experiments were performed at room temperature (RT) and under ambient conditions. Each data point is an average value from five measurement data points and was collected after equilibration times of around 24 h. 2.6. Mixed-Gas Permeation. Mixed-gas permeation experiments were performed using binary mixtures of H2 with CO2, N2, CH4, C2H6, and C3H8 in a 1:1 ratio. The flux of each gas was 25 mL/min, resulting in an overall feed-gas flux for the binary mixture of 50 mL/min. On the sweep side, N2 was applied (or in case of the H2/N2 binary mixture, CH4) at a flow rate of 50 mL/min. The membrane was kept under ambient conditions. 2.7. In Situ Mixed-Gas Permeation and Irradiation. For in situ gas permeation, a H2/CO2 mixed gas with a flow rate of 25 mL/min each was applied on the feed side of the membrane. On the sweep side, a 50 mL/min flow rate of N2 was applied. The membrane was kept under ambient conditions. To irradiate the sample with ultraviolet−visible (UV−vis) light, a Prizmatix FC5-LED high-power, fiber-coupled LED system was used. For the controlled desorption of AZB in the gas flow, the temperature of the membrane was adjusted to 80 °C and the increase in the level of CO2 permeation with time was monitored. While the desorption of AZB took place, the membrane was constantly irradiated at λ = 365 nm. After a certain amount of desorbed AZB after some time, the increase in CO2 permeance increased rather quickly compared to that for the desorption process. This was an indicator of the achievement of AZB switchability. To obtain a curve in a plot of permeance versus time, the membrane was then cooled to RT. Gas permeation was performed under in situ irradiation alternating with λ = 365 nm and λ = 465 nm at RT. When a saturation level of the permeance change was reached, the wavelength was changed, yielding a quasi-sinusoidal switching plot for the selectivity of the H2/CO2 mixture. 2.8. N2 Sorption. Nitrogen sorption isotherms were measured at 77 K on a Quantachrome Autosorb-3 instrument. Samples were outgassed in vacuum at room temperature for 24 h prior to the sorption measurement. Surface areas were estimated by applying the Brunauer−Emmett−Teller (BET) equation. To determine the BET surface area, the “Micropore BET Assistant” implemented in ASiQwin version 2.0 from Quantachrome was used. The pore size distributions were calculated using nonlinear density functional theory (NLDFT) fitting of the Quantachrome Kernel “N2 at 77 K zeolites/silica” to the experimental data. The total pore volumes were estimated by the single-point method at p/p0 = 0.95. 2.9. Thermogravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, and Differential Thermal Analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) were performed using a Netzsch Sta 409PC/PG instrument under an Ar atmosphere, starting at 40 °C and ending at 800 °C with a heating rate of 5 K/min. 2.10. SEM and EDXM. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed with a field emission scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-6700F). Pictures of particles deposited on graphite were taken at an acceleration voltage of 2 kV and an acceleration current of 10 μA. Energy dispersive X-ray mapping (EDXM) and the corresponding images of the membrane cross section were taken at an acceleration voltage of 10 kV and an acceleration current of 10 μA. To prevent overcharging, the membrane was coated with carbon using the Leica EMSCD500 instrument. 2.11. UV−Vis Spectroscopy. UV−vis spectroscopy was performed using a Cary 5000 UV−vis spectrophotometer from Agilent Technologies. The samples were measured in quartz glass cuvettes with a 1 mm thickness. UiO-67 and AZB@UiO-67 powder was desposited on the glass faces. All samples were measured in an integrated sphere to take reflection and transmission into account. The spectra are not normalized. Calculation results for the approximately switchable amounts (in percent cis) have been obtained using AZB in ethanol changes as a comparison.11,23−26 2.12. Infrared Spectroscopy. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were recorded using an Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Reagents and Chemicals. All chemicals were used as received from commercial vendors. The asymmetric α-Al2O3 porous support discs with a diameter of 18 mm (1.8 μm grains as the basis layer, 70 nm grains as the top layer) were purchased from Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS (Hermsdorf, Germany). The chemicals used for this work were glacial acetic acid (≥99.7%, HPLC grade, Fisher Scientific), acetone (≥99.9%, SigmaAldrich), azobenzene (AZB, for elemental analysis, Merck), biphenyl4,4′-dicarboxylic acid (BPDC, 98%, Acros Organics), methanol (MeOH, ≥99.8%, Sigma-Aldrich), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF, 99.8% anhydrous, Sigma-Aldrich), and ZrCl4 (anhydrous, 98%, Alfa Aesar). 2.2. UiO-67 Membrane Synthesis. The UiO-67 membrane was synthesized by a solvothermal procedure. First, the α-Al2O3 support (IKTS) was placed face down in a PTFE holder that fits into the autoclave. The autoclave was preheated to 150 °C. At the same time, two solutions were preheated to 150 °C. The first solution consisted of 0.28 g of ZrCl4 and 4.5 mL of DMF, and the second solution consisted of 0.612 g of BPDC with 10 mL of DMF. The solutions were mixed in the preheated autoclave. After that, 2 mL of DMF and 0.36 mL of acetic acid (99.7%) were added. The autoclave was sealed, and the reaction mixture was held at 220 °C for 24 h. The membrane layer was washed afterward by solvent exchange first in DMF (2 h), then in MeOH (2 h), and finally in acetone (2 h). The membrane was dried at 60 °C for 12 h. 2.3. UiO-67 Powder Synthesis. The UiO-67 powder was synthesized solvothermally by mixing two preheated solutions at 150 °C. The first solution consisted of 0.28 g of ZrCl4 and 4.5 mL of DMF, and the second solution consisted of 0.612 g of BPDC, 10 mL of DMF, and 100 μL of acetic acid (99.7%). The solutions were mixed in a preheated PTFE-lined autoclave at 150 °C. The autoclave was sealed and heated to 180 °C for 24 h. The particles were washed in the centrifuge at 10000 rpm twice with DMF, once with MeOH, and finally once with acetone. The powder was then dried for 12 h at 60 °C. 2.4. Azobenzene Loading. The powder was loaded via the gas phase at 120 °C in a sealed vacuum flask under an autogenous pressure of AZB for 12 h. Loading the membrane over the gas phase was not possible without cracking the membrane layer. Therefore, the membrane was loaded in a 0.01 M AZB solution in acetone for 5 min. Then, the membrane surface was washed of residual surface AZB by dipping the supported layer in a fresh acetone solution for 5 s. The membrane was dried in air for 12 h. 2.5. Single-Gas Permeation. For the characterization of the UiO67 membrane, single-gas permeation was used. The gas flux was regulated by remote-controlled mass flow controllers. Single-gas permeation was performed using a 50 mL/min gas flux on the feed side. As the feed gas, H2, CO2, N2, CH4, ethane (C2H6), and propane (C3H8) were used. On the sweep side, N2 was used in all cases, except 3112

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Figure 1. UiO-67 layer investigated by (a) XRD, (b) SEM, and (c) EDX mapping. The crystal structure of UiO-67 is shown in panel (d). The UiO67 layer is very thin (200 nm), as shown in panel (c), so that XRD gives only low reflex intensities. XRD shows strong support reflexes that are denoted with asterisks in panel (a). However, the reflexes could be identified as UiO-67.22 Permeances for the neat UiO-67 layer without AZB loading are given as follows. The single-gas permeances and ideal permselectivities (in a hypothetical mixture with H2) are shown in panels (e) and (f), respectively. The mixed-gas permeances and real permselectivities for H2-containing mixtures are given in panel (g). Permeation data are provided in Tables S1 and S2. Details of the experimental setup are given in Figure S1. with a diamond attenuated total reflectance unit. The spectra were recorded over the full spectral range from 4000 to 650 cm−1 with a resolution of 2 cm−1 at 64 scans and are not normalized. 2.13. X-ray Diffraction. For X-ray diffraction (XRD), a Bruker D8-Advance diffractometer with LYNXEYE detection technology was used. For the measurement, the sample was mounted on a polymer holder. Bragg−Brentano θ−θ geometry and Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.154 nm) were used. For the recording of the XRD pattern, a 2θ range of 4−60° was applied, at 0.0341° and 1 s per step for a total of 1639 steps. The samples were not rotated during the measurement.

of the SEM image in Figure 1c, it is clear that the Zr-MOF layer is anchored well on the Al2O3 support and shows a homogeneous layer thickness. The permeation data of the neat UiO-67 membrane show that the membrane is dense and has a high flux (Figure 1e−g). As UiO-67 is a MOF with large pores (cavities of ∼12 and ∼18 Å with pore windows of 8 Å),29 and the MOF layer, 200 nm, is rather thin, high-flux permeances were expected. The permeance of a gas through a membrane is given in units of moles per membrane area, time, and partial pressure difference over the membrane. Figure 1e shows that the single-gas permeances are slightly higher than the mixed-gas permeances in Figure 1g. In both single- and mixed-gas permeation, the different gas permeances decrease with an increasing critical diameter of the molecules from H2 to C3H8. Interesting is the ideal permselectivity of hydrogen to other gases calculated as the ratio of the single-gas permeances in Figure 1f and compared to the real permselectivities of H2 against other gases in the mixed-gas separation in Figure 1g. First, the trend is the same for ideal- and mixed-gas selectivities. However, the real H2/propane selectivity of 29.4 in the mixture is a factor of 1.6 larger than the predicted ideal selectivity of 18.3. Because the separation in the real mixture is better than expected from the ideal separation predictions, we can conclude that the membrane separation relies on an interplay of mixed-gas competitive adsorption and diffusion.30 The high flux and decent hydrogen selectivity make the membrane suitable for hydrogen purification applications. 3.2. Determining the AZB Loading of UiO-67. Because the UiO-67 layer was grown as a dense membrane with clear gas separating properties, the large pore size of UiO-67 allows adsorption of hydrocarbons and thus the modification of the membrane layer with AZB via liquid phase adsorption. AZB as an UV−vis light-switchable compound has been loaded as a guest molecule into the MOF network via adsorption from an acetone solution, without further postsynthetic functionalization. Powder samples were also loaded, and the AZB loading

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. UiO-67 Membrane Syntheses and Characterization. The UiO-67 membrane layer has been characterized by XRD (cf. Figure 1), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray mapping (EDX mapping) (cf Figure 1b,c), and gas permeation data were collected for the neat membrane (Figure 1e−g). The SEM images show a cross section of the supported UiO-67 membrane. The UiO-67 structure, shown in Figure 1d, consists of [Zr6O4(OH)4]12+ clusters, forming the secondary building units, which are interconnected by biphenyl-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid (BPDC). The network forms cages with two sizes. The large cage (yellow) has a diameter of 18 Å, and the smaller cage (green) has a diameter of 12 Å.27 XRD of the membrane layer in Figure 1a, with our awareness of the membrane thickness pictured by SEM and EDX mapping (Figure 1b,c), shows good crystallinity and a good signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, it could be identified as an ultrathin UiO-67 MOF layer.22 However, the reflexes obtained are of low intensity because of the very thin layer. It must be highlighted that this membrane layer was solvothermally synthesized. To obtain such an ultrathin membrane, knowledge of the crystallization process was significantly important.28 Determined by the SEM imaging and the corresponding EDX mapping of the layer [analyzing the elemental maps of Zr-L-α1 and Al−K-α1 (cf. Figure 1)], the UiO-67 layer is around 200 nm thick. From the EDX mapping 3113

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Chemistry of Materials and space occupation were evaluated by N2 sorption. The isotherms are shown in Figure 2. The pristine, AZB-free UiO-

Figure 2. N2 adsorption isotherms of (a) the pristine, AZB-free UiO67 powder, (b) the AZB@UiO-67 host−guest composite, and (c) partly AZB-desorbed AZB@UiO-67 powder. Photographs of the empty and AZB-loaded powders and a SEM image of a single particle of the powder are shown in panel (d). For the pristine powder in panel (a), an inner surface area of 2565 m2/g was calculated with the DFT method. Eventually, for the loaded AZB@UiO-67 powder (b), an inner surface area of 63 m2/g was calculated, and AZB desorption of the sample (c) yielded 1080 m2/g. The powder XRD data are shown in Figure S2.

Figure 3. (a) Controlled thermal desorption of AZB from the supported UiO-67 layer. The desorption of AZB (starting with a fully loaded membrane with no permeance at all) was indirectly traced over the increasing CO2 permeance. During the in situ desorption of AZB, the LED was constantly irradiating the top layer of the AZB@UiO-67 membrane at 365 nm, thus switching the AZB from trans to cis. The indicator of the maximal switchable amount of AZB inside the MOF was the rapid increase in CO2 permeance after a certain AZB desorption, where the heating was stopped. (b) Reversible gas permeation of the equimolar H2/CO2 mixture upon in situ reversible switching of AZB in UiO-67 at a constant and reduced AZB loading. A sinusoidal change in mixed-gas separation factor α (H2/CO2) is observed. The in situ permeation data are listed in Table S3, and the experimental setup is given in Figure S1.

67 is shown in Figure 2a, fully loaded UiO-67 in Figure 2b, and partial AZB desorption in Figure 2c. From these data, it is clear that UiO-67 can be completely loaded with the AZB molecules and leaves no free space inside the MOF, which inhibits any optical switching of the densely packed AZB, as it is similarly found for solid AZB, as well as for structural isoreticular UiO Zr-MOFs with AZB linkers.31 The N2 isotherm (Figure 2b) clearly shows for AZB-loaded UiO-67 a very small inner microporous surface area of 63 m2/g compared to a surface area of 2565 m2/g (Figure 2). From these results, we can assume that the adsorption in the pore of the fully AZB-loaded UiO-67 is negligible, and the low N2 adsorption can be attributed to the interparticle space. 3.3. Activation and Remote Control of the AZB@UiO67 Membrane. Therefore, it is not surprising that for a fully AZB-loaded UiO-67 membrane no gas flux through the membrane layer could be observed (Figure 3), which originally has been very high for the neat, AZB-free UiO-67 membrane (cf. Figure 1e−g). As shown in Figure 3a, some AZB had to be desorbed first, because the fully AZB-loaded UiO-67 membrane did not allow (i) any gas transport of probe molecules or (ii) trans−cis switching of AZB. Gas transport and switchability have been realized by a trick: thermally controlled desorption, which was indirectly traced over the CO2 permeance at 353 K under in situ irradiation at 365 nm. The time dependencies of AZB desorption, the amount of AZB desorbed from a fully AZB-loaded UiO-67 membrane, could be reproduced for the powder sample under a H2/CO2 mixed-gas flow at 353 K. AZB switching has also been proven by spectroscopic techniques for AZB in ethanol and is compared with switching of AZB in a UiO-67 powder sample in UV−vis experiments, shown in panels b and c of Figure 4, respectively. The sample was additionally investigated by N2 sorption afterward, yielding an

inner surface area of 1080 m2/g (cf. Figure 2c). From gas permeation, spectroscopy, and sorption measurements, showing that switching is possible with a particular amount of AZB, in combination with thermogravimetric analysis (see Figure S3−S5), a quite accurate optimum AZB loading was determined that allows (i) gas transport and (ii) AZB photoisomerization. The fully loaded UiO-67 has 36.6 wt % AZB adsorbed inside the structure. After desorption, the optimal switchable amount is found to be 19 wt % AZB. The switching of gas transport through the AZB-loaded UiO-67 membrane could be achieved reversibly at room temperature (cf. Figure 3b). Upon irradiation of the membrane at 293 K with λ = 365 nm light, an increase in CO2 permeance is observed. The switching of the AZB into the cis form is responsible for this increase in the CO2 permeation. By using light in the visible part of the spectrum (λ = 455 nm), it was possible to switch the AZB back into the trans form. Switching the AZB into dynamic equilibrium trans or cis configuration needs continuous irradiation and a relatively long 3114

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change, a switching of the pore channel sizes would contribute even more. 3.4. Understanding the Mechanism of AZB@UiO-67 Switching. To understand the mechanism of switching, it is important to know how many AZB molecules per elemental cell (EC) can switch. As mentioned above, the large cage has a diameter of 18 Å and the small cage a diameter of 12 Å. Per EC, four superoctahedral and eight supertetrahedral cavities exist. A hypothetical maximal loading of 62 wt % AZB should be possible, when assuming it is loaded with solid AZB (density of 1.09 g/cm3) and using the DFT pore volume of 0.676 cm3/g (cf. Figure 2). Calculating the volume of the free space in UiO67, by assuming spherical cavities, and dividing it by 270 Å3 for one molecule of trans-AZB33 (thermodynamically stable form) results in an overall maximal loading of 249 AZB molecules per EC. However, from the experimental thermogravimetric analysis (see the Supporting Information), a maximal loading of 36.6 wt % results in a completely filled UiO-67, which is thereby equivalent to 147 AZB molecules per EC. The amount of AZB is decreased because it behaves like a solution inside the MOF structure and, thus, occupies more space, and steric hindrance occurs inside the cavities. When thermally activated, UiO-67 is filled with only 19 wt %, i.e., 74 AZB molecules per EC. From that amount, there is ∼12% AZB that can be addressed by irradiation, which means that nine AZB molecules can be switched per EC. Via comparison of our recent research with a 40% switchable Azo-SURMOF membrane, five moieties could be switched per EC.16 Upon normalization of the volume of the Azo-SURMOF EC to the volume of the UiO-67 EC, four ECs of the SURMOF fit into that of UiO-67. This means, for the Azo-SURMOF membrane, a maximal switchable amount of 20 AZB moieties is available. Comparing these data, we can actually address around half the amount of AZB moieties inside the UiO-67 crystal structure, which is quite good, when it is acknowledged that the comparison is made between a tailored MOF and a host−guest system. Upon examination of the permeance while switching (cf. Figure 3b), both the H2 and CO2 permeances decrease in the trans state. Here, the CO2 permeance is more affected, thus substantiating the assumption of permeation changes through gating mechanisms. In the Azo-SURMOF membrane, the switching could be assigned to be almost only an electrostatic effect, and a decreasing CO2 permeance was observed in cis due to strong electrostatic adsorption.16 Hence, this was the opposite effect compared to that of the AZB@UiO-67 membrane. Why does AZB influence the gate here? Through interpretation of the IR spectra of the UiO-67 membrane and AZB@UiO-67 membrane (Figure 4a), a mechanistic explanation can be formulated.34 Here, an alteration of C−C skeletal vibrations is observed when AZB has been loaded into the framework of UiO-67. Other vibrations decrease, for example, the O−C−O vibration at 1409 cm−1, while the collective BPDC linker vibration at 1190 cm−1 is also lowered for AZB@ UiO-67. The azo function itself is IR-inactive, but C−N vibrations can be found in the AZB@UiO-67 spectrum. This indicates the presence of AZB. These data can be explained with AZB forming a π-stacking adsorption complex inside UiO-67 with the benzene rings of the BPDC linker molecules. Such sandwich adsorption alters vibrational modes as shown for different π-stacking on graphene.35 Thus, an electrostatic change will happen here, but its influence is rather weak compared to the main reason for the

Figure 4. ATR-IR (attenuated total reflection infrared) spectra. (a) UiO-67 ATR-IR spectra for the skeletal modes and the ν(OH) region. No residual guest molecules, H2O, DMF, or acetone is visible at ≈1700 cm−1 in the ν(CO) region or in the ν(OH) region. In the IR spectra, via comparison of the AZB@UiO-67 membrane and neatUiO-67, the AZB adds C−N vibrational bands to the spectrum. Interpretations of the mechanism of switching have been made. Overall skeletal vibration suppression/alteration through AZB is assigned to π-stacking complexes of the benzene rings of AZB and BPDC. (b) UV−vis spectra of AZB@UiO-67 powder samples after controlled desorption. To compare the results and calculate a switching yield, AZB isomerism through irradiation is given for AZB in ethanol in panel (c). (d) Sketch of the gate switching mechanism with a space-filling model of a pore window of UiO-67 and AZB in the cis conformation on the left and the trans conformation on the right. Oxygens are colored red, nitrogens green, carbons of the MOF gray, carbons of the AZB orange, and zirconiums blue. Hydrogen atoms are hidden.

irradiation time. Once in the equilibrium state, the respective isomers remain stable for at least 24 h. Switching the AZB@ UiO-67 at room temperature into the trans isomer state takes 106 min at 455 nm, and maximal cis isomerization is reached after irradiation with UV light at 365 nm for 120 min. In the case of the trans configuration of AZB, the H2/CO2 separation factor is 14.7, which can be explained as a gating process rather than an electrostatic effect.32 Through a change in conformation to cis, the CO2 gate is open, yielding a H2/CO2 permselectivity of 10.1 and a higher CO2 permeance. In fact, the H2 permeance also slightly increases when switching to cis and decreases when switching to trans, which indicates gating effects. The size of guest molecule AZB (C4−C4′ distance) changes from 9 to 5.5 Å,11 and this leads to the assumption that, besides the fact that the dipole moments of the AZB 3115

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permeation switching, gating effects. A schematic illustration of how the trans state of AZB is believed to reduce the aperture of the gate is shown in Figure 4d. From these data, AZB is apparently π-stacking at the benzene rings of the UiO-67 and thereby affects the effective gate size. The AZB trans isomer has a length of 9 Å, and the dipolar moment is 0 D; the AZB in the cis form results in a length of 5.5 Å and a dipole moment of 3 D.11 It is clear that the pore window would close and open with a great effect (window size of 8 Å29). The switching of AZB itself in the activated AZB@UiO-67 powder and of the pure AZB molecules in ethanol is shown by UV−vis measurements in panels b and c of Figure 4, respectively.


Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected]. *E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Alexander Knebel: 0000-0002-5866-1106 Funding

The authors gratefully acknowledge funding through Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Science Foundation). This work is part of DFG Priority Program SPP1928 (Coordination Networks: Building Blocks for Functional Systems). I.S. is grateful for the support through the Hanover School for Nanotechnology (HSN) and the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering (LNQE).

4. CONCLUSION On the basis of the experimental findings, it was possible for the first time to synthesize a supported ultrathin high-flux UiO-67 membrane by solvothermal crystallization. The densely intergrown submicrometer sized membrane layer had a thickness of only 200 nm as determined by EDXM and the corresponding SEM image. It could be shown that AZB can be adsorbed into the MOF up to a maximal loading of 35.6 wt %. However, at complete pore filling with AZB, the pores are blocked by the guest molecules for any gas adsorption or gas permeation, and consequently, no trans−cis switching of AZB could occur. After activation through controlled in situ desorption of AZB at 353 K under constant irradiation at λ = 365 nm, AZB can be addressed optically and switching of both gas permeation and separation could be achieved. The optimal switchable amount of AZB could be determined by thermogravimetric analysis of a similarly processed UiO-67 powder and was 19 wt %. Calculations showed that per unit cell of UiO-67 the large number of nine AZB guest molecules is switchable. AZB switching to the cis isomer at 365 nm and back to the trans isomer at 455 nm was possible and reversible in cycles as shown by in situ gas permeation and UV−vis spectroscopy. From UV−vis spectroscopy, it follows that 12% of the AZB in the pore is switchable. A mechanism could be proposed relying on data from IR spectroscopy, showing that the pore entrances of UiO-67 are affected by AZB due to formation of π-stacking complexes. AZB molecules suppress and alter especially C−C vibrations of the BPDC linker through π-stacking, when adsorbed inside the pores. This permits completely reversible gate opening and closing through light. In summary, a novel supported, ultrathin UiO-67 membrane was successfully synthesized and modified with AZB, yielding a smart host− guest membrane, which is a stimulus-responsive, remote controllable, and reversible switching membrane material for gas separation. In addition, it may find use in the field of sensors or as a molecular light switch in microelectronics.



The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks to L. Heinke, C. Wöll, and R. Fischer for stimulating discussions and D. Dorfs for the use of the UV−vis spectrophotometer.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b00147 Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 3111−3117