AZTEC INSTRUMENTS, INC. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 29, 2012 - AZTEC INSTRUMENTS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (13), pp 59A–59A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60219a759. Publication Date: December 1964...
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agents and test solutions, a number of unique tables such as a table of the color of some inorganic substances, crystallographic data, a list of common inorganic compounds arranged accord­ ing to their melting points, and a list of inorganic compounds that burn with flame or explode on heating. Literature references are arranged by type of pub­ lication and discipline. The typography, while reminiscent of Mikrochimica Acta, is good. There are few typographical errors. Figures and bold face type are used to illustrate and emphasize the alreadymore than adequate description in the text. Professor Benedetti-Pichler's phraseology combines the exactness of German description with the fluidity of English to produce a very lucid and scholarly treatise which should be of inestimable value to the student as a text and as a reference volume to the workers in the various fields of ana­ lytical chemistry.





Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. vii + 374 pages. Program for Sci­ entific Translations, H Shammai St., Jerusalem, Israel. 1963. $H.




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Reviewed by C. J. Rodden, Director of the XJ. S. Atomic Energy Commis­ sion, New Brunswick, N. J. This is one of a group of about 50 volumes of the "Analytical Chemistry of the Elements" to be published by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. The \-olume on the Analysis of Ura­ nium draws attention to the consider­ able amount of work on this subject that has been done in the U.S.S.R. and that is now published in one volume. In addition to the work in the U.S.S.R., methods for the analysis of uranium from other sources are described. Chapter I (3 pages) deals with Gen­ eral Information on Uranium. Chapter II (21 pages) is devoted to ChemicoAnalytical Properties of Uranium and its Compounds. Chapter I I I (14 pages) on Detection of Uranium covers the more important reagents and meth­ ods for the detection of uranium. This is conveniently given in tabular form. Chapter IV (174 pages) on the De­ termination of Uranium is the most im­ portant one of the book. This chap­ ter which has 8 contributors varies con­ siderably in the coverage of the mate­ rial. Under chemical methods for the determination of uranium are consid­ ered gravimetric and titrimetric meth­ ods. Physicochemical methods consider photometric methods which include colorimetric and fluorimetric (lumi-

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T H E HARSHAW CHEMICAL COMPANY CRYSTAL-SOLID STATE DIVISION 1945 E. 97th St. · Cleveland, 0. 44106 Phone Area 216 721-8300


Circle No. 61 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 13, DECEMBER 1964


59 A