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NH2S02NH2 + RNCO— e. • NH2S02NHCONHR. GENERAL CHEMICAL DIVISION. 40 Rector Street, New York β, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card...
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Excitement. ..about a new chemical fresh f r o m Research and Development! ®

B&A SULFAMIDE Recently, one of our ads went on a " f i s h i n g e x p e d i t i o n " to e x p l o r e possible uses for a number of new chemicals. Among them was B&A Sulfamide. So m u c h i n t e r e s t w a s expressed in Sulfamide t h a t we are taking this opportunity to tell you more about it. B&A Sulfamide is similar to urea in many of its reactions, except that it is more acidic, and can act as a di­ basic acid. Here are twelve properties and reactions of this interesting new chemical. Do they give you some ideas of your own?

Nitration NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + HNO3-

NH 2 S0 2 NHN0 2 + H 2 0

Chlorination NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + HOCI-

NH 2 S0 2 NHCI + H 2 0

Salt Formation NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + 2Na0H9~ NaNHS0 2 NHNa + 2H 2 0 Various mono- and di-metallic salts have been made.

Heat NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 -

NH 2 (S0 2 NH) x S0 2 NH 2 + (S0 2 NH) 3 + NH 3

Hydrolysis H20 NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + H 2 0*- NH2S03NH4 » (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 Sulfamide is stable in dilute acid or alkaline solution.

PCI, NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + 2PCI 5 -

S02(N:PCl3)2 + 4HCI

Alcohols NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + 2R0HR20 + NH2S03NH4 Sulfamide is a strong dehydrating agent under some Organic Acids NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + RCOOH

For more information about B&A Sulfamide, and sample quantities, write us today!

BAKER & ADAMSON® Fine Chemicals


P ndin




RCONH2 + ?

Amines NH 2 S0 2 NHR R N H * » RNHS02NHR + NH 3 NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + RNH 2 Primary and some secondary amines react thus. Acylating Agents NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + RCOCI Acid anhydrides react

•*• RCONHSO 2 NH 2 -5£2£LRCONHSO 2 NHCOR + HCI similarly.

Aldehydes NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + C6H5CHO· * - NH 2 S0 2 N:CHC 6 H 5 + H 2 0 Other aldehydes may form methylols or resins, depending

Isocyanates NH 2 S0 2 NH 2 + RNCO—


Chemical GENERAL CHEMICAL DIVISION 40 Rector Street, New York β, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card


