Baird Associates, Inc

a continuously variable speed drive, a switch to select Baird Associates or American Petroleum Institute chart scales and a choice of parameters that ...
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The new Baird Associates Double Beam Infrared Spectrophotometer meets industry's requirements for a new and superior analytical instrument. Inexpensive to maintain and requiring a minimum of attention during actual operation, its advanced design incorporates many improvements that result in research and control economies. The instrument is extremely fast and accurate, easy to operate and adaptable for use with solids, liquids or gases. In addition, the new IR Spec's advanced engineering now provides slit programming for greater reproducibility, a continuously variable speed drive, a switch to select Baird Associates or American Petroleum Institute chart scales and a choice of parameters that provide more complete analysis. It is designed to easily permit the installation of new accessories as developed, and is used to great advantage in most of the organic chemistry industries. Write for Bulletin 33C for complete information.

Baird Associates, Inc. 33 U N I V E R S I T Y R O A D , C A M B R I D G E , M A S S . For further Information, circle number 47 A on Readers' Service Cord, page 51 A

V O L U M E 27, NO. 5, MAY


47 A