Baird-Atomic, Inc. - ACS Publications

with but a single reflect- ing surface minimizes light loss and light scattering, particularly inthe important far ultraviolet region. This assures ex...
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Single Optical Surface Provides Better Analysis

NEW BOOKS filiations are discussed, and compari­ sons made between plate and packed columns. I t is composed of sixteen chapters with 85 illustrations. Mass Spectroscopy. Η. Ε. Duck­ worth, xvi + 206 pages. Cam­ bridge University Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York 22, Ν. Υ. 1958. $6.50. This book, giving a concise descrip­ tion of two aspects of mass spectros­ copy, should be useful to all whose work involves mass spectroscopy in any of its multifarious forms. The first aspect, the principles of mass spectros­ copy, is discussed not only with re­ spect to obtaining mass resolution and dispersion, but also with respect to production and detection of positive ion beams. The second aspect takes up applications which include investi­ gations of nuclear stability, and studies of fission yields, neutron absorption cross-sections, isotopic abundance, ge­ ologic dating, mass assignments of ra­ dioactivity, and molecular physics. There are eleven chapters followed by tables of isotopic abundances and atomic masses, plus references and an index.

U. S. Government Publications B a i r d - A t o m i c Spectrographs - w i t h t h e Eagle M o u n t design - are the only commercially available high-sen­ sitivity instruments using the modern concave diffrac­ tion grating as the only optical surface. The Baird-Atomic 3-Meter Grating Spectrograph with but a single reflect­ ing surface minimizes light loss and light scattering, particularly in the important far ultraviolet region. This assures excellent identification of extremely low concentration elements. In many cases, analyses of these elements by spectrographs with 3, 4 or 5 reflecting surfaces is extremely difficult if not impossible, since too much light is lost at each reflecting surface, especially in the far ultraviolet region where the reflectivity of aluminum drops off. In such situations, the Baird-Atomic Spectrograph with only one reflecting surface provides the high line-to-background ratio required for extreme sensitivity. The Baird-Atomic 3-Meter Spectrograph is a precalibrated instrument and permits all adjustments to be made from front control panel. Versatil­ ity and flexibility of application and high resolution across the entire photographic plate are inherent in B-A Spectrographs Write for more detailed information

Baird-Atomic, Inc. 33 U N I V E R S I T Y RD., C A M B R I D G E 38, MASS.

Instrumentation for Better Analysis Circle No. 1 Ï I ON Readers' Service Card "' i


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A Thermobalance Investigation of Starch as a Reducing Agent in the Conversion of Uranium Trioxide to Uranium Tetrafluoride, NLCO682, August 1956, 24 pages, $1. Accurate Weighing with the Microchemical Balance, ANL-5767, August 1957, 19 pages, 75 cents. An Extraction Method for the Determination of Radioruthenium in Organic Samples, HW-48736, May 1957, 13 pages, 20 cents. Determination of Radiocesium by Complex Cobalticyariide Precipita­ tion, HW-49668, April 1957, 32 pages, 30 cents. Determination of Uranium in Ir­ radiated Thorium, IDO-14411, June 1957, 8 pages, 15 cents. Caustic Fusion of Columbite-Tantalite Concentrates with Subsequent Separation of Niobium and Tan­ talum, ISC-796, August 1956, 29 pages, 25 cents. Determination of Lithium-6 by Fission Counting, K-1042, August 1953, 8 pages, 25 cents. The Ultraviolet Absorption Spec­ tra of Diphenyl, Mono-Isopropyl Diphenyl and Irradiated Mono-Isopropyl Diphenyl, KAPL-1768, March 1957, 14 pages, 20 cents Extraction oi Americiurri Nitrate