differential operation (relative window Los Angeles · San Francisco •· Ottawa, width) or integral ... qualified applicants trill receive conaid- b...
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Gamma Spectrometer —

luxury features i n a compact, economy package

M(>del8250 Spectrometer incorporating the Alj-EJectronic Scaler Model 1 3 5 , the Model kAMptifter-Anafcpsr arid Model ^-SiFarï; rÀ^sernjblyy - -':

Baird-Atomic announces the n e w Model work and for nee with the most sophisti82BO single channel Spectrometei which aatedautomatiesamplechangingeysteme. can be quickly and easily oalibn tted i n Write today for details o n these inetrtiener'gy unite IMev) for a n y energj - range mente and their system combinations, from X-rays to cosmic rays. Spec- ra can Offices i n Cambridge • New Ybrlt · Philbe positioned a s desired by the hi( fh voltadelphia · Detroit · Cleveland · 'Washage and the gain controls. A n y de gree of ington, D. C. · Atlanta · Dallas .1 Chioago · differential operation (relative w i n d o w Los Angeles · S a n Francisco •· Ottawa, width) or i n t e g r a l o p e r a t i o n m a y b e Canada, obtained. The Model 82BO i s a combination of two • instruments just added to the f Baird' Engineers a n d scientxet^/nveei/rfete Atomic line. They are the Model a^O Amchallenging opportunities with B/A. plifier-Analyzer and a n e w all-electronic Write Industrial Relations Director. All Model 135 Scaler. The Scaler, whicih comqualified applicants trill receive conaidbines a 5 decade, 5 micro-second sealer oration lor employment without regard to a n d a n electronic timer o n one cpaseis, • race, creed, color or national origin. i s excellent for both general lab counting J. , __________________



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