Baked Finish Results with an Air-Dried EPON RESIN Enamel! - C&EN

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B a k e d Finish Results w i t h an A i r - D r i e d


a new corrosionresistant finish . . . which contains its own curing agent! With this amine-cured Epon® resin coating you can spray surfaces of any size . . . in any location . . . and, at room temperature, get toughness and corrosion resistance equal to that of finishes requiring high-temperature baking. So easy to apply! A single heavy coat of an amine-cured Epon resin finish is practical since the finish converts itself! LERE'S

Conventional finishes require several coats to build up to properfilmthickness . . . because air contact * for drying. All of the advantages of Epon resins. · . extreme durability, abrasion resistance, elasticity, high corrosion resistance, and excellent cold check resistance... are also present in this new coating. Drop us a line for our technical bulletin on Epon resin formulation XA-200 and samples of Epon resins.

SHELL CHEMICAL CORPORATION Chemical Partner of Industry a n d Agriculture lastern Divisions 300 Fifth Avenu·, New York 96 · Western Dlvltloni 100 Bush S i r · * Un Francltco 6 Atlanta · Boston · Chlcoao · Cleveland · Detroit · Houston · Los Angelot · Newerh · St. lovlt IN CANADA! Chemical Division, Shell OU Company of Canodo, limited · Toronto · Montreal · Vancouver


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