let us gift wrap 16 extra hours for G.C. daily
T u r n your back, write letters, go home — do anything you want, Barber-Colman's Automatic Injector utilizes " H o t P o p " capsules or metal gauzes to introduce samples to your gas chromatograph with wonderful monotony. You can have 24-HOUR U N A T T E N D E D O P E R A T I O N FOR E I T H E R I S O T H E R M A L (easy pie) or T E M P E R A T U R E P R O G R A M M E D (something else) ANALYSES. Chromatographic signal is compatible with all methods of data processing. You can increase your G.C. workload yet show significant savings with unattended operation during prime (day) time. Add in savings from all night, and/or weekend operation and you have saved hundreds of dollars a week. • The Automatic Injector has two other important advantages: your technicians need no additional training; the unit requires no additional space in the lab. (interesting note — you can H E A R the sample capsules "pop") N E W it is not — the Auto Injector has been field proved since 1966 — list of names supplied on request. Ask for A U T O - I N J E C T O R Catalog to get complete data. Circle No. 151 on Readers' Service Card
24 A
Series 5000 Selecta-System®
Rockford, Illinois 61101 U.S.A. Phone: (815) 877-0241 Overseas Sales Mgrs.: A d . Auriema, Inc., N.Y.