BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 22, 2012 - BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (1), pp 104A–104A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60233a791. Publication Date: January 1966...
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The Chromatogram is the Proof* For t h e Finest A n a l y t i c a l C a p a b i l i t y

in S T E R O I D S

Choose the Series 5000 S e l e c t a - S y s t e m

1 - Pregnandiol 2 - Androsterone, 3 - Etîochofanolone 4 - Dehydroisoandrcst-.-rone 5 - Epicoprostono! (internal standard) 6 - Pregnandiol 7 - 1 1 - Ketoandrosîerone 8 - 1 I - Ketoetiocholanolone 9 - 1 16 - Hvdroxyandrosterone 1 0 - 1 1 β - Hydroxyetiocholanolone

PROVEN Choice of Biomedical Researchers... Series 5000 Selecta-System Gas Chromatograph The Selecta-System was designed to meet the high performance demands of t h e biomedical researcher. This fine instrument is the result of more than six years' experience in biomedical research. Here is a top quality gas chromatograph particularly suited for the analysis of 17 - ketosteroids, estrogens, progestérones, fatty acids, amino acids and other materials of interest to the biomedical field. * The chromatogram pictured above is typical of the results obtainable with the Selecta-System. Analysis of 17-ketosteroids, progesterone metabolites and estrogens can be accomplished routinely by using only one column and isothermal or programmed temperatures. Note t h e excellent resolving power obtainable with this system. Accurate quantitative results are easily achieved.


Features of the Selecta-System: • All glass systems — minimum component losses t o adsorption · Minimum Dead Spaces · "Cm-Column" Injection · Dual Column Temperature Programming • Flame Ionization or Argon Ionization Detectors give maximum sensitivity · Easily adapted to BarberColman Radioactivity Monitoring Systems · Versatility — Series 5000 is easily modified to accept new techniques in gas chromatography with a minimum of instrument obsolescence · Sample Component Collection Ports. Please write to Barber-Colman for more information. There are approximately 50 Barber-Colman factory Sales and Service branch offices to serve you — See the Yellow Pages, or contact us here a t Rockford.

BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY Dept. Y, 15104 Rock Street, Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. BARBER-COLMAN of CANADA, Ltd., Dept. Y, Toronto & Montreal · Overseas Sales Mgrs.: Ad. Auriema, Inc., N.Y. Circle No. 65 on Readers' Service Card See Buyers' Guide for all products/sales offices.

104 A
