BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (9), pp 47A–47A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60215a739. Publication Date: August 1964...
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The Chromatogram is the Proof* For the Finest Analytical Capability in S T E R O I D S Choose the Series 5000 Selecta-System

1 - Pregnandiol 2 - A n d r o s t e r o n e , 3 - Etiocholanolone 4 - Dehydroisoandrosterone 5 - Epicoprostanol (internal standard) 6 - P r e g n a n d i o l 7 -11 - Ketoetiocholanolone 8 - 11 - Ketoandrosterone 9 - 11/B- Hydroxyandrosterone 10- 1 1 £ - Hydroxyetiocholanolone




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PROVEN Choice of Biomedical Researchers... Series 5000 Selecta-System Gas Chromatograph The Selecta-System was designed to meet the high performance demands of the biomedical researcher. This fine instrument is the result of more than six years' experience in biomedical research. Here is a top quality gas chromatograph particularly suited for the analysis of 17-ketosteroids, estrogens, progestérones, fatty acids, amino acids and other materials of interest to the biomedical field. * The chromatogram pictured above is typical of the results obtainable with the Selecta-System. Analysis of 17-ketosteroids, progesterone metabolites and estrogens can be accomplished routinely by using only one column and isothermal or programmed temperatures. Note the excellent resolving power obtainable with this system. Accurate quantitative results are easily achieved.


Features of the S e l e c t a - S y s t e m :

• All glass systems — minimum component losses to adsorption · Minimum Dead Spaces · "On-Column" Injection · Dual Column Temperature Programming • Flame Ionization or Argon Ionization Detectors give maximum sensitivity · Easily adapted to BarberColman Radioactivity Monitoring Systems · Versatility — Series 5000 is easily modified to accept new techniques in gas chromatography with a minimum of instrument obsolescence · Sample Component Collection Ports. Please write to Barber-Colman for more information. There are approximately 50 Barber-Colman factory Sales and Service branch offices to serve you — See the Yellow Pages, or contact us here at Rockford.

BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY Dept. H, 15104 Rock Street, Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. BARBER-COLMAN of CANADA, Ltd., Dept. H, Toronto & Montreal

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Overseas Sales Mgrs.: Ad. Auriema, Inc., N.Y.