BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (3), pp 38A–39A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60209a731. Publication Date: March 1964. Copyright ...
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Why you must have Capillary Columns Gasoline

Ortho-meta-para xylenes sr\

Θ S a m p l e : Gasoline 30-114°C. Sample size: 0.002 ml. Detector: Hydrogen-Flame V o l t a g e : 300 Sensitivity: 10"'° A t t e n . s e t : 2. Rec. Range 5MV S u b s t r a t e : Hexadecene. C a r r i e r : Helium C o l . : 200-ft. SS w i t h I.D. of 0.01" T e m p . ° C : F.H. 290; S T 150; C o l . 90.; D.T. 150; Detr. 30. Flow m l / m i n : Β 400; C o l . 1.5.

Detector: T r i t i u m V o l t a g e : 1000V C o l u m n : 150-ft l o n g ; 0.01 I.D. T e m p . ° C : C o l . 160; F.H. 250; Det. 200 Liquid P h a s e : Polybutene Peaks — a. solvent b. Delta 8, 11 Methyl linoleate c. Delta 10, 13 Methyl linoleate d. Delta 11, 14 Methyl linoleate

Θ Sample Size: 0.1 ul D e t e c t o r : Radium 226 Range 10. V o l t a g e 1250 Liq. P h a s e : Carbowax 1500. Carrier: A r . 40 psi C o l : 200-ft. Capillary; O D .0625"; ID .010" T e m p . ° C : C o l . 65; F.H. 255; Detr. 135 Flow m l / m i n : Scav. 80; S p l i t 3 0 0 1. Benzene 2. T o l u e n e 3. P-xylene 4. M-xylene 5. O-xylene

38 A



Detector: Tritium V o l t a g e : 1000V C o l u m n : 150-ft. l o n g ; . 0 1 " I.D. T e m p . " C : C o l . 170; F.H. 250; Det. 200 Liquid P h a s e : Ethylene Glycol Glutarate Peaks — Cis and Trans Methyl Oleate


for the BEST


Gas Chromatography Quite S i m p l y . . . Your gas chromatograph is not capable of giving you the very best in gas chromatographic analysis unless it is equipped with capillary columns. W h y . . . Consider these advantages of capillary c o l u m n s : •

Resolutions which are impossible on packed columns.

Analyze very small samples with ionization detector systems.

Temperature programming extends the range of capillary columns, simultaneously providing excellent resolution and high sensitivity to report trace constituents in extremely complex mixtures.

Better resolution of complex samples with very similar structural groups.

A complete analysis in 20 minutes which may take more than an hour with packed columns.

Analyses which require temperature programming with packed columns can normally be performed isothermally with capillary columns.

Also of Prime Importance . . . Barber-Coiman has been a leader in t h e manufacture of capillary columns and capillary column gas chromatographs for many years. The excellent capillary runs on the preceding page are examples of the performance obtained with Barber-Coiman capillaries. Remember — " T h e Chromatogram Is The Proof." Y o u Should Also K n o w that . . . The Barber-Coiman Series 5000 Selecta-System Gas Chromatographs were designed for capillary column systems and they feature:

The Barber-Coiman Series 5000 Selecta-System represents a most flexible system for keeping abreast of a fast-changing technology. The modular unitized system fits your needs now and later — over 20 different components help to make up more than 50 different system combinations.

Model 5061 Column Bath with Linear Sample Inlet Splitter.

Model 5121 High Temperature Flame Detector. Detectability —10~14 Mole/sec.

Model 5041 Battery Electrometer — Noise level 10-' 1 A m p s .

For further information on capillary column chromatographs and other superior performance gas chromatographs available in the SelectaSystem, contact one of the 42 local Barber-Coiman Branch Offices — see the Yellow Pages. • Licensed under Golay Patent 2920478.




Dept.C, 15104 Rock Street, Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. BARBER-COLMAN of C A N A D A , Ltd., Dept.C, Toronto 4 Montreal · Export Agent: Ad. Auriema, Inc., N.Y. Cirlce No. 106 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

36, NO. 3, MARCH 1964

39 A