BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 22, 2012 - BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (6), pp 128A–128A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60238a836. Publication Date: May 1966...
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M E T H Y L - C - 1 4 - E S T E R S OF F A T T Y A C I D S


FLAME 9 χ 1 0 " 1 Ί a m p s — D E G S R.A.M. 1900 v o l t s - 1 0 K C P M Sample — 2.0 nanocuries total

Flame 3 χ 10" amps. — NGS 225°C R.A.NI. 1700 v o l t s - 1 0 K CPM Sample

3 ca. 40 nanocuries Estradiol— 17S-6, 7-H ca.



40 nanocuries Estrone — 6, 7-H



. Estrone



For the analysis of




labeled materials

investigate the BARBER-COLMAN radioactivity monitoring gas chromatography system Barber-Colman Model 5190 Radioactivity Monitoring Sys­ t e m a n d Series 5000 Selecta-System provide t h e ultimate in continuous radioactivity monitoring for either C—14 or H — 3 labeled materials. Model 5190 includes a combustion furnace, proportional counter a n d ratemeter. I n operation, t h e G / C column effluent is split with p a r t of t h e sample going t o t h e mass detector a n d t h e rest t o t h e R . A . M . System. T h e sample is immediately burned t o CO2 a n d H2O. T h e H2O is t h e n reduced t o H2. T h e radioactive CO2 and H2 are counted a t ambient t e m p e r a t u r e . Series 5000 Selecta-System with all-glass columns a n d direct on-column injection is t h e basic G / C unit used with t h e R . A . M . System. Series 5000 instruments a r e t h e pro­ d u c t of Barber-Colman's m a n y years of experience in t h e biomedical field a n d were designed speci­ fically for biomedical a p ­ plications.

Features of Radioactivity Monitoring S y s t e m • Counter Efficiency: Better than 90% for C—14 Better than 60% for H—3 • Detects as little as 0.05 nanocuries of C—14 and 0.1 nanocuries of H—3. • Low Background — 40 CPM — assured by ambient operation of counter. • Reliable combustion-reduction system. • Separation — Detection — Recording — A l l in one simple operation — No Fraction Collection Required. Features of Selecta-System® • • • • •

Flame Ionization Detectors Coiled or " U " Shaped Column Bath On Column Injection — All-Glass System Temperature Programming Capability Modular Construction

For more information, contact a local Barber-Colman representative or Rockford.


BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY Dept. E, 15104 Rock Street, Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. BARBER-COLMAN of CANADA, Ltd., Dept. E, Toronto & Montreal · Overseas Sales Mgrs.: Ad. Auriema, Inc., N.Y. See Buyers' Guide for all products/sales offices. Circle No. 26 on Readers' Service Card

128 A
