BARNES ENGINEERING COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

BARNES ENGINEERING COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (1), pp 102A–102A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60270a795. Publication Date: January 1969. ACS Legacy ...
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KBr Die


GC Fraction Collector Adaptor Yes, this KBr die makes its dramatic debut with a double feature. New Model 129 - a top-loading, evacuable, macromicro potassium bromide die - doubles as a gas chromatograph fraction collector. To convert this handy die, just remove barrel and plunger and replace with the GC adaptor. Presto. You trap your sample right in the KBr within the die. All this - plus top quality - at half the price of the old con­ ventional single function dies. This new Barnes precision die for IR spectroscopy is modular. Easy to load, a cinch to clean. Faces of hardened stainless steel anvil and plunger are optically flat and mirror polished. Result - first-rate transparent KBr or thallous bromide discs from 1.5 mm to 13mm. Die fits any lab press with a 31/2 inch clearance. Kit includes die assembly, super GC fraction collector adaptor, one dozen each 1.5 mm and 2 x 9 mm aperture lead inserts and step-by-step instructions. Price complete - only $125. Reward yourself. Buy this brand new double duty, double value KBr die by Barnes.


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102 A



Dial-Atom II, a combined atomic ab­ sorption/flame emission spectropho­ tometer, is designed to analyze large numbers of routine samples as fast as possible. Some 30 metals can be dialed directly and the concentrations read as fast as the instrument can be loaded. It is easy to make 10 de­ terminations per minute when analyz­ ing for the same metal in a series of samples. There are two independent power supplies for hollow cathode tubes so that a change from element to element can be made quickly. The wavelength drum is graduated from 190 to 860 millimicrons and the ab­ sorption lines of over 30 metals are marked directly and identified by sym­ bol. The instrument can be set to read directly in concentration. Res­ olution at 313 π\μ is 0.5 Γπμ when standard slits are used. The readout scale can be expanded up to 20 times to measure low concentrations. Fisher Scientific Co., J308 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 413 Ionized Serum Calcium Measurements Model 99-20 Serum Calcium Activity Flow-Thru System determines ionized serum calcium activity levels simply and quickly. Only 200 microliters of solution are necessary and an analysis requires three minutes. Calcium mea­ surements in a wide variety of biolog­ ical media can be performed. The sys­ tem consists of flow-thru calcium and reference electrodes and a precision sy­ ringe pump. The pump unit delivers sample anaerobically from a syringe through the calcium flow-thru and flowthru reference electrodes. As sample passes through the electrodes, they de­ velop a potential proportional to the logarithm of the free calcium ion activ­ ity in the sample. Because the mea­ surement is anaerobic, flow-thru elec­ trodes offer a higher precision than can be obtained with conventional dipping electrodes. The system can be used with conventional expanded-scale pH meters. Orion Research Inc., 11 Blackstone St., Cambridge, Mass. 02139 414