Barrier Polymers and Structures - American Chemical Society

24. Hui, C.-Y.; Wu, K.-C.;. Lasky, R. C.; Kramer, E. J. J. Appl. Phys. 1987, 61,. 5137. 25. Berens, A. R.; Huvard, G. S.; Korsmeyer, R. W. AIChE Natio...
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Chapter 4

Transport of Plasticizing Penetrants in Glassy Polymers Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on February 5, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0423.ch004

Alan R. Berens RD #2, Box 3510, Middlebury, VT 05753

This survey of recent studies correlates the transport kinetics and equilibria of organic vapors and liquids in glassy polymers with the molecular size, interaction parameter, and activity of the penetrant. Sorption isotherms follow a generalized sigmoidal form combining dual-mode form for the glassy state and Flory-Huggins form for the rubbery state, with an inflection at the glass transition. The position and shape of specific isotherms are determined by the polymer-penetrant interaction parameter and the glass composition of the system. Sorption kinetics are Fickian at very low penetrant concentration, with diffusivity strongly dependent on size and shape of the penetrant molecule. Kinetics become anomalous and then CaseIIwhen the glass composition is approached and exceeded. Recent results on transport of carbon dioxide at high pressure are consistent with the correlations developed for organic liquids and vapors.

The barrier properties of glassy polymers may be seriously impaired by the presence of organic vapors or liquids which penetrate and plasticize the polymer. It therefore would be useful to foretell conditions and penetrants which might cause such plasticization and to predict the consequences on transport behavior. The complex and anomalous equilibrium and kinetic behavior of small organic molecules in glassy polymers has long been recognized (1), but there are few correlations allowing predictions of transport behaviorfrommaterial properties. In this paper we survey a number of recent studies, principally in the author's laboratory at The BFGoodrich Company, to relate transport properties to the molecular dimensions and thermodynamic activity of the penetrant and its interaction parameter with the polymer. These correlations seem to provide a basis for at least qualitatively useful predictions of sorption equilibria and diffusion kinetics. Some recent results on carbon dioxide seem 0097-6156/90/0423-0092$06.00/0 © 1990 American Chemical Society

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Transport ofPlasticizing Penetrants


consistent with these correlations and reflect this penetrant's unique combination of the high diffusivity of a small gas molecule, the high solubility of an organic swelling agent, and an unusually high plasticizing efficiency.

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Experimental Most of the results discussed here have been obtainedfromgravimetric sorption/desorption experiments, i.e., by following the weight of appropriate polymer samples as they absorb penetrants from a controlled vapor or liquid environment or release them into a vacuum or low concentration atmosphere. Experiments with vapors at sub-atmospheric pressure were performed with a Cahn recording vacuum microbalance using polymer powders of known geometry (23). Liquid sorption experiments were carried out by periodic blotting and weighing of polymer film or sheet samples during prolonged immersions in pure or mixed organic liquids (4). Kinetic and equilibrium data for polymer/C0 systems were derivedfromrapid periodic weighings of polymerfilmsamples during desorption at atmospheric pressure following exposure to high-pressure C 0 (5). 2


Sorption Isotherms The system polyvinyl chloride) (PVC)/vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) seems to have been thefirstglassy polymer/organic vapor system whose sorption equilibrium and kinetic behavior was studied over the entire range of activities and at temperatures both below and above the glass transition (6). Figure 1 shows several isotherms for this system, plotted vs VCM activity, i.e. pressure relative to the saturated vapor pressure, P/P , at each temperature (6). At 90°C, above the 85° T of PVC, the complete isotherm is well described by the Flory-Huggins equation (7) with the interaction parameter χ = 0.98. The superposition of the isotherms at high activities indicates that χ is nearly independent of temperature, and thus that the solution of VCM in PVC involves a near-zero heat of mixing. Below T g the isotherms at low activities show the downward curvature characteristic of the dual-mode sorption model (8); the contribution of the Langmuiriari sorption mode increases with decreasing temperature. The disappearance of the Langmuirian portion has been identified with the penetrant concentration, C^T), which produces the glass-to-rubber transition at the isotherm temperature 7(9). The overall form of the PVC/VCM isotherms, then, is sigmoidal, with dual-mode behavior in the glassy state, Flory-Huggins form in the rubbery state, and an inflection at the composition-dependent glass transition. Q


Solubility data for methanol at low activities in glassy PVC, illustrated in Figure 2, again show the downward curvature of the dual-mode model. These data also exhibit a pronounced dependence on the previous thermal history of the polymer; it appears that the Langmuirian sorption capacity of the polymer parallels the history dependence of free volume in the glassy state (6,9).

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Figure 1.

Sorption isotherms for VCM in PVC. (Reproduced from Ref. 6. Copyright 1974 ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Transport ofPlasticizing Penetrants




Activity, P/Po Figure 2.

Solubility of methanol in P V C at 3 0 ° C vs. methanol activity, for P V C powders of differing thermal history.

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Sorption isotherm data for the toluene/PVC system at 30°C are shown in Figure 3 (4). Here the Flory-Huggins equation with χ = 0.75 describes the data fairly well over the whole range of activity. There is a suggestion of dual-mode behavior at low activity, but experiments in this range are limited by the very low diffusivity of toluene in glassy PVC. Sigmoidal sorption isotherms, combining dual-mode form at low activities with Flory-Huggins form at high activity, have recently been reported for the lower alcohols in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) (10), and for hydrocarbon vapors in polystyrene (H). It now appears that such sigmoidal isotherms, with an inflection marking the transition from glassy to rubbery behavior, are a general characteristic of polymer/penetrant systems when the range of penetrant concentrations traverses

Cgcrx A generalized form of the sorption isotherms for plasticizing penetrants in glassy polymers, and the effects of the principal governing factors, are suggested schematically in Figure 4. The position of the high-activity, Flory-Huggins portion of the isotherm is determined by the value of the interaction parameter χ : The curve, shown for χ = 1, is shifted upward with increasing solvent strength (lower χ values), and downward for poorer solvents (higher χ ) . The position of the inflection is determined by Τ and also by C^(T), i.e., by the glass temperature of the polymer and the plasticizing effectiveness of the penetrant. Thus the position and form of the isotherm are governed by the interaction of χ and C^JX and knowledge of these two parameters allows at least qualitative predictions of the isotherms. For example, a combination of a high χ and high C^T) (i.e., a poor solvent with low plasticizing efficiency) might produce an isotherm of dual-mode form over the whole activity range. Lower χ and C^T) values (stronger swelling agents or solvents, more efficient plasticizers) would tend to give isotherms following Flory-Huggins form over a greater portion of the activity scale. The parameters needed for these predictions of isotherms, χ and C^JX are readily accessible: The value of χ can be estimatedfroma single measurement of the equilibrium penetrant solubility at a known high activity, assuming applicability of the Flory-Huggins equation. The plasticizing effectiveness, C^JX may be estimated either experimentally or theoretically, as discussed in the next section. Plasticization The degree of plasticization of a glassy polymer may be expressed as the depression of the glass transition temperature, which can be directly measured by DSC determinations of T g on polymer samples containing known concentrations of penetrant. As an example, Figure 5 shows Tg as a function of volume fraction toluene in PVC, measured by DSC on polymerfilmsamples equilibrated with toluene at varied activity (4). These data, and similar results for acetone and benzene^ show

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Transport of Plasticizing Penetrants 80 r o —

Experimental Flory-Huggins, X

= 0.75

Dual-Mode ?


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Activity. P/Po Solubility of toluene in PVC at 30°C vs. toluene activity; vapor and liquid sorption data for PVC films and powders.

Figure 3.









Generalized sorption isotherm for plasticizing penetrants in glassy polymers. (Schematic.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Vol. f r a c t i o n toluene Figure 5.

Glass transition temperature vs. composition for the system P V C toluene.

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Transport ofPlasticizing Penetrants


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on February 5, 2016 | Publication Date: May 9, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0423.ch004

that values of C^30°) for these typical swelling agents in PVC fall in the range 0.2 0.3 volume fraction solvent. The depression of Tg can also be calculated, as a function of penetrant concentration, through a theoretical expression derived by Chow on the basis of both classical and statistical thermodynamics (12). Calculated results for the toluene/PVC system, as shown in Figure 5, are in excellent agreement with experimental data. Chow's treatment shows that the plasticizing efficiency increases with decreasing molecular weight and size of the penetrant. For the VCM/PVC system, C^30°) calculated from the Chow equation is 0.15 volume fraction VCM, comparable to an experimental estimate of about 0.11 (9). The greater plasticizing efficency of the smaller VCM molecule, compared to toluene, is consistent with the theoretical prediction. Sorption Kinetics It has been recognized for some time that the kinetics of sorption of solvents into glassy polymers vary in form with the penetrant activity; Fickian, anomalous, and Case II kinetics may be observed as activity is increased in a given solvent/polymer system (13). The recent study of several organic liquid and vapor penetrants inrigidPVC indicates that the the interaction parameter and plasticizing efficiency of the penetrant, as well as its activity, are factors affecting the form of the sorption kinetics (4). As examples of the changes of sorption kinetics with penetrant activity, Figure 6 shows data for the sorption of toluene vapor at varied pressures into PVC powder, and Figure 7 shows data for the sorption of trichloroethylene (TCE)fromliquid polyethylene glycol 400 mixtures of varied TCE activity into PVCfilms(4). Both sets of data show Fickian form (sorption proportional to r ^ ) at the lower activities. The onset of anomalous, non-Fickian kinetics occurs at about 0.4 activity for toluene, and about 0.7 for TCE. Sorption data for acetone, a stronger swelling agent for PVC, show anomalous kinetics beginning at about 0.3 activity. While the activity range for Fickian behavior is quite different for these three penetrants, the onset of anomalous kinetics in each case occurs when thefinalpenetrant uptake is approximately one-half the Cg for that penetrant, i.e., at a similar degree of plasticization. In a like fashion, the activities andfinalconcentrations at which sorption kinetics change from anomalous to Case II (uptake linear with time) were estimated for several penetrants in PVC (4). Figure 8, for example, shows that this kinetic transition occurs at a penetrant activity of about 0.9 in the TCE/PVC system. It appears that Case II kinetics are observed only when thefinaluptake is at least equal to Cg i.e., when the polymer/penetrant system undergoes the glass-rubber transition during the sorption process. These observations on PVC/penetrant systems suggest a correlation of sorption kinetics with the generalized isotherm for swelling penetrants in glassy polymers, as shown schematically in Figure 9. For sorption into an initially penetrant-free glassy 1


In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Figure 6.

Kinetics of toluene vapor sorption by PVC powder at 30°C; varied toluene activity. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 4. Copyright 1989 John Wiley & Sons.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




Transport of Plasticizing Penetrants


IP / P o = 0.8

0.7 CO

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20 0.6

I 500 /t,

Figure 7.



Kinetics of TCE sorption from liquid mixtures into PVC films at 30°C; TCE activity 0.6 to 0.8, plotted vs. square root of time. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 4. Copyright 1989 John Wiley & Sons.)

T i m e , hrs.

Figure 8

Kinetics of TCE sorption from liquid mixtures into PVC films at 30°C; TCE activity 0.8 to 1.0, plotted vs. time. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 4. Copyright 1989 John Wiley & Sons.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Figure 9.


Relation of sorption kinetics to generalized sorption isotherm. (Schematic.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




Transport of Plasticizing Penetrants

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polymer, Fickian kinetics may be anticipated when the concentration range stays below about C^2; anomalous behavior is expected forfinalconcentrations between CJ2 and Cg and Case II kinetics are probable when the concentration traverses Cg The activities at which the kinetic transitions occur will depend on the position of the isotherm, and thus upon both the interaction parameter and plasticizing efficiency for the polymer/penetrant pair. Data for additional polymer/solvent systems at varied activity would be desirable to confirm the validity of these correlations for glassy polymers other than PVC. Diffusion Coefficients In the low concentration range, where plasticization is negligible and sorption kinetics are Fickian, the diffusion coefficients, D, of gases and vapors in glassy polymers are extremely strong functions of the size and shape of the penetrant molecules. In Figure 10, diffusivities of a number of gases and organic vapors at very low concentrations in PVC are plotted vs the mean diameter of the penetrant molecule; similar correlations have also been established for polystyrene and PMMA (3). It appears that there is an approximate linear relation between log D and diameter of isotropic, roughly spherical molecules. More elongated molecules have D values greater by factors of up to 10 than spherical molecules of similar molar volume. The correlation between D and molecular size and shape seems capable of predicting £>, within perhaps an order of magnitude, for other penetrant/polymer systems, once values for a few representative penetrants in a given polymer are determined. Fickian kinetics are also observed for diffusion of gases and organic vapors in rubbery polymers (14), but diffusivities are much higher and much less steeply dependent upon molecular size than in glassy polymers. The same is true for glassy polymers already plasticized into the rubbery state, i.e., for experiments carried out entirely above Tg or Cg, as indicated in Figure 9. Diffusivities of several gases,vapors and liquids in plasticized PVC are compared to values in glassy PVC on a plot of log D vs molecular diameter in Figure 11 (15). The difference in diffusivity between the glassy and rubbery states increases dramatically with increasing size of the penetrant: For the small gas molecules, diffusivity is increased by about one order of magnitude upon plasticization. For common solvent molecules of 5 to 6 Â diameter, the ratio of rubbery- to glassy-state diffusivity may be 10^ to 10 , and rough extrapolation suggests this ratio might be as great as 10* for plasticizers or other additives of 8 to 10 Â diameter. These trends have interesting consequences for transport in systems involving carbon dioxide. 3



Carbon Dioxide The transport of carbon dioxide in polymers has historically been analyzed in the same manner as other simple gases (1). A number of recent studies have shown, however.

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



5 h

\ He \ #

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-7 Η0 S \ 2




Α · \ • •CO., N






\ β CH.OH \ 3




\ G CH CI ® C H CI \ C.H.OH — G 2 5 (CH ) CO 3

-12 μ





-13 μ







-15 μ

n-C H 0 6

-16 μ -17


®n-C,H OH ν C H Q O n-C H n-C.HgOH — © O n-C H 6

-14 μ


SF6* G C






Figure 10.





Effect of molecular size on diffusivity at low penetrant concentration in PVC at 30°C: log D vs. mean molecular diameter of penetrant. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 3. Copyright 1982 Elsevier.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


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Transport of Plasticizing Penetrants


-8 £

• •

+ + ++ +


-10 -\

-12 H + +







-16 H -18







6 d, Α

Figure 11.

Effect of plasticization on relation of diffusivity in P V C to molecular size of penetrant. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 15. Copyright 1989 IUPAC.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



that C 0 at high pressure resembles common organic solvents in its ability to swell and plasticize polymers (16^22). It therefore is appropriate to include studies of C 0 transport in a discussion of plasticizing penetrants in glassy polymers. We have recently applied a simple gravimetric technique to study sorption equilibria and kinetics for near-critical C 0 in a number of glassy polymers at pressures up to the saturated vapor pressure of liquid C 0 (5). Representative sorption isotherms for four glassy polymers at 25°C are shown in Figure 12, plotted against C 0 pressure. All of these isotherms may be regarded as examples of the generalized isotherm of Figure 4, with appropriate values of the interaction parameter and glass composition. For polyvinyl acetate) (PVA), a relatively low χ (strong interaction with CO^ and low Cg (since the Tg of PVA itself is only 30°) produce an isotherm of FloryHuggins, rubbery form over most of the pressure range. For PVC and polycarbonate (PC), the lower solubility of C 0 and the higher Tg of the polymers result in isotherms of dual-mode form, indicating that these polymers remain in the glassy state at all C 0 pressures. For PMMA, the data suggest a sigmoid isotherm,with an inflection indicative of a glass transition at an intermediate C 0 pressure. 2




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Further examples of the applicability of the generalized sigmoidal isotherm to C0 /glassy polymer systems have been obtained from published isotherms for several other polymers by converting the original pressure axis to an activity scale (5). Activity was taken as the fugacity ratio f/f . defining the reference state above the critical temperature by extrapolating the saturated vapor pressure from sub-critical temperatures. Figure 13, for example, shows such isotherms derived from data of Kamiya, et al. for polyvinyl benzoate) (PVBz) (23). Like the VCM/PVC system (Figure 1), the C0 /PVBz isotherms show sigmoidal form, and the dual-mode portion diminishes with increasing temperature. Superposition of the Flory-Huggins portions for different temperatures suggests a near-zero heat of mixing for C 0 with PVBz; similar results were found for PMMA and PC (5). Glass transitions of C0 /polymer systems, determined from the isotherm inflections, occur at significantly lower weight concentrations of penetrant than is the case for organic solvents. This greater plasticizing efficiency of the smaller C 0 molecule is consistent with the predictions of the Chow equation (12): Figure 14 shows T g vs weight composition calculated for C0 , VCM and toluene in PVC. The calculated T of PVC containing 8 weight % . C0 , the limiting solubility at 25° and unit activity, is about 27°C. Thus, the solubility and Cg of C 0 in PVC at room temperature are nearly equal; i.e., liquid C 0 can plasticize PVC virtually into the rubbery state at room temperature. For polymers in which C 0 is more soluble, such as PMMA or poly(vinyl benzoate), depression of the glass transition to below room temperature, as evidenced by the isotherm inflections, is quite in accord with the predicted high plasticizing efficiency of C 0 The sorption kinetics for C 0 in the glassy polymers studied (5) appear to be Fickian over the entire activity range; diffusivities have the high values anticipated for a 2














In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Transport ofPlasticizing Penetrants

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In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




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Weight f r a c t i o n

Figure 14.


Glass transition temperature vs. composition for PVC/penetrant systems, calculated from the equation of Chow (12).

ο >

° DMP + CO.



— ι —




Time, hrs

Figure 15.

Gravimetric sorption/desorption vs. time date for the system PVC/DMP/CO2 . (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 15. Copyright 1989 IUPAC.)

In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Transport ofPlasticizing Penetrants

small gas molecule and increase with increasing C 0 concentration. By analogy with solvent/polymer systems, Case II sorption kinetics might be expected when the sorption of C 0 produces the glass-rubber transition, as in PMMA at high C 0 activity. The absence of Case II kinetics may be due to the relatively small change of C 0 diffusivity between the glassy and rubbery states. The observed increase of D across the glass transition is from 10 to 100-fold for C0 , far less than the change for organic solvents (cf. Figure 11). According to one recent theory of Case II transport (24), this mechanism is associated with a very sharp increase of Din the vicinity of Tg. Perhaps the change of D at Tg for C 0 is too small to produce the sharp concentration step involved in the Case II mechanism. 2




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The high diffusivity, polymer-solubility, and plasticizing efficiency of C 0 lead to some interesting effects on the transport of other low-molecular weight penetrants in glassy polymers (25.26). When polymerfilmsamples are exposed simultaneously to an additive substance and to C 0 under high pressure, the C 0 is rapidly absorbed, plasticizing the polymer and thereby sharply increasing the diffusivity of the additive. Upon the release of pressure, the C 0 is quickly desorbed, the degree of plasticization and additive diffusivity are sharply reduced, and the additive is effectively "trapped" in the polymer. It has been found that high-pressure C 0 remarkably accelerates the absorption of many polymer-soluble compounds whose diffusion into the polymer alone is kinetically limited. This "C0 -assisted impregnation" process is illustrated in Figure 15 with data for the model system PVC/C0 /dimethyl phthalate (DMP). In the absence of C0 , the absorption of DMP by PVC at room temperature is extremely slow; no more than 1 wt % DMP was absorbed by PVCfilmsimmersed in excess liquid DMP for 64 hours. In the presence of liquid CO2, in contrast, the DMP content of the PVC reached 40 wt % in 16 hours. After the pressure was released, over 95% of the absorbed C 0 had escaped in 24 hours, but more than 80% of the absorbed DMP remained even after over 1000 hours. In addition to its practical potential in incorporating additives into polymers, the effect of compressed CO2 on third-component diffusivities may also be relevant to the supercritical fluid extraction of low-molecular compounds from polymers, and to the attack of barrier polymers by other swelling agents during service in high-pressure C 0 environments. 2










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In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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In Barrier Polymers and Structures; Koros, William J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.