BART MANUFACTURING CORP. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 25, 2012 - BART MANUFACTURING CORP. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (8), pp 92A–92A. DOI: 10.1021/i650572a779. Publication Date: August 1957...
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THE PROFESSIONAL SIDE together? If y o u are n o t getting cooperation a n d the required results, take a good introspective look at your o w n relations. Fortunately, h u m a n relations skills c a n be a c quired if you know your limitations. 4. What Are M y Work Characteristics? Personal qualifications become important only when they are applied to your j o b . I t is not only what you have, but how you use it. W h e n you examine your work characteristics, you will be asking how effectively you use your skills a n d experience. D o you work hard? C a n you handle pressure? Are you analytical, creative? C a n you make decisions? D o you make good use of time? D o you use your full potential? Are you striving to improve? This phase of self-analysis is most important. Work characteristics become habits. You can make a habit of success or of mediocrity. 5. Aspirations a n d Drive? U n d e r this question you ask yourself, W h a t is my goal, how high d o I aspire, a n d are m y aims realistic? Specifically, W h a t d o I want to be doing five, ten, fifteen years from

now? T h e n the important part of this question, D o I want to make the sacrifices and d o I have the desire, the dedication, a n d the drive to carry m e through to m y goals? These a r e hard questions to face truthfully. H o w often have you seen a person aspire to a position, title, and money, and after achieving them become extremely u n h a p p y with the responsibility? There is a growing concept among companies that recognizes the comparative value of individual contribution as being a t least equally important as supervisory or managerial skills. T h e trend is to recognize the individual contribution by paying him the same as the manager. 6. What Are M y Interests a n d Values? Closely allied to the previous questions is this careful listing of those activities which really interest you. T h i n k in broadest terms about your work, your hobbies, or community activities. W h a t do you value most in life? Practical matters, religious, esthetic, or h u m a n affairs? This key question determines whether you are in the right work.

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BART FUxsEAI CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS At last—a full line of pumps specifically designed to handle corrosive and abrasive fluids in the 1 to 80 GPM range, at heads to 75 feet. No longer need you cut down bigger pumps in range and lose efficiency—or put up with undependable smaller pumps. Bart pumps have fewer parts to wear or get out of order. Six models, each in corrosion resistant Type 20 Stainless Steel. Or other alloys on special order. Write for catalog and performance curves.

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Effectively minimizes a long-prevalent basic weakness of centrifugal pump design. Self-adjusting to wear. Needs no external lubrication. Carbon stator /ceramic seat, unexcelled for long wear—or zircon filled Teflon/work-hardened Type 20 Stainless Steel, for severest corrosive service.


229 Main St., Belleville 9 , New Jersey 92 A

Fir further information, circle number 92 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

7. H o w Is M y Personal Adjustment? U n d e r this heading you m a y consider how well you handle pressure a n d personal problems, successes, a n d disappointments. A r e there personal characteristics that need attention, modification, or elimination? I n brief, how m a t u r e a r e you to face, survive, and conquer the vicissitudes and complexities of life? 8. Intellectual Functioning. W e , as a firm, give adult intelligence examinations to executives not only to measure intelligence b u t to try to determine how well a m a n uses his intellectual equipment. Chemists and engineers usually make high scores in the top 5 % of the population and a t least comparable to the executive level, but high intelligence becomes useful only when it is properly applied a n d integrated with other qualities. Like a high powered engine, its value is in its productive application. 9. What Is t h e Company Climate? Previously we referred to the importance of the right boss. H e is often the reflection of " c o m p a n y climate," meaning the atmosphere or the spirit of the organization. T h e importance of this question to your self-analysis is that your personal growth is definitely affected by t h e climate in which you work. Climate can mean many things—a company that you can be proud to work for, policies that allow opportunities for personal contribution, growth, promotion, and rewards. 10. H o w Is M y Progress? This question summarizes the previous nine, for if you have answered them, you have a good idea of where you stand. Y o u will want to include practical questions about salary and promotions and potential for growth. H o w do you stack u p with your fellow man? Is your progress according to your career time table—or is it ahead or behind time? Write down the facts. Potential and Plan of Action Self-analysis becomes truly meaningful a n d resultful when you d o something about the findings. T h e first step, of course, is to check your answers. T r y them out on your best friend, your wife, or whoever you value as a counselor. If you want an objective outside view, see a reputable psychologist, but make sure he