BAS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 29, 2012 - BAS. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (14), pp 1450A–1450A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00264a756. Publication Date: December 1983. Copyright © 1983 ...
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Improved resolution, efficiency, and precision often result from o p e r a t i o n of L C c o l u m n s at c o n t r o l l e d t e m p e r a t u r e s above ambient. Temperature control is e s p e c i a l l y i m p o r t a n t w h e n an a u t o s a m p l e r is used, to a v o i d d r i f t as r o o m temperature changes.

BAS offers a low cost column heating system w h i c h accepts all standard 15, 25, and 30cm LC columns (oversize diameters can be a c c e p t e d with custom modifications). The LC-23A anodized full contact heating block outperforms models w h i c h leave c o l u m n and/or endfittings exposed or in air gaps.

The LC-22A solid state temperature controller may be used independently with other heating elements and probes for a variety of laboratory applications.

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surement of Pollutants in Ambient Air and Stationary Sources. May 8-11. Raleigh, N.C. Contact: Seymour Hochheiser, MD 75, EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711. November, p. 1336 A • Fourth Annual American-Eastern European Symposium on Liquid Chromatography. Sept. 10-14. Szeged, Hungary. Contact: Huba Kalasz,Dept. of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University of Medicine, P.O. Box 370, Budapest, Hungary 1445 • International Symposium on Thin-Layer Chromatography. Sept. 10-14. Szeged, Hungary. Contact: E. Tyihak, Research Institute for Plant Protection, P.O. Box 102, Budapest, Hungary 1525 • International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Workshop on LC/MS and MS/MS. Oct. 24-26. Montreux, Switzerland. Contact: R. W. Frei, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Free University, De Boelelaan 1083,1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands • 14th Annual Symposium on the Analytical Chemistry of Pollutants and the 3rd International Congress on Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry. Nov. 22-24. Barcelona, Spain. Contact: Congress Office, 14th Annual Symposium—3rd International Congress—Expoquimia, Av. Reina Ma. Cristina, Palacio no. 1, Barcelona (4), Spain. August, p. 973 A

For Your Information Nicolet Instrument Corporation has agreed to sell its nuclear magnetic resonance division to General Electric Company. According to the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 17,1983), Nicolet will record a net gain of $600,000 from the sale in its fiscal second quarter. Under the terms of the agreement, Nicolet will continue to market the spectroscopy products currently manufactured by the division. The division, which will become a part of GE's Medical Systems Group, is expected to develop and manufacture small body-imaging systems to be jointly marketed by GE and Nicolet. Chemical Abstracts Service now offers academic institutions unlimited use of its CAS O N L I N E search service

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Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill Two ACS Congressional Fellowships Available To Begin Fall 1984 The objectives of the fellowship program are: • To provide an opportunity for scientists to gain firsthand knowledge of the operations of the legislative branch of the federal government, • To make available to the government an increasing amount of scientific and technical expertise, and • To broaden the perspective of both the scientific and governmental communities regarding the value of such scientific-governmental interaction.

Applications should be submitted by January 31, 1984 to: Dr. Annette T. Rosenblum Department of Public Affairs American Chemical Society 1155— 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Applications consist of a letter of intent, resume, and two letters of reference. The letter of intent should include a description of the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects in which scientific or technical knowledge was used as a basis for interaction and a statement that tells why they have applied for the Fellowship and what they hope to accomplish as an ACS Congressional Fellow. The resume should describe the candidate's education and professional experience and include other pertinent personal information. Letters of reference should be solicited from people who can discuss not only the candidate's competence but also the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects. Arrangements should be made to send the letters of reference directly to ACS. For further information call (202) 872-4384.