Basic Concepts in Chemistry (Watt, George W.)

that no good can come from trying to teach too much in the first year. Watt's new text is based on the bold decision to delimitjudiciously the content...
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included in order that the student may prohlem. .4s he points out in the Prefemerge chemically informed as well as ace, "it may be our lectures and teutGeorge W. Wott, Professor of Chemistry, indoctrinated. In this text, sueh topics as books which are partly responsible for University of Texas. McGraw-Hill Bmk the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, the this apparent lack of appreciation for Co., Inc., New York, 1958. ix 538 pp. role of sulfuric acid as a strategic chemical, science on the part of our students. . . t i e 1 6 X 23.5 m. $6.50. the extraction of bromine from sea water teachers have tried to introduce so much and thr wmnwrriul pnductitm Iron material of a factual nature that our THEREi8 an a r t to good textbook wrie .111d 1 7 ~ have 1 nllt llrrl. tn\wloc,k6.