Basic laboratory studies in college chemistry with a supplement in

William Hered n8.d William 11. Neirergdl, alco in its Third Edition, place* irrrreasing emphasis on the quantitative treatment of kinetics and equilbr...
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book reviews Competilicnt for eledrons by species hecomes central rsthel. than the ease with which species lose electroua. Aside from keeping with the trend, frmdame~italand d jrntify ample reason can he m ~ ~ s t e r eto ~wirwtionpotentinls. Chapters 18 in bath books have the same title, The Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Similarity of content exists. The new, t,ellingly presented and better organized, shows that certain physical evidences such as nuclear magnetic resonance are effective in establishing molecolar stroctore. Some omissions or slights remain in t,he new. The concept of pH broached in old and new receives little attention. Although terminology in the new is ourrent, it devotes neither time nor spaces to syat,emntic nomenclature. Lewis acid base theory got and gets short shrift,. The terms "equivalents" and "normality" lack existence in either text. Randomnws, treated in the old, gets far better lreatment in the new and even becomes known as "entropy." Free energy change as a. criterion of spont,aneity for chemical reaction in a chemical system gets no ment,ion. Students, however, have been brought near the point where free energy is a short step away, Questions a t the ends of chapters are, by and large, good, thought provoking exercises, but more of them cast in x qusot,it,ative vein would have been valuable. The baok, wit,h the same lateral dimensions as t,he original CHEM Rudy, cont,ains 620 nnmbered pages sturdily bound in a soil resistant cover. Except for italics and bold t,ype which emphasize key words and principles, standard print occnpies about two-thirds of each page. The paper, not sl,srrkwhite is good quality. A second color augments many well-coneeived illnstrations. Illnstrations, figures, tables, and so on find locat,ion near related t,ext,ualmaterial. These locations are usually on the onpitded margins but occx.iianally encroach npon amx usually reserved for print. Eleven appeudices and au extensive index make references sore, and easy. With pmctieally nil typographical errors, the reading level appears to be easily within the grasp of nverwe high school students and certainly is easier to comprehend than the original. The first eighteen ehapt,ers with intended laboratory activities constitute xn excellent, first,-year course. They include t,he necessary concepts, principles, and knowledge for fnrther study. If t,he teacher has permit,tcd, st~tdent,swill ~understand how seient,ists work. The remaining five chapters while extending knowledge afford st,udents an opportunit:)i t,o apply coneopts m d principles already learned. I n conclusion, t,he originxtms of CHEM Study intended that. their text, "Chemistrv: An Exoerimental Sciewe," be one of several i,~&wnent,soscd in teaching chemist,ry. Three of the four aot,hors of this t,ext were major eontribut,ors to CHEM Study. Certainly they and the fourth aubho~ look upon "Chemistry: Experimental Foundations" as the original

authors viewed "Chemist,ry: An Experiment,al Science." Qui1.e obviolmly I commend this work to any teacher who teaches first-year chemistry to average and above average high school st~~denls.I t ranks with the very best. C H . \ ~ ~ LW. I ~HENDRICKSON S Shakcr Heights High School Shaker H~ights,Ohio 44180

General Chemislry Willoim H . Nebergall and Frederie C . Schmidt, both of Indiana University, Bloomington, and Henry F. Hollzclaw, Jr., University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Under the editorship of John C. Bailm. Jr., University of Illinois, Urbane, 3rd ed. D.C. Health and Co. (a division of Raytbeon Education, Co.), Lexington, Massachusetts, 1968. 693 pp. Figs. and tables. 20 X 24 cm. $10.95. Basic Laboralory Studies in College Chemistry with a supplemenl in Scmimirro Qualitative Analysis William He~ed, Indiana University, Northwest Campus, Gary, and William H . Nebergall. 3rd ed. Raytheon Education Co., Boston, 1968. 242 pp. 20.5 X 23.5 cm. Softbound. $4.95. Chemistry Study Guide: for use with General Chemistry and College Chemistry Nomon E. Griswold, Nebraska Wesleym University, Lincoln. 3rd. ed. Raytheon Education Co., Lexington, Massachusetts. 212 pp. 16.5 X 23.5 em. Softbound. $2.95. Insbudor's Guide: for use with General Chemistry and College Chemistry Noman E. GriszuoM and Donald E. Walker, Northeast Missouri State College. Kirsksville. Under the editorship of Henry F. Holtzelaw, Jr. Raytheon Edueation Co., Lexington, Massachusetts. 53 pp. Figs. and tables. 18 x 23 cm. Softbound. No charge is classroom. t o professor using text in h The same revisions mentioned in the review of the Third Edition of "College Chemistry" by the same authors apply to the Third Edition of "General Chemistry" [see J. CHEM.EDUC.46, 258 (1969)l. The first thirty-three chzpters are identical, butin this textthestudy of themetals is organized according to their periodic relationships rather than according t o qualitative analysis groups, and qualitative analysis procedures are omitted. A complete package of auxiliary paperbacks is available. An "Instructor's Guide" has been written by Norman E. Griswold and Donald E. Walker. I t includes suggestions for scheduling, a chapter-by-chapter guide to emphasis of topics of primary importance, supplemental materials, and sample examination questions. A "Chemistry Study Guide" by Norman E. Griswold serves t o assist the student by providing chapter overviews and self-help tests. "Basic Labor*

tory Studie.~ irt (:ollegr Ch~rnistry" by William Hered n8.d William 11. Neirergdl, alco in its Third Edition, place* irrrreasing emphasis on the quantitative treatment of kinetics and equilbrium, molecular oribtal theory, elementary thermodynamics. and instrumental techniaues. The plnnniny of laboratory work is farilitated by timpe