Basic mathematics of science and engineering (Wood, Reuben E.)

stances. Basic Mathematics of Science and. Engineering. Reuben E. Wood, George Washington. University, Kashington, D.C. Thp. Sigma Prea~, Washington,...
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BOOK REVIEWS structures nor methods of synthesis. I t is a very useful reference book for t h e physicim, pharmacologist, and pharmacist. The chemist rr-ill find this volume a valuable r~ferenrrsource for information conrerning therqx?nbically active s u b stances.

Basic Mathematics of Science and Engineering

Reuben E. Wood, George Washington University, Kashington, D.C. Thp Sigma P r e a ~ , Washington, D.C.. 1960. 192 pp. Figs. 18 X 13.5 em. $'2.50. According to the author's preface this book is designed t o provide a n etiirimt tool far students to use in overcoming their basic mathrrnntical shortcomings. The author has collected between the covers of z book a serips of review cards with cpstions on one side of the page and answers on the other. The boak is divided into eight sections which tourh on topics from arithmetic, logarithms, algebra, trigonometry, graphical mpthods, infinite series, calculus, and mi~cellaneom problems. In the opinion of thr reviewer the hook has neither the merits of a well-organized discussion m r h as i, found in Daniel's "Mathematicnl Preparation for Physical Chemistry" nor the advantages of a wrlldrsigned "progmm" of instruction. The format, while unconventional, provides a series of questions w h o ~ eanswers are to he learned instc3;td of n coherent presentation of subject matter. Despite the presence of a numher i,f interesting problems, the student for whom the boak is designed will have to rarrsult mar? then thir to xns~vrrhis needs. ROBERT11. ROSENBERG Lawenre C'ollegr .Ippleton, Wi.seonsi,,

Advancer in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Volume I

Edited h>-Charles \'. R e i l l ~ y Univcnity , of S o r t h Cnrolinn, Chapel Hill. Intprsrirnrc Puhlishrrs. In?., S e w Yo&, 1960. i 5 p i . F i y . :d tnhl~s. 16 X Z X j cm. $12.


The first volumc in this wries of "Advances in An:tlytir:~I Chcmi~trya n d 1nstrumrnt:~tian"contains sewn chapters on widely difrring suhjerts and u r i t t m hy people n?ll quelificd in earl, of these fields. A.5 t h r editor points out in thc introdurtion, the purpose of thir wries is to provide n m ~ d i u mfor the exchange of ideas in analyticd rhcmistry and there1~~possil)ly rlwrmse th? time rlsga~~rl1,c-

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Journol o f Chemical Education
