BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (11), pp 159A–159A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60204a864. Publication Date: October 1963...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE tion according to molecular size. Ap­ plication of the material to various lab­ oratory procedures is suggested and 6 pages of references are included. Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc., 501 Fifth Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 621 Hemagglutination. A 4-page bro­ chure describes an automatic, quantita­ tive system for running 30 to 60 he­ magglutination determinations each hour. The method is based on colorimetric measurement of residual hemo­ globin and results are recorded on a strip chart in terms of absorbance units and expressed in % cells agglutinated. Bulletin H 1. Technicon Instruments Corp., Research Park, Chauncey, Ν. Υ. 622




Alpha Survey System. A 3-page bul­ letin describes the Model 1000/63 Pi alpha survey meter. The instrument has 4 scale ranges covering counting rates to 106 c.p.m. and can be used as a portable or with a.c. power supply. Physics International Co., 2229 Fourth St., Berkeley 10, Calif. 623 Polished Optics. An 8-page folder describes the company's optical polish­ ing center. Materials are offered with guaranteed optics from 0.1 to 70 microns. Flats, prism, lenses, and tailor made crystals are available. Harshaw Chemical Co., 1945 East 97th St., Cleveland 6, Ohio. 624 Gas Chromatographic Techniques. A

21-page paper, "Special Techniques in Gas Chromatography," covers various special applications. Included are trace analysis for several components; poly­ mer pyrolysis; analysis of corrosive constituents; etc. F & M Scientific Corp., Avondale, Pa. 625 Combustion Tubes. A 4-page bulle­ tin, C363, describes and gives dimen­ sions of high temperature porcelain and "Zirco" combustion tubes. These tubes have a maximum temperature limit of 3000° F . (2900° F . for "Zirco"). McDanel Refractory Por­ celain Co., 510 Ninth Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. 626 Nuclear Instrumentation. A 6-page brochure presents methods of selecting and grouping nuclear instrumentation according to the purpose of the user. Four basic systems are described in­ cluding the modules used in the systems and the accessories for input and out­ put functions. Radiation Counter Lab­ oratories, Inc., 5121 W. Grove St., Skokie, 111. 627 Digital Instruments. A 16-page short form catalog describes 4- and 5-digit digital multimeters, scanners, buffers,

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VOL. 35, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1963


159 A