BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (12), pp 63A–63A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60180a730. Publication Date: November 1961...
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designed; one uses alpha particles emitted from a radium source as the ionizing agent, and the other employs beta particles from a tritium source. Thermionics and Cathodes. 10 cents.


Research documents of Government agencies, as well as translations of foreign technical literature and Gov­ ernment-owned patents available for license appear in this bibliography. The thermionics section of the bibliog­ raphy includes reports on thorium oxide cathodes, semiconductors, energy converters, borides, and other mate­ rials. Oxide cathode tubes, thoriated cathodes, sinthor cathodes, mercury arcs, and basic data of electrical dis­ charges, are among the subjects listed in the section on cathodes. A Technique for Observation of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Some Short-Lived Nuclides and Its Application to the Measurement of the Nuclear g-Factor of Li 1 8 . ANL-6263. 94 pages. November, 1960. $2.25. Comparative Boron Isotopic Analysis.

IDO-14049. 50 cents.

April 1961.

9 pages.

An Analysis of the Absorption Spec­ tra of Tm(IV) and Am(IV). VCRL-

9203. $2.75.



MEASURE RADIATION DOSAGE - , . faster, easier, safer

153 pages.

The Determination of Uranium in the Presence of Yttrium by Mono­ chromatic X-Ray Absorption.

Y-1348. March 1961. 10 pages. 50 cents. Determination of Uranium in Dibutyl Carbitol by Monochromatic X-Ray Absorption. Y-1351. March 1961. 13 pages. 50 cents.

The following can be obtained from the Government Printing Office, Wash­ ington 25, D. C. Air Pollution Analyses. Register of. Vol. 2. H. D. Townsend, E. R. Hendrickson. xxii + 247 pages. U. S. Department 0} Health, Educa­ tion, and Welfare, Public Health Service. Div. of Air Pollution. 1961. $1.25. This paper-covered booklet contains a record of community air sampling and analyses performed in the U. S. and its territories during the period Janu­ ary 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957. Also included in appendexes are a listing of equipment used for sampling and for analvses.

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Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

33, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1961

63 A