designed; one uses alpha particles emitted from a radium source as the ionizing agent, and the other employs beta particles from a tritium source. Thermionics and Cathodes. 10 cents.
Research documents of Government agencies, as well as translations of foreign technical literature and Gov ernment-owned patents available for license appear in this bibliography. The thermionics section of the bibliog raphy includes reports on thorium oxide cathodes, semiconductors, energy converters, borides, and other mate rials. Oxide cathode tubes, thoriated cathodes, sinthor cathodes, mercury arcs, and basic data of electrical dis charges, are among the subjects listed in the section on cathodes. A Technique for Observation of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Some Short-Lived Nuclides and Its Application to the Measurement of the Nuclear g-Factor of Li 1 8 . ANL-6263. 94 pages. November, 1960. $2.25. Comparative Boron Isotopic Analysis.
IDO-14049. 50 cents.
April 1961.
9 pages.
An Analysis of the Absorption Spec tra of Tm(IV) and Am(IV). VCRL-
9203. $2.75.
MEASURE RADIATION DOSAGE - , . faster, easier, safer
153 pages.
The Determination of Uranium in the Presence of Yttrium by Mono chromatic X-Ray Absorption.
Y-1348. March 1961. 10 pages. 50 cents. Determination of Uranium in Dibutyl Carbitol by Monochromatic X-Ray Absorption. Y-1351. March 1961. 13 pages. 50 cents.
The following can be obtained from the Government Printing Office, Wash ington 25, D. C. Air Pollution Analyses. Register of. Vol. 2. H. D. Townsend, E. R. Hendrickson. xxii + 247 pages. U. S. Department 0} Health, Educa tion, and Welfare, Public Health Service. Div. of Air Pollution. 1961. $1.25. This paper-covered booklet contains a record of community air sampling and analyses performed in the U. S. and its territories during the period Janu ary 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957. Also included in appendexes are a listing of equipment used for sampling and for analvses.
T h i s new Bausch & Lomb Microdosimeter Reader measures X - R a y or G a m m a or High Energy Electron r a d i a t i o n . . . in the range of 10 t o 10,000 rads . . . accurate to at least ± 4 % . I t reads changes of fluorescence in B&L Microdosimeter Rods ( 1 m m χ 6 m m cylinders of silver-activated phosphate glass) as precise measurements of individual or cumulative dosage of radiation to which the rods have been exposed. 15 seconds is all it t a k e s t o load one of these rods into t h e Microdosimeter Reader, set the controls, read the radiation measurement, unload. A n d you're sure of your results because there's no chipping of the rods in loading—you measure total dosage every time. P u t this dependable Microdosimeter Reader t o work in your area of responsibility — personnel safety, a e r o / s p a c e investigation, medical research—for only $1490.
BAUSCH & LOMB Made in America, to the world's highest
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Please demonstrate Microdosimeter Reader. Please send Catalog D-299.
Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card VOL.
33, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1961
63 A