the effect an adverse image has on discouraging science talent. In the sciences, the analytical chemist has been looked upon unfavorably, es pecially by his colleagues in other fields. The unfavorable image often pre sented by the analytical chemist arises from a combination of misin formation on both what a chemist is and what an analyst is. All too many are called chemists who do not deserve the title. Such a situa tion arises because scientists have not been as concerned about titles as have other professions. The re cent increased concern in this direc tion is encouraging. Also, undergraduate analytical training has been too much con cerned with techniques; conse quently the challenging nature of chemical analysis has been over looked. Several colleges are ex perimenting with an analytical course that is largely problem-solv ing. If this approach should be come widespread, the average un dergraduate might see chemical analysis from a different perspec tive and its challenge could cap ture the interest of a greater num ber of students. I want to empha size the point that as the true na ture of analytical chemistry is made known, it will attract its fair share of scientific talent. In conclusion, I have attempted to depict analytical chemistry as a professional pursuit requiring a high degree of technical compet ence and demanding a high level of intellectual achievement. I have suggested ways in which the qual ity of analytical training may be enhanced and how competent per sons might be attracted to enter the profession. Let us each look upon our profession in this light. In do ing so we will not only obtain greater personal satisfactions in our own work, but contribute to the ad vancement of Analytical Chemis try—A Challenging Profession.
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