Just turn a dial for the right wavelength for each procedure. Narrow band pass (only 20 mu!) assures highest spectral purity. You get the double value...
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cal reagents gets one caught in a vicious circle. The analysis of the reagent which one has purified re­ quires other reagents which must also be purified and these in turn must be analyzed by other purified reagents and so on ad infinitum. This approach is obviously illogical and in general has been abandoned in these laboratories. However, for specific elements as opposed to the general spectrum of impurities, a reagent may be freed sufficiently for high sensitivity analyses. For ex­ ample, copper is an impurity which even in the very low parts per bil­ lion region has a deleterious effect on some semiconductor devices, par­ ticularly those based on germanium. One of the more sensitive tests for copper employs its catalysis of the reduction of ferric iron by thiosulfate. The disappearance of a col­ ored ferric complex will indicate the reduction. Using the salicylate complex, the reaction is 2Fe+»(Sal);+ 2S203-S -^ 2Fe+! + SiO,"' + 2x Sal"

Hours of analyses in easy minutes B A U S C H & L O M B Spectronic 2 0 COLORIMETER

Since the ferric salicylate complex is colored but the products colorless, the progress of the reaction may be followed by the color intensity. The only reagent present in large amount is water which may be puri­ fied sufficiently by distillation in quartz. The bleaching takes place at a measurably slow rate in the presence of omy minute traces of copper. Figure 4 shows a plot of absorbance at a fixed wave length against time for a series of solutions with added copper. After a short induction period, there is a period of about 10 minutes when the rate of fading is substantially linear. A

This best-selling laboratory workhorse (above) gives you split-second readings, easy as tuning your radio. N o color filters to fuss with. J u s t turn a dial for the right wavelength for each procedure. Narrow band pass (only 20 mu!) assures highest spectral purity. You get the double value of a colori­ meter a n d a spectrophotometer in one trouble-free unit . . . with prices starting a t only $255!

BAUSCH & LOMB Serum Protein Meter Now you can analyze protein in one-tenth the time of other methods. J u s t centrifuge the sample. P u t it on the Serum Protein Meter. Read the results, in protein grams per 100 milliliters, on the scale. J u s t like that! Any busy lab will write off the low cost of this super-speed unit in a matter of days—only $175! BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED 60917 Bausch Street, Rochester 2, Ν. Υ


BAUSCH & LOMB Fig. 6. Segregation by gradient freeze

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VOL. 33, NO. 6, MAY 1961 ·

25 A