SEE the New Bausch & Lomb
Spectrophor I When Hughes Aircraft Company needed a plastic Hydrogen Peroxide Tank as a part for the NASA Syncom, America's newest communications sat ellite, they asked Bel-Art Products to fabricate this to their specifications.
Syncom was launched by a Delta booster from Cape Kennedy July 2 6 , 1963. It is now whirling in orbit 2 2 , 3 0 0 miles above the earth providing an around-the-clock intercontinental com munications link-up. This successful mission adds another important accom plishment for the United States in the space-age race.
ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM B&L proudly introduces a revolutionary new advancement in electrophoresis . . . the S P E C T R O P H O R I.
• Completely eliminates staining.
SEE it in New Y o r k — a t the 6 t h
International Congress of Bio chemistry—July 27-30, 1964. SEE
in B o s t o n — a t t h e
American Association of Clini cal Chemists—Aug. 17-20, 1964. SEE it in Washington—at t h e
National Institute of Health Show—Oct. 12-17, 1964.
• Uses highly sensitive peptide bond absorbance at 205 Γημ. A UV-Visible Spec trophotometer is part of the system, en abling you t o work a t 340 Γημ, 410 Γημ, or any wavelength i n the range 205 πιμ650 πΐ[ΐ. Employs a new, vastly im proved agar technique. For t h e first time, 8 samples m a y be migrated a n d measured i n 90 minutes, reliably a n d conveniently. Repeatable within 2 % . SPECTROPHOR I . . . truly the ultimate in a fully integrated electrophoresis system housed in a superbly designed cabinet with console controls. A n o t h e r y e a r s - a h e a d product by Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 60906 Bausch St., Rochester, N . Y . 14602.
Whether you select a stock item from Bel-Art's 6 4 page catalog on plas tic ware or need a special item, our products are available in every part of the world. In fact, with Syncom, we are actually out of this world. See your nearest laboratory supply dealer. Write Dept. A-6 for your FREE copy.
The M O S T COMPLETE l i n e of Plastic L a b o r a t o r y W a r e a v a i l a b l e f r o m O N E source
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