ing parts are protected from splashing, fumes and shock by a sturdy metal housing. An easily interchangeable spare prism set. (optional) ends down tim...
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Use Both REFRACTOMETERS a n d . . .



Bausch & tomb JUICE REFRACTOMETER In field, vineyard, o r c h a r d or grove . . . on plant p r o d u c t i o n lines . . . on-the-spot checking for maturity or quality is easy, quick and accurate with the Bausch & L o m b Juice Refractometer. Here, for the first time, is a hand refractometer that uses either reflected light for clear solutions, or transmitted light for dense, opaque or turbid samples. Quick, direct readings, 0 . 1 % accuracy, with a range of 0 to 2 5 % dissolved solids. Adjustable eyepiece, for individual comfort.













For laboratory quality control . . . for research . . . you get highest-accuracy testing of transparent and opaque liquids and solids, by either transmitted or reflected light, with the B&L "Abbe-56"—the world's finest Abbe-type rejractometer. The illuminated glass scale, with extra-wide field, provides a clear view of three scale numbers at all times. Index range is 1.30 t o 1.71; theoretical accuracy, + . 0 0 0 1 . Scale and all internal mov­ ing parts are protected from splashing, fumes and shock by a sturdy metal housing. An easily interchangeable spare prism set (optional) ends d o w n time. Y o u save time, cut costs and in­ crease o p e r a t o r comfort and efficiency with the B&L " A b b e - 5 6 . "


Bausch & Lomb

for complete information and a d e m o n ­ stration to Bausch & L o m b Optical Co., 6 0 9 - 1 5 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν . Υ.