you'd never expect to find in a recorder priced at only $585'... such as response of 1/3 second full scale, direct drive for quiet operation with no g...
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The tradition of reliability continues...

with significantly enhanced performance in the OmniScribe ® Model D - 5 0 0 0 strip chart recorder

Over the years the OmniScribe name has become synonymous with quality strip chart recorders. Today, the new Houston Instrument OmniScribe D - 5 0 0 0 recorder continues that tradition. It offers the superior performance and reliability you've grown to expect from OmniScribe recorders. Plus an array of features you'd never expect to find in a recorOer priced at only $585"... such as response of 1/3 second full scale, direct drive for quiet operation with no gears to wear, a patented capacitance transducer which eliminates

troublesome slidewires and their inherent problem of noise and wear, repeatability of ± 0 . 1 % . a standard trace interrupt event marker and much much more. Get the complete story on this innovative new strip chart recorder. Contact Instruments & Systems Division of Bausch & Lomb, P.O. Box 15720 Austin, Texas 78761 (512) 835-0900. For rush literature requests, outside Texas, call toll free 1-800531-5205. For technical information ask for operator # 2 .

INSTRUMENTS &SYSTEMS DIVISION Together...we'll create tomorrow. Circle 18 for literature. Circle 19 for literature & rep. contact. ' ! Register Trademark of Houston Instruments US. Suggested Retail Price Only