Whether you're testing alcohols or extra dense flint glasses . . . the versatile. Bausch & Lomb Abbe 3-L Refractometer provides dependable quality con...
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NIEW PRODUCTS Oxy-hydrogen Burner An oxy-hydrogen burner for the com­ bustion analysis of organic materials has been developed by Gulf Research & Development Co. The analytical burner is an improved oxy-hydrogen burner of the Wickbold type. The Wickbold burner, made from quartz, is used in analyzing organic liquids for elements which can be determined in the products of combustion, such as sulfur. The burner is designed to as­ pirate liquids into the oxy-hydrogen flame and pyrohydrolyze or burn solid materials. Fisher Scientific Co., Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 424

The Model 640-0 and 340-D precision analytical balances are for general lab­ oratory use. These 200-gram bal­ ances are digital reading in the range of 0.0000 to 1.1000 grams and are read directly by chain-weight to 0.1 mg. without interpolation. The bal­ ances are of rugged, equal arm design and feature the Micro-Wedge beam which assures precision weighings with minimum maintenance for long periods of time. Additional features include a magnetic damper which is adjustable by means of a calibrated dial from zero damping to over-damp­ ing, a parallax-free indicator, knives and bearings of selected Brazilian agate, and a load controlled suspen­ sion. Voland Corp., 27 Centre Ave., New Rochelle, Ν. Υ. 425 Chromatographic Columns A new line of separable glass chroma­ tographic columns, designated Chromaflex chromatographic columns, features removable fritted disks, extendable column lengths, removable reservoirs, Teflon stopcocks, constant i.d. " O " ring joints, and minimal volumes be­ neath the fritted disks. Kontes Glass Co., 141 Spruce St., Vmeland, N. J. 426


Get top accuracy readings in seconds...for a fraction of a cent per test. W h e t h e r you're testing alcohols or extra dense flint glasses . . . the versatile Bausch & Lomb Abbe 3-L Refractometer provides dependable quality con­ trol over an extended range of N D 1.30 to N D 1.71. And it's 1-2-3 simple too, just " L O A D - L I G H T and L O O K . " Coarse and fine adjustment knobs give instant readings to .0005 (with reliable estimates to .0001) . . . dissolved solids to . 2 % (estimates to . 1 % ) . Production testing a s fast a s every 20 seconds . . . with instrument costs less than 29^ a day! B&L offers you the industry's most complete line of refractometers . . . a s listed in the coupon . . . for precision testing in every index range. M a k e sure you're meeting the standards of purity and concentration you need for quality and profits. Write or mail the coupon for information and on-the-job demonstration, t o help you select just the right _^_ refractometer for your needs. BAUSCH & LOMB ^ ^ ι _ w_,

BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED 60947 Bausch Street Rochester 2, Ν. Υ.

Send me Catalog D-202 containing complete information on: • Abbe 3-L • Precision • Hand • High Range f j Butyro • Juice Abbe 3-L • Industrial • Dipping • I'd like a demonstration of the models checked above. Name, Title Company Street Address . City


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In Canada, write Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.. Ltd..Dept. 60S, Scientific Instrument Division, 16 Grosvenor St.. Toronto 5, Canada Circle No. 24 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 5 , N O . 1 2 , NOVEMBER 1 9 6 3


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