analysis are the questions WHAT and HOW. MUCH. Spectronic"Spectrophotometers aid your search for answers to those questions. Each model in the Spectro...
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The Search for


and How Much ends with Spectronic At the heart of qualitative and quantitative analysis are the questions W H A T and H O W M U C H . Spectronic^Spectrophotometers aid your search for answers to those questions. Each model in the Spectronic family was built to help meet the different needs of different labs at different times. Select the performance you need at a price that's right. S p e c t r o n i c 88 Select from an unsurpassed variety of sampling c a p a b i l i t i e s . Eliminate cuvette matching with micro flow-thru cell and process more than 300 S A M P L E S PER H O U R . Also get direct concentration readout plus best meter readability anywhere. (16 inches of linear absorbance).

Conduct field analyses with this H A N D - H E L D unit that has a 20nm spectral slit w i d t h . Use all kinds of cuvettes. C o m p l e t e with r e c h a r g e a b l e battery.

Find out what made S p e c t r o n i c 20 the M O S T P O P U L A R ever m a d e . M o r e than 100,000 have been bought.

Use up to 100mm path length for sensitive trace analysis. + Simple controls (no dark current adjust) test tube or cell 4- 8nm spectral slit width + Automatic filter insertion

Spectronic 700

Expand selected segments of the standard curve with TWO CONCENTRATION M O D E S . Use m o d u l a r quick-change sampling systems, including m i c r o flow-thru, to process more than 300 samples per hour. Inserts filters automatically. All this, plus built-in UV power supply.

Stability you n e e d for LC M O N I T O R I N G . Special push button to verify instrument setup and check reagent quality a n d standard curve reproducibility. Don't overlook t h e highresolution 2nm spectra] slit w i d t h .

Step into the UV region the solid state way and get the WIDEST WAVELENGTH R A N G E (200-1000nm). Simple to use c o l o r - c o d e d controls a n d digital readout. FOR Q C : Push a button and verity instrument setup, and check reagent quality and standard curve reproducibility.

Digital readout provides stable a n d accurate r e a d ings of K I N E T I C R E A C T I O N S or small changes in c o n c e n t r a t i o n . Pick your own d e c i m a l position. Check out electronic calibration yourself.

S p e c t r o n i c 100

ÎiJifcïiîîBSiiE' A U T O M A T E . Expand Spectronic Spectrophotometers to automated systems with data printer, s a m p l e r for unattended o p e r a t i o n s , diiuter-pipetter for s a m p l e / r e a g e n t d i s p e n s i n g . Lets you identify s a m p l e s , c o n s u m e less reagents, all automatically.

D O U B L E B E A M T O O . Five spectral slit widths to .25nm. Reflectance a n d high scanning speed m o d u l e s . C o u p l e to rec o r d e r for data display. Flow-thru a c c e s s o r i e s available.

For full details, write Bausch & Lomb, Analytical Systems Division, 820 Linden Avenue, Rochester, New York 14625. 1

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The Spectronic series delivers quality in quantity. End your search for what and how much with Spectronic Spectrophotometers.

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