Output options include a data processor, strip chart recorderand a digital readout accessory. Spectronic® Spectrophotometers offer the best price to ...
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Spectronic UV-Visible Spectrophotometers Bausch & Lomb lets you select an instrument with the performance you want, at a price you can afford. Our instruments have proven their value in research and routine testing for Industrial, Clinical and Educational applications. You can choose from more than a dozen models-many offering a wide range sampling capability for test tubes, cylindrical cells and long path cells. Multiple sample compartments and a semiautomatic Micro-Flow-Thru compartment capable of handling up to 300 samples per hour are also available. Output options include a data processor, strip chart recorder and a digital readout accessory. Spectronic* Spectrophotometers offer the best price to quality ratio in the industry. Contact us for more information— you'll see why more people buy Spectronic* Spectrophotometers than any other make.

BAUSCH & LOMB ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS DIVISION R O C H E S T E R , N E W YORK, U . S . A . In Europe: Bausch & Lomb Belgium N.V., Rochesteriaan 6, 8240 Gistel, Belgium CIRCLE 22 ON READER SERVICE CARD

See us at A C H E M A , June 2 0 - 2 6 Frankfurt/Main, Booths B19 & C19-21